Respectfully, I disagree. I don't see the need for the enhancements otherwise.a few pages of character variant options doesn't suggest a 5.5 or a 6E, to my mind.
Respectfully, I disagree. I don't see the need for the enhancements otherwise.a few pages of character variant options doesn't suggest a 5.5 or a 6E, to my mind.
Respectfully, I disagree. I don't see the need for the enhancements otherwise.
Respectfully, I disagree. I don't see the need for the enhancements otherwise.
If you read the reactions to the UA in that post, people seem pretty happy with the additions. They're inclusion also doesn't turn 5E into "5.5E." I'm not even sure what that means; that one UA doc doth not a new edition make.
To me, it's one of three things;
1. Re-released PHB, that incorporates these changes into a re-printing. I really doubt it is this because it will make people confused and talk about "Is this 5.5?" but it is also not unprecedented in game systems. Hey, Tyranny of Dragons just happened too.
2. It's a new Xanathar's Guide. This is the likeliest to me, because although what we've seen so far only points to 35 pages (not including art), this is what we've gotten so far. There can be more material that they're confident it, or even more UAs down the line.
And more than half of Xanathar's was tools for the DM, not the players.
3. It's a setting book. This is possible, but this material is a lot more generic and pointed to any game as opposed to a specific setting's game. And I think the main point of a setting book is, well the setting and not the player options (unless the player options are specifically tailored to the setting, which these aren't really).
So I'm thinking this is a Xanathar's, though it will obviously be called something else. I could very easily see it called something like Chandra's Planeswalker's Playbook (or some other person or whatever), integrating more generic rules on how to be a planeswalker and play in Magic the Gathering settings more generally. Maybe provide fluff for how the MtG planes fit within D&D's cosmology. Not really a setting book, not entirely a player's book either (you know, like Xanathar's).
If you read the reactions to the UA in that post, people seem pretty happy with the additions. They're inclusion also doesn't turn 5E into "5.5E." I'm not even sure what that means; that one UA doc doth not a new edition make.
To me, it's one of three things;
1. Re-released PHB, that incorporates these changes into a re-printing. I really doubt it is this because it will make people confused and talk about "Is this 5.5?" but it is also not unprecedented in game systems. Hey, Tyranny of Dragons just happened too.
2. It's a new Xanathar's Guide. This is the likeliest to me, because although what we've seen so far only points to 35 pages (not including art), this is what we've gotten so far. There can be more material that they're confident it, or even more UAs down the line.
And more than half of Xanathar's was tools for the DM, not the players.
3. It's a setting book. This is possible, but this material is a lot more generic and pointed to any game as opposed to a specific setting's game. And I think the main point of a setting book is, well the setting and not the player options (unless the player options are specifically tailored to the setting, which these aren't really).
So I'm thinking this is a Xanathar's, though it will obviously be called something else. I could very easily see it called something like Chandra's Planeswalker's Playbook (or some other person or whatever), integrating more generic rules on how to be a planeswalker and play in Magic the Gathering settings more generally. Maybe provide fluff for how the MtG planes fit within D&D's cosmology. Not really a setting book, not entirely a player's book either (you know, like Xanathar's).
1. I'm not sure this would cause that much confusion, and would ultimately amount to a 5.1 version that is auto distributed to several million users via DDB in the same way this line was added to the DDB and newer PHBs for the Ranger Beast Master"You can use your action to verbally command it to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, or Help action. If you don't issue a command, the beast takes the Dodge action." That change may have been a test to see if those types of changes would cause confusion. Perhaps these will push the idea of live updating the game one step further. I believe that is the endgame with this edition, to change incrementally over the years while staying fully compatible with OG5e, which these rules do.
2. I think this would be the second best choice, especially combined with the other recent sub-class UAs, but why not also print the PC options in new PHBs? I didn't list that as a choice in the poll, but maybe should have. Love the idea that the next book could be Chadra's Planeswalker's, and agree that this would be a good way to introduce these alternate rules.
3. I think this is the least likely unless Chadra's is also a setting guide which could make a lot of sense. Half Players book, half DMs book.
The main reason not to print the new options in the PHB is that it would increase the page count considerably (because they would need to add more than 13 pages to get 13 pages in), and make all the bazillions of PHBs they already released worthless: not going to happen, same reason all new PHBs still have the awful index.
13 pages or a UA pdf may be more or less when added to an actual book (there's font sizes and other formatting involved), so it gets even more complex than just errata. Regardless that's still more pages—and all of this wouldn't be stck at the end of the book, class features would got to the appropriate class section. Which mean text overflow and necessitates redoing the layout for the entire book (which is alot of work).
No, this ins't going into a revised PHB, this is definitely a Xanathar's-like supplement.
The main reason not to print the new options in the PHB is that it would increase the page count considerably (because they would need to add more than 13 pages to get 13 pages in), and make all the bazillions of PHBs they already released worthless: not going to happen, same reason all new PHBs still have the awful index.