D&D 5E Planescape, Bigby, Phandelver and the Deck of Many Things: Covers & Details Revealed!

The covers of the upcoming D&D books — including Planescape, Glory of the Giants, and the Deck of Many Things have been revealed.

  • August 15th -- Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants ($59.95)
  • August 15th -- The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons ($39.95)
  • September 19th -- Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk ($59.95)
  • October 16th -- Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse ($TBA)
  • November 14th -- Book of Many Things ($TBA)



Coming August 15th with two variants. Lore about giants, 76 stat blocks, feats, and a giant subclass.


3 hardcovers in a boxed set-- 96 page guide to Sigil, 64-page bestiary, and 96-page adventure, along with a poster map and DM screen. Coming October 16th.


224-page adventure for levels 1-12, poster map, 16 new monsters. Coming September 19th.


66 illustrated cards, 192-page book with lore, character options, magic items, and monsters, 80-page card reference guide, all in a slipcase. Coming November 14th.​


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Agree 110%, its a mix of too short page count with the adventure eating a huge amount of space.

Note WotC stop putting adventures into setting products, its coming at major expense of the setting. Even 4e knew not to do this.
I disagree. While I love reading the settings, the amount of detail rarely matters. Plus, I can read a lot free on line, or buy dmsguild products. But the adventure, assuming it's good, is always useful.

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I think a lot of us are just burnt out that WotC doesn't do good world building* anymore. Spelljammer was a huge let down, no matter how good the tie in adventure is, it doesn't make up for the fact that the campaign setting is missing the setting.

My thought remains if WotC is going to be bad at world building, just don't do it. A 296 page Spelljammer or Planescape adventure would given a better setting introduction then a 64 page booklet in a slip case. Even though Forgotten Realms had the anemic Sword Coast Adventure's guide, FR is likely better developed through the various adventures than the 'campaign setting'.

So high hopes for Planescape, but concerned that 96 pages isn't a lot, especially since it is quite unlikely that they will ever release more follow up Planescape books. Hopefully a new manual of the planes, maybe, someday?

*with the exception of Eberron, &c. Keith Baker doesn't get enough credit or WotC contracts for that matter.

The price is now $82cad on amazon.ca

If there us not a huge sale between now and its release WotC can go to the Abyss, there will be very few products I buy from them going forward.

I'm already done with MtG pretty much after recking Theros in MOM, if the greed continues, it looks like there will be very few D&D products I buy. Probably mostly FR & DL novels.

I mean I've been increasingly disguisted over the years with most (but not all WotC products), of their products.

If I buy 5e products after this it'll probably be for Midguard/Southlands 3rd party setting. Just wish they made novels for the setting.

Its becoming clear WotC wants whales for customers the rest of us are unwanted.

I think a lot of us are just burnt out that WotC doesn't do good world building* anymore. Spelljammer was a huge let down, no matter how good the tie in adventure is, it doesn't make up for the fact that the campaign setting is missing the setting.

My thought remains if WotC is going to be bad at world building, just don't do it. A 296 page Spelljammer or Planescape adventure would given a better setting introduction then a 64 page booklet in a slip case. Even though Forgotten Realms had the anemic Sword Coast Adventure's guide, FR is likely better developed through the various adventures than the 'campaign setting'.

So high hopes for Planescape, but concerned that 96 pages isn't a lot, especially since it is quite unlikely that they will ever release more follow up Planescape books. Hopefully a new manual of the planes, maybe, someday?

*with the exception of Eberron, &c. Keith Baker doesn't get enough credit or WotC contracts for that matter.
I don’t agree, Spelljammer was too short I agree, but it’s getting more pages for a reason.

The price is now $82cad on amazon.ca

If there us not a huge sale between now and its release WotC can go to the Abyss, there will be very few products I buy from them going forward.

I'm already done with MtG pretty much after recking Theros in MOM, if the greed continues, it looks like there will be very few D&D products I buy. Probably mostly FR & DL novels.

I mean I've been increasingly disguisted over the years with most (but not all WotC products), of their products.

If I buy 5e products after this it'll probably be for Midguard/Southlands 3rd party setting. Just wish they made novels for the setting.

Its becoming clear WotC wants whales for customers the rest of us are unwanted.
They already said prices were increasing for the physical releases.

The price is now $82cad on amazon.ca

If there us not a huge sale between now and its release WotC can go to the Abyss, there will be very few products I buy from them going forward.

I'm already done with MtG pretty much after recking Theros in MOM, if the greed continues, it looks like there will be very few D&D products I buy. Probably mostly FR & DL novels.

I mean I've been increasingly disguisted over the years with most (but not all WotC products), of their products.

If I buy 5e products after this it'll probably be for Midguard/Southlands 3rd party setting. Just wish they made novels for the setting.

Its becoming clear WotC wants whales for customers the rest of us are unwanted.
I mean, the Amazon price will come down fast enough, for sure. $1 USD in 2014 is $1.28 today, so this price increase isn't even keeping pace. Hardly whale material.

Its becoming clear WotC wants whales for customers the rest of us are unwanted.
if you think a whale is someone spending 70 bucks on something every two months or so, you are very mistaken.

As to buying the product, if $70 is too much, wait for the $40 sale a few months down the line or buy the $30 digital version ($20 if you wait for that…) - or skip it altogether if you are not interested, no one is expected to (let alone required to) buy every D&D product on the day of release, not that WotC would complain if you did

I wonder if they’ll advance Sigil’s timeline 100 years to keep up with the Realms. I know it’s the Outer Planes and some folks will say time works differently. Well, yes, it can work differently but throughout 2E the campaign settings and Planescape pretty much ticked along at the same yearly pace. I know different worlds have a slightly different amount of days per year but this was largely hand-waived. (Because most D&D settings are Earth-like analogues with a similar number of days, I've always said that 1 year on Sigil equals “1 year on a D&D world” whether it be Toril, Oerth or Krynn.)

But it would be interesting to hear what has been happening on Sigil and the planes in those 100 years. For example, how did the Spellplague effect things? I understand everything is being reset - ie. we’re going back to the Great Wheel cosmology, we’re going back to Grey-box era Realms (albeit 100 years has advanced) - but it would still be nice to get some brief details.

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