Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?


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Morkus from Orkus
Look up the original text and make a list with it to prove someone on here is wrong yet again... or do some more genealogy things with the Blues Brothers on in the background?

I might actually make the right choice this time!

Edit: Is the Penguin secretly a jedi?


Morkus from Orkus
Eh ... I think that the term is so inherently gendered that it's difficult to do.

It's similar to saying, "Look, you can call any guy a 'Karen,' so what's the big deal?"

eta- apologies to people actually named Karen.
The term Karen is having a negative affect on women named Karen who don't deserve the negativity.



Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I had a desire to reread the Fu Manchu stories and other "Yellow Peril" stories of Fu Manchu clones (although most of them are pure racist trash, without the nuance that exists in the original). I have the Sax Rohmer stories in paperback from a series done in the 60s, but it occurred to me to look for pdfs of the originals; after all, most of them were printed in the early 20th century -- surely someone has scanned the Public Domain original stories with the art and put them online on a fan site or something.

Not only is that not true, most of the old pulp sites I used to frequent, where people would post scans of stories from their own pulps, have dropped offline. It's very sad. There are some great ideas raised in some of the stories, that I've used for great gaming moments.


I had a desire to reread the Fu Manchu stories and other "Yellow Peril" stories of Fu Manchu clones (although most of them are pure racist trash, without the nuance that exists in the original). I have the Sax Rohmer stories in paperback from a series done in the 60s, but it occurred to me to look for pdfs of the originals; after all, most of them were printed in the early 20th century -- surely someone has scanned the Public Domain original stories with the art and put them online on a fan site or something.

Not only is that not true, most of the old pulp sites I used to frequent, where people would post scans of stories from their own pulps, have dropped offline. It's very sad. There are some great ideas raised in some of the stories, that I've used for great gaming moments.
Todd Downing does some of what most people would call Dieselpunk (he says 'Decopunk') stories, in a 1920s world that might have been, if we'd made fewer mistakes. Modern take on the old Pulp themes. For example, no "Yellow Peril." His big bad is Aleister Crowley. They might fill the gap for you. I don't just say it because a character with my name appears in his final "Airship Daedalus" novel. (We became friends after I started reading his books.) He even produced some radio dramas based on the first couple of books (complete with 'secret decoder ring' style spots) and you can listen to them online. Scroll toward the bottom of the page.



Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
They might fill the gap for you.
I guess I'm not surprised it didn't happen, but I really feel like someone could have rebooted Fu Manchu to modern sensibilities: here's a brilliant doctor and scientist who was a regular genius until the British military responses to the Boxer Rebellion killed his innocent wife and child, and as a result he dedicated his considerable genius to bringing down the British Empire and all of the others of the Eight Nation Alliance that dominated China at the time. Tell me you couldn't do something great with that. And it's all canon.
I don't just say it because a character with my name appears in his final "Airship Daedalus" novel.
It's not the only reason, but it is one, huh. :D
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