D&D 5E Polymorph is a bad de-buff spell


I'm studying in prep to run a night hag coven and thought I should polymorph the party's fighter (turning him into a toad seems thematically appropriate.)
But all that needs to happen, basically, is a party member swats the frog, does some minor damage to kill it, and the spell is broken.
It seems like Hold Person is a better spell for taking out a combatant, and it's lower level.
With easy ways around spells, saves at the end of every turn to get rid of bad conditions, it seems 5e enemy casters are very lousy.

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It's not great as a debuff, but it has it's uses. I would totally polymorph the fighter. But I'd wait until he was close, so one of the hags could pick him up or something. Make it harder for the party to just hit him to break the spell. And even if they do, it has hopefully used up two characters turns (the fighter, hopefully, and whoever hits him).
5e enemy casters are just as powerful as PC casters. For Hold Person, you could cast it at a higher level to hit multiple characters. Even just sitting out one round can swing a battle. Or at least make it feel more threatening to the players.


So turn him into something big but not dangerous like a slow moving ooze or shark (in the desert) something less threatening than the fighter but with some HP.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Another ''good'' option, if you want to use hags as devious, plotting creatures instead of BBEG that fights toe-to-toe with the party, is to polymorph a player into a small creatures that doesnt have a swim speed and cant breath under water, then drop him in a pond or fish tank, whatever. Drowning in 5e can kill you but doest deal damage, so it would revert the spell :p


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm studying in prep to run a night hag coven and thought I should polymorph the party's fighter (turning him into a toad seems thematically appropriate.)
But all that needs to happen, basically, is a party member swats the frog, does some minor damage to kill it, and the spell is broken.
It seems like Hold Person is a better spell for taking out a combatant, and it's lower level.
With easy ways around spells, saves at the end of every turn to get rid of bad conditions, it seems 5e enemy casters are very lousy.

If the party understands the limitations of polymorph, sure. If you don't have anyone who can cast it, just describe the hag gesturign and sayign a word and the fighter turns into a toad. Does someone possibly waste their action attacking it?

Or you can turn it into something with lots of HPs but little ability to affect the battle, like some sort of big fish.

Also Hold Person allows a save every round, so it often may be on par with the fighter losing an action and then someone else losing an action to break the polymorph. Upcasting it though to catch many is where it's nice.


If you polymorph someone into a very tiny creature, their allies need to identify that you've done so. They could use their reaction to identify the spell, they might have strong enough perception to see that there was a tiny creature left over, etc... but they do not automatically know what happened to the PC.

Second, creative choices for the form can cause more chaos. So can readily prepared allies. A goblin in a 10th level fight is a joke... until hecswoops up the polymorphed fighter and flees.


With polymorph you replace the fighter's mental attributes with those of a toad. What would a toad do when suddenly confronted by a noisy fight between much larger beings? I think it would hop away for cover, assuming that it was not somehow stuck inside the armor and clothing the fighter was wearing. If so the other players might think poor fighter was disintegrated, which would be a sneaky trick for the hags to do.


Magic Wordsmith
With polymorph you replace the fighter's mental attributes with those of a toad. What would a toad do when suddenly confronted by a noisy fight between much larger beings? I think it would hop away for cover, assuming that it was not somehow stuck inside the armor and clothing the fighter was wearing. If so the other players might think poor fighter was disintegrated, which would be a sneaky trick for the hags to do.

The character retains his or her alignment and personality and, since mental ability scores have no meaningful effect on what the player chooses to do unless the player decides they do, the player ultimately decides what the toad will do which could reasonably include impaling itself on the nearest ally's sword so as to end the spell.

If the battle takes place on land, I agree with the idea proposed upthread - a shark. Or really any creature that has a substantial amount of hit points and 0 feet speed on land. A giant sea horse would be really very funny but a killer whale has a lot of hit points to chew through. Plus think of all the "Free Willy" jokes!


Without too many spoilers, this is an encounter in an official published adventure, in a dungeon that isn't easily escaped by heroes or villains (even magically). The default assumption is "try to defeat the heroes" not create an interesting story opportunity.
The coven does have the ability to cast several high powered lightning bolts. That might be the best way to challenge them while staying with the adventure theme.

Voidrunner's Codex

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