D&D (2024) Playtest 7 survey is now live.

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Morkus from Orkus
"Lesser of two evils" is a inaccurate platitude in this case, from either vantage point, as there is no evil present.
Sure, that's why I put evil In "" like that. It wasn't my word.
I believe in incremental change. Most players are not participating in the playtest and aren't following the conversations around it. The confusion we see in greater social media, and even these forums proves that. Implementing no change at all suggests to those people that the designers don't see the problem or are ignoring it. It is better to replace a bad rule with a less bad rule that gets enough approval in the polls and comments. There are no perfect rules to wait for. Not everyone will be happy with every rule or change.
If it's not good enough, then you should not mislead WotC by being satisfied with it. You need to be dissatisfied with it in order to let them know that they need to improve it further in a future book. If you mislead them, you're stuck with it because they aren't going to know for a long time that it is really a failed "Improvement" and needs more attention. In the mean time a lot of other things are put on the burner in front of it.

"Lesser evil," "Less bad," if you approve what you believe is a less bad rule, then you are getting what you are asking for. Bad rules. I don't want bad rules, so I will never vote satisfied with one.


Morkus from Orkus
There is also the platitude: "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." Accepting nothing less than perfection often gives you nothing.
This is a Strawman. I never said perfect. Nor do I require perfect. I require "Not bad." If a rule is bad, even if it's an "improvement," I will not vote for it.


If it's not good enough, then you should not mislead WotC by being satisfied with it. You need to be dissatisfied with it in order to let them know that they need to improve it further in a future book.
if you are dissatisfied, they keep the 2014 version, catch 22


Morkus from Orkus
if you are dissatisfied, they keep the 2014 version, catch 22
No. If I am dissatisfied they just don't change it in the 2024 PHB. They have shown repeatedly that they are willing to change the core rules, subclasses, abilities, monsters, etc. in future books. That won't happen if we tell them everything is hunky dory with something we really don't like, but is an incremental improvement.


No. If I am dissatisfied they just don't change it in the 2024 PHB. They have shown repeatedly that they are willing to change the core rules, subclasses, abilities, monsters, etc. in future books. That won't happen if we tell them everything is hunky dory with something we really don't like, but is an incremental improvement.
So your premise is they will change something once, either now or later, depending on feedback, but then not change it again in 2024's version of Xanatahars? There are no incremental changes? I am not sure the 2014 progression agrees with that


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I've never believed in voting for the lesser of two evils. 1) you are guaranteed to get evil that way, and 2) you are approving of evil.

People should not vote satisfied if something is an improvement, but not something that they want, because they are guaranteeing "evil" and nothing to replace it. At least if they vote dissatisfied and it stays the 2014 version, WotC would know that it still needs changing and could work on a better replacement for a splatbook. They've shown with Tasha's and other books that they are open to making changes to improve items that need improving in later books. Better to keep things the same and work towards a real improvement and not one that's a bit better, but still bad.
It's not that kind of vote. You vote satisfied to tell them you approve of the general improvement concept, and then you use your comments section to tell them what would be even better. I am saying if you vote not satisfied, you're saying go back to the 2014 version no matter what's in the comments because they won't proceed without at least around 70% saying satisfied. With a satisfied but not very satisfied vote, they will read your comments and may make it even better.

Given that, a satisfied vote is your best bet if you think it was an improvement.

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