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Phyrric Legacy - Shackled City IC Thread


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Hearing Liracor's remark, Jon says, "Be kind to the gnome. I think he is a vicitim in this as well. I am sure he will tell us his horrid tale---once Flannad ensures that the rest of the area is secure." Keeping his place at the bottom of the stair near the soon to be prisoner, he keeps an anxious eye on Flannad as he moves upstairs.

To Ghleve, "Master Gnome, my we utilize some of your manacles to secure this villian?"

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Legildur said:
Flannad whistles in appreciation of a job well done. He immediately looks for Ghelve, and then scouts the remaining rooms while Jon and Liracor deal with the skulk.
After the sounds of the battle have died, the red curtain parts, and Keygan comes cautiously through into the back room. He immediately notices the fallen skulk, and looks immensely relieved. "Thank you," he says as he breathes a sigh of relief. "Finally, we can talk without unfriendly ears listening in."

He doesn't seem to notice that Flannad has slipped away. (See below)

Question said:
Liracor sheathes his blade, and calls the gnome over...."You seemed to know this creature was hiding in the back room?" he askes.
Grimacing, Ghelve replies, "Of course. It, or one of its kind, has been here in my shop, constantly keeping watch over me, for more than three months." He sighs, "Let me tell the whole story."

The locksmith continues, "My shop is built over a secret entrance to a place called Jzadirune. It's a small enclave that was inhabited by gnomish spellcasters, until disaster struck. The enclave was abandoned 75 years ago after a magical plague called the Vanishing swept through it. The disease caused several of Jzadirune's residents to slowly fade away into nothingness. The gnomes couldn't find a cure, so they were forced to abandon their homes and workshops.

"Apparently, Jzadirune is no longer abandoned, because three months ago, I was surprised by a gang of creatures that crept up from below and ambushed me here in my shop. Some of the creatures are like this one," he gestures toward the genderless, hairless, gray-skinned creature on the floor. "They usually come out in pairs or threes, and leave the shop wearing cloaks. Their skin allows them to blend in perfectly with their surroundings. The other type are shorter...sinister gnome-like creatures with pallid skin, large noses, and soft black hooves for feet. They wear black cloaks and cowls that help them hide in the shadows. These tall ones usually carry rapiers or light crossbows. The short ones carry sharp daggers. All of them are vile and nasty creatures.

"Anyway, that dreadfulful night, they overpowered me, and took Starbrow hostage. He's my familiar, my rat. They threatened to kill Starbrow unless I told them everything I knew about Cauldron. Well, once they found out I'd crafted most of the locks in the city, they made me create skeleton keys for them which would open all of my locks. I also had to give them a list of everyone in town to whom I've sold locks in the last ten years. I'm sure you can piece together the rest, with the disappearances and all.

The gnome pleads with sincerity, "Please, you've got to realize I'm not proud of what I've done. I know I put a lot of innocent folks in danger. But I knew they'd hurt me and Starbrow if I didn't cooperate. I know it's a lot to ask, but...do you think you might be able to help us? I can sense Starbrow is somewhere underground, and he's scared and hungry. And, once they find out what happened to this one...well, I can't bear to think what's going to happen to my poor rat."

stonegod said:
Hearing Liracor's remark, Jon says, "Be kind to the gnome. I think he is a vicitim in this as well. I am sure he will tell us his horrid tale---once Flannad ensures that the rest of the area is secure." Keeping his place at the bottom of the stair near the soon to be prisoner, he keeps an anxious eye on Flannad as he moves upstairs.

To Ghleve, "Master Gnome, my we utilize some of your manacles to secure this villian?"

"Oh...yes, of course." Ghelve turns to one of the chests in the middle of the room. He unlocks it with a key from the large keyring in his pocket, bending over somewhat awkardly to do so. He produces a length of chain and a strong-looking lock from the chest, and hands it to Liracor to bind the unconscious skulk. Then he looks on nervously, to see how his rescuers will respond to his story.

Meanwhile, Flannad scouts out the rest of the locksmith's shop. He discovers that the door to the remaining room on the first floor is locked. Then he moves up the staircase, and finds that there are two rooms leading off from the wooden balcony.

The first is a richly appointed bedroom which holds furniture sized for a person of small stature. A coat rack sits by the door, while elsewhere in the room sit a cozy bed with a hand-sewn comforter, a clean bedpan, a chest of drawers at the foot of the bed, a wooden screen with birds painted on its panels, a wardrobe, and a small bookcase with some books and trinkets on it. A lantern sits atop a small end table by the bed.

The second upstairs room is a kitchen that contains all the basic amenities, including a table with an hourglass resting atop it. A fireplace dominates one wall, with pots hanging from hooks on either side. Two cabinets with frosted-glass doors hold dishware and utensils. A half-barrel washbasin stands in the far corner next to a locked pantry.


  • Ghelves 080606 first floor.JPG
    Ghelves 080606 first floor.JPG
    16.3 KB · Views: 61
  • ghelves 080606 second floor.JPG
    ghelves 080606 second floor.JPG
    9.7 KB · Views: 62


First Post
Flannad ignores the kitchen, but his brow furrows as he enters the bedroom. He finds it difficult to reconcile sleeping quarters fit for someone of his own small stature with Ghelve downstairs. He checks behind the small screen and then examines the bookcase and wardrobe (if time permits) (ooc: Spot +7, Seach +8). The young whisper gnome, although ignorant of the conversation below, does not wholly trust a gnome that would make himself large.


First Post
Liracor nods at the Ghelve's story. Starting to bind the unconcious skulk, he remarks "We were pretty lucky. We might never have spotted the skulk due to its natural camoflague. Thats what this creatures is....a skulk, a race of offshoots from humans. Not unlike how Duergar are an offshoot of Dwarves. I suspect it had orders to prevent anyone from poking around in the shop."

Stopping to take a breath, he continues "It seems our course is clear.....we must see to your safety and rescue your familiar to remove the hold these things have over you. They probably have eyes and ears in the town guard, so we cant involve them. Where is the entrance to the underground city?"


First Post
Legildur said:
Flannad ignores the kitchen, but his brow furrows as he enters the bedroom. He finds it difficult to reconcile sleeping quarters fit for someone of his own small stature with Ghelve downstairs. He checks behind the small screen and then examines the bookcase and wardrobe (if time permits) (ooc: Spot +7, Seach +8). The young whisper gnome, although ignorant of the conversation below, does not wholly trust a gnome that would make himself large.

The painted screen is very finely wrought, and quite beautiful. There is nothing behind it, however.

The bookcase holds some mundane books, including a thick volume titled 'Building Better Locks.'

The wardrobe holds Keygan's clothes, including several small vests and three pairs of boots. Interestingly, there are trousers of two differing lengths...some have longer legs, some shorter.


First Post
Malvoisin said:
The bookcase holds some mundane books, including a thick volume titled 'Building Better Locks.'

The wardrobe holds Keygan's clothes, including several small vests and three pairs of boots. Interestingly, there are trousers of two differing lengths...some have longer legs, some shorter.
Flannad wrinkles his nose trying to decipher the meaning of the clothes. 'An imposter?' he muses. He momentarily considers borrowing the tome on locks, but decides its bulk prohibitive. Leaving the bedroom, Flannad makes his way to the kitchen - something about the riddle stirs a memory for him. He searches the stove (and underneath/behind it).


First Post
Legildur said:
Flannad wrinkles his nose trying to decipher the meaning of the clothes. 'An imposter?' he muses. He momentarily considers borrowing the tome on locks, but decides its bulk prohibitive. Leaving the bedroom, Flannad makes his way to the kitchen - something about the riddle stirs a memory for him. He searches the stove (and underneath/behind it).

Flannad notes that nothing appears to be out of place in the kitchen. Apparently, Ghelve is rather fastidious. He makes a thorough examination of the cooking fireplace, but doesn't see anything unusual about or within it.


First Post
Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Arak turns to Bran, producing a gold coin from his purse.

"Friend, let me trade you a good coin for that one."
Bran answers quickly, "This? Well, sure, I can't see why you'd want a counterfeit sovereign, but here you go!" The barkeep flips the fake coin into Arak's outstretched hand and accepts the paladin's genuine coin with a smile.

Land Outcast said:
Precious gold... Half a dwarf...
Remen smiles when Arak leaves, even if it is just for a minute "Dowlee, hold Arak back while I'm at this... or tell him to inquire at... *that* man" and he moves away from *that* man and towards the dwarf...

As the patrons drown themselves on their mugs, Remen catches his rightful ale in his way to the dwarf
"Thanks" -rising his mug- "you sure are up to a card game, ain't you?" as he asks through signs to the barman to bring him a deck. "Remen's the name"

OOC: Does he notice anything strange on the dwarf?
The dwarf sticks out a hand to shake Remen's. "Tyro Amberhelm, pleased to meet you! Sure, why not, I'll play a hand or two. I've got nothing better to do this afternoon."

(OOC: Remen doesn't notice anything unusual about the dwarf.)

Land Outcast

Remen shakes the offered hand and sits down, after shuffling the cards he lets the dwarf cut while he gulps down some of the free beberage. And he offers to game with a friendly pool of five gold, which he places at the middle of the table.

After Tyro places his own bet, Remen deals the cards...

Whenever he has contact with the dwarf's coins, he examines them, are they normal Sovereigns? (not as in fake, but as new or foreign coins)

OOC: Knowledge (local) +4 who is this guy? BTW: I'm not yet done with him
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