Picard season 2 (spoilers maybe unmarked)

Sure, if they'd been administered before or immediately after his death, but Seven doesn't have those anymore. The only available source would be the queen, and trying to reprogram hers to be docile would be a very dicey prospect.
IIRC, it's even harder than that - The Queen also has no nanoprobes anymore, they were removed prior to the festivities that would end with her death. IIRC that was the purpose of storing her in Jurati's lab. That's presumably also why she's limited to cable connections to infiltrate the computer.

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IIRC, it's even harder than that - The Queen also has no nanoprobes anymore, they were removed prior to the festivities that would end with her death. IIRC that was the purpose of storing her in Jurati's lab. That's presumably also why she's limited to cable connections to infiltrate the computer.
That tracks. If she had nanobots, then it wouldn't have been possible to interrupt Jurati's assimilation by pulling the plug - the bots would still be in her system, physically converting her.

On an unrelated note: I totally love the DS9 references, but I think when it comes to heads on a pike, the head of Gul Madred looks like a very good alternative to Gul Dukat... Madred tortured Picard in the original timeline, evil Picard deserved to return that favor...


S2E4 boring filler

So after being crashed in the trees for like a day...now Picard cloaks the ship.

And, oh, it is the ancient Picard lands...all...er....deserted? Is Europe a wasteland or something?

And the fancy 24th century ship can cloak....but can't make heat?

Then Picard zipps off to LA to find not Guinan...sigh.

Why Oh Why does Guinan have a dumb bar named "10" on street "forward". It is NOT like 10 Foward is some syper spcil magic words or anything. Once upon a time for a couple years Guinan had a bar in section 10 forward of a Starfleet Ship. A bar she could not even think of a name for so she like an idiot just called it by it's section "frame" name, 10 forward. And sure in the "future of the future" , like 30+ some years AFTER the 10 forward bar she had for a couple years was destroyed...she, er, moved to Earth and LA and got herself "bar 10" on "forward street".

And now...the show is saying she had the same bar on Earth for like 400+ years? And when she opened it she did the whole "ten forward" thing as she knew 400 some years in the future she would have a bar on a ship in section 10 forward?

And....well, um, why does not Guinan recognize Picard? Other then the real reason that the show makers are not Star Trek fans and just make random sci fi spam stuff? (oh and they can't take five minutes to Goggle "Guinan Star Trek").

And Awesome Fictional ICE deports aliens in less then a day? Wow, that is some great fiction. ICE just "raids all the time" and deports all the aliens in less then a day....wow.

And...er....Raffi and Seven break into a cop SUV at the station? Seems unlikely. Then they steal the cop SUV? Um...sure?

And the Watcher is.....Lars? Or maybe a shapechnger that looks like your one true love?

And Q is...er...doing something, watching a pretty lady....who....Great Ceaser's Ghost is reading a Dixon Hill mystery novel....written by Tracy Tormé (the fictional Tracy Tormé not the real one that worked on TNG and Sliders).

And something happens to Q?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I enjoyed this one.

The punk from STIV (same actor and song, I think?) on the bus was fan service but I giggled. I liked the Guinan stuff, though it was weird that she was at 10 Forward 300 years before.

The one thing that bugged me a little is that there's no fish out of water element to them wandering around in 2024. No "how do you catch a bus?" type stuff--they seem to fit in just fine, even use the lingo (roadkill, etc.), and generally know how everything works. I would struggle to fit into 1950 let alone 300 years ago. And I don't really buy that you because you can fly a spaceship you know how a car works.

So what's going on with Q? Curiouser and curiouser!

Dire Bare

The punk from STIV (same actor and song, I think?) on the bus was fan service but I giggled.

I was just reading about it . . . same actor, same song. In fact, the actor is actually a Star Trek producer and wrote the song for the 1986 movie!

I liked the Guinan stuff, though it was weird that she was at 10 Forward 300 years before.

I was actually kinda expecting the crew to run into Guinan in 2024. The actress playing her doesn't quite match up for me though, at least not yet. One thing that bugged me . . . shouldn't Guinan remember Picard from the two-parter episode "Time's Arrow", when the TNG crew traveled back to 1890's San Francisco?

The one thing that bugged me a little is that there's no fish out of water element to them wandering around in 2024. No "how do you catch a bus?" type stuff--they seem to fit in just fine, even use the lingo (roadkill, etc.), and generally know how everything works. I would struggle to fit into 1950 let alone 300 years ago. And I don't really buy that you because you can fly a spaceship you know how a car works.

To me, it felt like that element was cut for time. Certainly a missed opportunity for some more fun. We certainly got a lot of Raffi and Rios complaining about how awful 2024 is. The car chase, with Raffi and Seven bickering, was fun.


I like the implication Ten Forward on the Enterprise D was named for Guinan’s bar on Earth.

I’m also liking the puzzle-box aspect of this season, which normally irritates me. That can’t really be Laris, can it?

Rios should get his own show. Maybe with Agnes!
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I like the implication Ten Forward on the Enterprise D was named for Guinean’s bar on Earth.
I dislike that, because the name is a reference to it being at the forward part of the tenth level of the Enterprise D.

However El-Aurians have such a unique relationship with the flow of time that it may well be they could get a place name from later in their life stuck in their head in the past. That's my head canon explanation until the show says otherwise.

The one thing that bugged me a little is that there's no fish out of water element to them wandering around in 2024. No "how do you catch a bus?" type stuff--they seem to fit in just fine, even use the lingo (roadkill, etc.), and generally know how everything works. I would struggle to fit into 1950 let alone 300 years ago. And I don't really buy that you because you can fly a spaceship you know how a car works.

The shame is that Star Trek has got us all well primed to expect our Starfleet officers to be somewhat up on 20th and 21st century technology on the flimsiest pretense. I was waiting for the "gee, finally I'm glad I got dragged into playing Tom Paris's autoracing holodeck program" line but it never came!

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