D&D 5E People didn't like the Psionic Talent Die


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
You aren't, but you are arguing into to the wind here. To many posters, the fact that 5e is the "most popular ever" edition means that any criticism you might have of it is wrong....because it sells the most...and thus any change would only be a negative one.

That is, yet again, another strawman. You can criticize the game all you want. But accept criticism of your own opinion and don't whine moan and complain that people might disagree with your opinion like you just did. What that user you're responding to said was that the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's "hold no appeal" for him. I am guessing you disagree with that statement as well - you want more crunch, but that is not the same as you saying those two books hold no appeal to you.

I personally believe that the fact that Xanathars is the most popular non-big-3 title actually shows people DO want more crunch and players like yourself and everyone at my table frustrated at the lack of options aren't some strange minority.

You were responding to a guy who had just said Xanathar's HOLDS NO APPEAL for him. Why are you acting like he's asking for more of that, when he's the one saying it's not an appealing book for him. And why were you pushing back on me for saying I think that him not finding appeal in that book makes him the exception?

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I LOVE it when a (Sub)class gets a Dice pool for something cool/Class Mechanic in it. One of my fave parts bout 5E. The Martial Arts Die let's my Monk be awesome at Hand to Hand/Monk weapons to the point where I can +1/+2/+3 the fists via Magic Tattoos as it's weapon upgrades, The Blood Hunter has it's Crimson Rite/Hemocraft to do things, the Bardic Inspiration rocks, etc etc.

So the Psionic Talent Die rocks in that way.


Right. But I am not saying you're "the only" player, nor was I responding to a claim about "who digs new crunch". Plenty of people like more crunch. I am saying the claim that the "entirety of the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide" doesn't "appeal to you" makes you the exception to the rule that people as a generalization do find appeal in both those books. Some people may want more crunch, but extremely few people (the exception) say those books hold no appeal for them.

Oh I get it... My bad, I mispoke... I meant to say that it's not the entirety of those books that appeal to me, only certain parts. So if I only like, say 50% of the subclasses available in one book, I'll run out of content to try faster than someone who likes 99% of them.


Book-Friend, he/him
But what if the next 3 crunch heavy books all sit at the top of the non-big-3 sales charts?

You can't really discuss the merits until you have the data in front of you. Until then it's just conjecture what is "best" for the game.

The current Golden Age of D&D is riding along with an equivalent Golden Age of boardgames. Maybe the massive success of 5e isn't due to some perfect planning by the 5e team but instead a good RPG base design riding a wave of tabletop gaming in general.

I'm can't say what thousand factors go into the 5e boom, but I am willing to wager it's as much external force as it is shrewd D&D tactical release scheduling.

Well, the ones with the marketing research data would be WotC.


That is, yet again, another strawman. You can criticize the game all you want. But accept criticism of your own opinion and don't whine moan and complain that people might disagree with your opinion like you just did. What that user you're responding to said was that the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's "hold no appeal" for him. I am guessing you disagree with that statement as well - you want more crunch, but that is not the same as you saying those two books hold no appeal to you.
So the words you use here just emphasize my point. I wasn't talking to you, but the person who expressed that they wanted more crunch. I posted that I agreed with them but that you can't say that opinion on this forum because you get blasted if you express a wish for more from 5e than you are getting.

To which you reply to me that I am "whining, moaning, and complaining" as an interpretation of what I said.


You were responding to a guy who had just said Xanathar's HOLDS NO APPEAL for him. Why are you acting like he's asking for more of that, when he's the one saying it's not an appealing book for him. And why were you pushing back on me for saying I think that him not finding appeal in that book makes him the exception?

I already adressed this but... some stuff in Xanathar do interest me... but admitedly not enough to drop the 60 CAD for it since I wouldn't be using most if it. I bought the Spellbook Cards because of the spells I had chosen for my Shepperd Druid and then used them for my Melee Feylock...

Let's see.. subclasses in Xanathar I MIGHT like:

The Shepperd Druid was a good one, but I kinda did all I wanted to do with that, still worth mentioning
Maybe the Dream druid if I ever feel like doing a full caster again
Mastermind Rogue
Inquisitive Rogue
Celestial Patron
Ancestral Barbarian
Maybe Zealot Barbarian?
Maybe Storm Barbarian
Sun Soul Monk
College of Swords Bard
Maybe Divine Soul Sorcerer

And that's roughly it... I would have liked the Drunken Master but it doesn't seem to do much, same with the Arcane Archer...

Basically, not enough to justify the price, but enough to be glad my friend buys all the 5e books.


Book-Friend, he/him
I already adressed this but... some stuff in Xanathar do interest me... but admitedly not enough to drop the 60 CAD for it since I wouldn't be using most if it. I bought the Spellbook Cards because of the spells I had chosen for my Shepperd Druid and then used them for my Melee Feylock...

Let's see.. subclasses in Xanathar I MIGHT like:

The Shepperd Druid was a good one, but I kinda did all I wanted to do with that, still worth mentioning
Maybe the Dream druid if I ever feel like doing a full caster again
Mastermind Rogue
Inquisitive Rogue
Celestial Patron
Ancestral Barbarian
Maybe Zealot Barbarian?
Maybe Storm Barbarian
Sun Soul Monk
College of Swords Bard
Maybe Divine Soul Sorcerer

And that's roughly it... I would have liked the Drunken Master but it doesn't seem to do much, same with the Arcane Archer...

Basically, not enough to justify the price, but enough to be glad my friend buys all the 5e books.

Sounds basically like the DM sales focus is working well, then.

Undrave said:
I tried to play a Trickery Cleric and I gave up on that in like a handful of session because it felt like I had no support to offer my party when that what I wanted to bring to the table (despite the concept sounding cool).

As a fellow support player, I can feel the pain. It's kind of bad that your main option almost every round is just to cantrip them into some damage instead of getting to do what you really want to do. I'm tired of saying "I cast sacred flame" at this point.

Sabathius42 said:
You aren't, but you are arguing into to the wind here. To many posters, the fact that 5e is the "most popular ever" edition means that any criticism you might have of it is wrong....because it sells the most...and thus any change would only be a negative one.

I personally believe that the fact that Xanathars is the most popular non-big-3 title actually shows people DO want more crunch and players like yourself and everyone at my table frustrated at the lack of options aren't some strange minority.

When I say I'm tired of playing the same builds, with the same gameplay, and the same mechanics for six years now, people keep telling me to try Pathfinder 2. I find that weird. Not wanting to play the same set of options for six years doesn't mean you want to play a game where you must spend an action to have your shield's bonus to AC and gets to choose a new feat every time you level-up. There must be something in the middle. Another book like Xanathar by now would be a perfectly fine compromise.

Parmandur said:
WotC is putting out options several times a year.

Either you're being very generous with the concept of "putting out options", or that's a very strong statement to make. One that is not getting a lot of support from the many books I've purchased from them.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
So the words you use here just emphasize my point. I wasn't talking to you, but the person who expressed that they wanted more crunch. I posted that I agreed with them but that you can't say that opinion on this forum because you get blasted if you express a wish for more from 5e than you are getting.

To which you reply to me that I am "whining, moaning, and complaining" as an interpretation of what I said.

Yes you were talking to me, and now you're being disingenuous. He said X, I responded to him with Y, he responded to me with Z, and then you quoted Z and referred back to what I had said in Y. To be specific, I responded to him about him wanting more crunch, he responded back to me saying he can't be the only one feeling that way, and you responded to him saying he wasn't the only one feeling that way but "some people here..." and everything past "some people here..." was referring back to my post. And then when I called you on it you played this silly game as if that isn't what just happened that everyone saw happen.

You can post that opinion on this forum, but you also have to deal with people disagreeing with you without whining about people disagreeing with you is something like being blasted. It's a DISCUSSION FORUM. You need to be able to deal with people disagreeing with your opinion without acting like you're some victim if there is dissent from your view.


Small God of the Dozens
There's so much really cool 3PP stuff for 5E that I am completely unconcerned about either WotC's release schedule or the proposed timeline for 'official' psionics. I know some people really don't like 3PP for some reason, but I'm not one of those people. I can't really summon up a lot of sympathy for anyone who says there aren't enough options when I already have so many great options on my shelf that I'll probably never use them all. YMMV I guess, but there is a ton of really awesome material for 5E just waiting for you to go buy it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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