D&D 5E Planar Ally is it the most powerful conjuration spell in the game? How do you run it?


The 3e version of the spell specifically summons the ally from your deity, UNLESS the cleric has no deity, it which comes from a being that aligns with the clerics philosophy instead.

This actually explains why the 5e spell is written the way it is. Its easy to forget that some clerics (abit not ones in FR), don't worship Gods at all, so being able to ask help from other cosmic beings instead of a God makes sense for them. You could even expand this logic to Clerics of deities, who turn to cosmic allies of a God for specialized help.

So mystery solved.

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No constration needed, it can last just about forever if you have the gold income for it, no CR limit, it can summon any CR Celestial, Fiend, or Elemental. You can not only ask your deity for the Planar Ally, but also other cosmic beings like Primordials, Demon Princes, Archdevils, Celestial Paragons, Solars, Empyreal Titans, Archelementals, what ever super powered Succubi are called, Utraloths, Slaadi Lords, Primus, The Dark Powers of Ravenloft, Far Realmsian Old Ones, Elder Evils, powerful Primal Spirits, and the Cosmic being can't say no, but they can send you something weak I guess. Plus you can request a Planar Ally by name (this is the real value of the Arcana and Religion skills).

So how do you handle Planar Ally, what do you allow to be summoned?

And is it over powered compared to the conjure animals/fey/woodland creatures/minor elementals/Elementals/Celestials?

It seems swingy depending on ones DM I wish they'd given more guidance with it.

Also I find it funny that the Cleric/Favoured Soul can summon fiends like demons, succubi, devils, yugoloths, and so on, but the Conjurer Wizard can't, plus can summon elementals safer (conjure elemental is dangerous). Conjure Celestial is still valuable, it's cheaper.
The Super Powered Succubi are called Greater Succubi. Book of Erotic Fantasy.


The Super Powered Succubi are called Greater Succubi. Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Book of Erotic Fantasy is not an official D&D book sadly.

Although 3.5e had Lilitu (Demon) and Brachina (Devil) that were basically Greater Succubi, but they have not been updated for 5e yet sadly.


Book of Erotic Fantasy is not an official D&D book sadly.

Although 3.5e had Lilitu (Demon) and Brachina (Devil) that were basically Greater Succubi, but they have not been updated for 5e yet sadly.
Eh it's still 3.5 Edition so ya can use it for lore/flavoring.

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