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[pfrpg] follow me into shadows


Sindri gives up his search before finding anything that he can use to burn the swarm. Instead, he stands tall determined to do his best to help his companions survive this. "Jack, I dismiss you! Return to the Icy Wastes until I call you forth again!" Sindri stretches forth his hand and with an abrupt arcane movement of his fingers terminates his bond with Jack.

Jack roars out his frustration and dismay but vanishes from the temple in a swirl of snowflakes. The glowing rune on Sindri's forehead fades and he feels a sudden loneliness. Grimly he readies himself for the battle and begins calling forth creatures from the plane of fire.

Standard: dismiss Jack
Standard: summon monster III to summon forth 1d3 small fire elementals.
Yes, I know it'll take two rounds of actions for Sindri to perform these actions.[/sblock]

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Unless he is convinced that the door won't stop the insects, Angus starts to close the door as soon as Julius runs pass. At the same time he shouts "Someone help me with these doors." in a panicky voice. If he sees any signs of the insects coming though the doorway he will shout "Run for it" and bolt out of the temple. Remembering about the magical path, he will keep on it.


Sindri: are you doing Move actions during those two rounds?


Sindri rushes back to the wagon, searching for something to use against the swarm among the scholar's belongings. He gives up mid-way, however, and dismisses Jack. He begins to summon other creatures, knowin full well these actions will take time.

Angus, at the doors, discerns that he has no idea whether the swarm will be held back by the door. However, he does see that the swarm is coming up the steps very fast, indeed on Julius' heels, and suddenly wishes he were farther from the doorway. He yells "Run for it" And then goes as fast as he can towards the other end of the temple; by this point, I'm afraid, there isn't that far he can go before the swarm overtakes him! ((remember, we're starting this round here; you moved to the door to check it out; then checked it out; then ran for it. That means at most you can go 20 or 30 feet away, much less than the swarm's movement.))

Keepiru and the Archer have the same idea, one throwing his daylight-imbued starknife, the other firing off as many arrows as she can into the mass of hellish insects. The "crawling chaos" is struck well, and thanks to the daylight spell the priest and ranger can see that every single one of their attacks hits a bug. Yet the sheer mass of the target, and the plethora of targets within one target, overwhelm their single-target attacks. The darkness is knocked away around the lone beetle Keepiru hit, until the swarm moves past that area: then the darkness begins to fill the temple.

The scholar and Julius lock eyes as the rogue escapes the tunnel. The two of them start running together, side-by-side, out of the temple.

Julius finds that the only ride was the wagon mule; he could unhitch it from the wagon and hope it takes a rider, or he could keep running.

The scholars eyes lock onto the Gem. It's real! Julius, you must hand that thing to me immediately! Give me the gem!

The swarm moves into the top level of the temple. It is massive, covering so much more area than any groups of spiders or rats you've ever seen in previous adventures. It is an onslaught of crawling horrors, overwhelming you with their incessant chanting in strange, otherworldly voices. The daylight starknife is an orb of light their bodies begin to swallow, and despite the clear day outside the temple you find the area inside filled with darkness.

Angus is quickly overwhelmed by the swarm, being covered by the trillions of hungry mouths tearing at his flesh. ((13 damage))

Keepiru and the Ranger, too, are far too close to the door and are covered by the swarm ((13 damage)), which moves shockingly fast across the ground here.

Ragnor, still dryheaving and trying to thank his friends, finds himself likewise covered ((13 damage)).

Each of those afflicted immediately find the experience both horrifying and nauseating as the swarm covers them and chants strange things into their ears. The suffocation of the swarm, the thousands of mouths consuming them, and now the psychological attack of the voices in your heads is enough to potentially drive you insane! ((please roll Will and Fort saves))

Julius, Singri and the Scholar are outside the temple, by the wagons, but can see the temple filling with darkness and hear the cries of the ranger, if not others in the party.

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[sblock=OOC]I suppose that during his move actions he will continue to search for oil to make fire for use against the swarm. This will certainly make Sindri look panicked as it will look like he can't decide on an effective action. Wouldn't be that far from the truth, lol.

Not sure if you noticed it but Julius tried to break the gem here[/sblock]


First Post
As Angus is overtaken by the swarm he has to fight down his panic before it renders him immobile. Just then he remembers the necklace he found and recalls tails of magic gems that turn into fireballs. Desperate, clutching at straw and with no other options, Angus pulls one of the gems free from the necklace and throw it so that it smashes near the doorway before moving outside.

[sblock=OOC]I'm assuming that at this stage running is no longer an option.
BTW neither me or Angus have actually the foggiest idea what we're doing, we're just winging it.[/sblock]
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First Post
Keepiru attempts to flee from the horrific plague of insects. He regrets losing his blade, wishing he could have it in hand if he is to die this day.

Moving 40' away from the swarm then casting fly, unless I fail these two rolls...

Adding the +2 resistance bonus for protection from evil


Sindri: yeah, it's cool to look over your shoulder to see if the cart has, like, useful objects on it. It has food, blankets, and whatever you lot put on it.

Julius: Remember, he had to get out of there and to the mule, which is a long way to go.
So: do you smash it, or give it to the Scholar?

Ragnor: yeah, failed saves. You're nauseated (ie: only a move action) and overwhelmed psychologically. Roll % for me, will you?

Angus: Yeah, failed saves. You're Nauseated and overwhelmed. HOWEVER you have the option of moving or lobbing that stone: which do you choose?
Please roll %

Keepiru: your fortitude is enough to avoid confusion (so you can act normally; how do you have 40 movement if the Haste spell is gone?), but the trauma of the event threatens your core beliefs. You are overwhelmed! Roll % !!!

Keepiru Re: Ranger-girl: The swarm feasts upon her, and she falls next to Keepiru. Her bow falls from her hands as she attempts to swat the creatures away. While she's not dead, she is very weak: one hand reaches up and clings to Keepiru's hem. She is mute, you remember, as anyone with a voice would have screamed in agony by now (much as Kain had earlier)

I'll wait for your responses before I say what the swarm is doing.

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