Picard season 2 (spoilers maybe unmarked)

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And the Borg connection. If a Borg Queen is left buried in the vineyard of Chateau Picard, then perhaps it is not so far fetched for Jean Luc's mother to be assimilated.

Not that he would have known at the time. Maybe she just vanished one day and it was assumed that his father had finally gotten too violent with her. But in actual fact she was assimilated and beamed off the planet at some point?

Although that is not satisfactory either. If the Borg had a foothold on earth they should have assimilated it ages before they actually attempted to do so.

It will be interesting to see how this all ties together. Hopefully it will all be satisfactory.

Cheers :)

Yes. Apparently 21st century France doesn’t have radar. Or nosy people with phones.
21st century probably still has radar, but I wouldn't be surprised if even a barely functional 24th (or is 25th already) century ship has some tech or just a hull coating that defeats most regular radar. They might have only picked up a minor blip that could come from a meteor.

Wherever it is Picard actually landed him, he might have reason to believe there isn't anyone that would record the ship so easily.


If the Borg had a foothold on earth they should have assimilated it ages before

Maybe it was only a very small fragment of borg tech?
Well, the Borg Queen does want to restore the timeline, so she can't mess with it too much. But if she buries a 'seed' or Borg tech on Earth in 2024 that will only begin actively assimilating things back in Picard's present-day, that would let her keep all past events intact while still beginning a stealth assimilation of Earth once the time was right.


And the Borg connection. If a Borg Queen is left buried in the vineyard of Chateau Picard, then perhaps it is not so far fetched for Jean Luc's mother to be assimilated.

Not that he would have known at the time. Maybe she just vanished one day and it was assumed that his father had finally gotten too violent with her. But in actual fact she was assimilated and beamed off the planet at some point?

Although that is not satisfactory either. If the Borg had a foothold on earth they should have assimilated it ages before they actually attempted to do so.

It will be interesting to see how this all ties together. Hopefully it will all be satisfactory.

Cheers :)
Or the current Borg Queen is actually Picard's mother, after having been left stranded on Earth during this correction of the timeline?



Well bit of lazy writing after the not really a cliffhanger where Seven does not know her evil husbands name. But she has read at least a couple "offical confederation documents" and would not such things have peoples full names? But sure they just needed to get the "you don't know" question out of the way....but they could have picked something more personal...and "evil", like "who did we kill on our wedding day and drink their blood?"

Then it's time travel to 21st century Earth...where luckily all telescopes, radar and such were destroied in the Eugenic Wars (except that famous one in LA that we see in the establishing shot..wink, wink).

So maybe I missed a bit....but the ship zooms out of the time portal at warp 9...on a heading to directly crash on Earth? Wonder why they did not even try to enter orbit? And...Rios...aims the ship at LA? So...his plan was to kill a couple hundred people? But then Picard knows a place and he crashes there and says it's home? So....um, did they crash in the Picard family estate in France? And no one noticed? No one saw the huge skid mark, burning trees and, oh yea, the spaceship? We do oddly see a shot of the crashed ship not too far from....a city? Villa Picard? If it was LA, I wonder where the "deserted spot for spaceship crash landings" is?

Then once crashed most of the non crew goes crazy and wants to kill the queen? So....if they did, how would they get back to the future?

And, oh no ninja "Star Trek has cool space swords too" guy dies. Never liked him anyway.

So Raffi, with her crazy unhealthy Romulan obsession takes it out on Picard that he is always "playing games with Q" . And sure she is upset her favorite Romulan guy died and she is a horrible person and has a lot of mental problems......but her complaint makes no sense. Picard was never given a choice or had any control over anything. He even refused to play the game......but that does not matter to Q.

And...guess they are in France, as they transport to LA...with a broken transporter. Er, maybe they could have just took a flight?

And as everyone is a broken non Starfleet character, Allison Pill has to do the "don't take any tech with you speech".....well, except your com badges and a tricorder....but no phasers. It would be "too easy" to stun noisy 21st century humans after all.

And Raffi ends up in the LA sanctuary district....that was a nice touch.

And a Rios subplot with a pretty doctor? Makes me wish Picard had more episodes...I could have watched a whole episode of Rios in LA. But then ICE comes in to ruin the day...but is not LA a sanctuary city(the other kind, not the Star Trek kind)? Or is this an evil Confederation like ICE?

And the "assimilation" stuff was ok. But...um...why does Allison connect to the queen by her neck? The brain in most people is up in the head. And if they were connecting to the brain stem...that is in the back of the body.

It was nice that each actor go to act out a human moment or two. I like the Seven face one the best.

So who thinks "The Watcher" will be Uatu....lol, just kidding. Who thinks it will be Guinan? Well....maybe...you would need to do the CGI deaged Guinan...and that might be weird. Though...maybe it is one of Guinan's kids? She has at least two. Maybe it's Gary Seven 2.0?

And hey....anyone else see this epsiode was directed by Lea Thompson? She is one of them life long Trekkies claims to be an expert on Time Travel :)

But she has read at least a couple "offical confederation documents"
Why would she read any official documents? Who has time for that? I didn't see her wading through any official documents.
would not such things have peoples full names
Not unless it was their personnel file. Which would have a security flag attached to it.
"who did we kill on our wedding day and drink their blood?"
Because they are fascists, not demons?
luckily all telescopes, radar
Even without 24th century stealth tech you would be pushed to pick up something that small moving that quickly with 21st century tech. It would pass as a meteorite if it was noticed at all.
So maybe I missed a bit....but the ship zooms out of the time portal at warp 9...on a heading to directly crash on Earth?
Because The Voyage Home has already established that is what happens when you do that manoeuvre.
Rios...aims the ship at LA?
No, the Borg Queen did when she set the course. Again, see The Voyage Home.
Er, maybe they could have just took a flight?
Err, maybe they would have needed passports and 16 hours to spare?
And here i thought you stopped watching because you didn't like it
How can you hate on something if you don't watch it?

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