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Picard Season 3

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Speculation about the future direction of the show: The "Red Woman" is Rachel Garratt, captain of Enterprise C in Yesterday's Enterprise. I don't know why she is red. As a consequence of the encounter with Enterprise D some of the crew of Enterprise C where captured by Romulans. Thus, any of those still alive may hold a grudge against Starfleet/Picard. Any hint that Denise Crosby is in the cast?


New Publisher
I mean, to be fair, Strange New Worlds is literally the best Star Trek since the 1990s, so it's hard to compare anything to it. It's like we came straight in at Season 2 or 3 of a 1990s-era Trek with all the boring episodes cut out and with 2020s era special FX. It's not better than good TNG or DS9, but it's certainly better than middling episodes of those, or even the best stuff from VOY and ENT. Already. In Season 1. Madness I tell you! Hopefully it gets at least 5 seasons (I mean Discovery did and whilst Discovery is sometimes unfairly maligned, it ain't great).
See, I find strange new worlds uninteresting. I don't care about one character. Orville and Discovery were much better.


He has a good reason to hate Picard I hear, but I don't want to spoil anything.
Lets see....oh, bet an easy one a lazy writer could think of would be Shaw had a relative at Wolf 359. And sure he hates Picard forever. And Starfleet has no health care, because you'd think a guy that "felt so bad" would have gotten help.

Though maybe he just had a relative on the Enterprise, one of the hundreds that died.

Or...and I know they won't do this....maybe some Ronulans were "resettled" to Huston where they "peacefully rioted" and slaughtered the whole Shaw family.
Speculation about the future direction of the show: The "Red Woman" is Rachel Garratt, captain of Enterprise C in Yesterday's Enterprise. I don't know why she is red. As a consequence of the encounter with Enterprise D some of the crew of Enterprise C where captured by Romulans. Thus, any of those still alive may hold a grudge against Starfleet/Picard. Any hint that Denise Crosby is in the cast?
Rachel Garratt is red as the Red Angel was red, and they just keep repeating the same things over and over and over again.

Ohhhhh....Rachel Garratt could come back as a borg!

Denise Crosby would be a nice surprise....but could they keep it secret? I'd think it would be all over media....

See, I find strange new worlds uninteresting. I don't care about one character. Orville and Discovery were much better.
Nobody can stop you having completely wild and bananas opinions! Don't let them try! There's always somebody like that in the world of Trek. Always has been. I mean, I've been followed Trek on the net as long as there's been a net, and there were always people who said (and these are all approximate quotes from messageboards I used to visit):

"TNG sucks ass, TOS was so much better!" (Used to be a common opinion, even)

"Picard is a dumb loser wimp who sucks."

"Babylon 5 is a stupid rip-off of DS9"

"DS9 is THE WORST omg it's so dumb it's set on a station not a ship!"

"VOY is obviously just straight-up better than most of TNG and all of DS9! These writers really get it!"

"Paris is one of the best characters Trek has ever had!"/"Seven of Nine is the worst Trek character ever!"/"Neelix and Kes' relationship is beautiful and not at all creepy you monsters!"

I almost respect it, and I certainly expect it. I'd be disappointed if someone didn't have a truly bananas opinion on Trek quality. 🖖

Discovery is profoundly "mid", I would offer. It peaked in S2, and no coincidence that featured both the SNW characters and the best Disco characters the most. The Orville is a weird one. The big problem with it was that people started claiming it was good way before it actually was good. The first season is not great. It's decent, but not actually better than really anything, Trek-wise, and it's full of terribly Family Guy-style 20th century (not even 21st century!) pop-culture puns and references, some so ancient that I had to check how old Seth MacFarlane was. Turns out he's only 5 years older than me, so a very young Gen Xer, and just inexplicably has the musical and pop culture tastes of a particularly old Boomer. Season 2 on the other hand it matures into a genuinely good show, and season 3, as they cut down the humour even further (though there's still some really dumb stuff, and not in a good way), it actually fully turns into a good Star Trek show - indeed a Star Trek show arguably a little more committed to the ideals of the Federation than any Trek other than series-era TNG has been (the movies were less committed). The time-travel episode is particularly impressive on that front. So if Orville gets a season 4 and keeps improving at this rate, maybe it will be better than SNW (if SNW doesn't also improve). However I suspect there is no S4 for Orville.

Actually, Chapel and Uhurah (sp?) are interesting mostly
Those two are both absolutely great, but honestly I don't think there's even one miss in the entire main cast of SNW.

Dr M'Benga is the weakest (though still solid) I'd say because Babs just loves to chew up the scenery just a wee bit more than is actually needed. If they can get him to chill on that a bit in S2 he'll be great though, and he does have some really emotional moments in S1. Ortegas and Pike are just off the hook (really did not expect that with Ortegas) and Spock is the best Spock since Spock #1 (even if he's a different Spock).

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