Rando Recommendations: What Pop Culture Thing Do You Recommend (Not Geek Media)

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I guess I'll throw this out there, although it's not a tv show per se...

On Youtube there's a channel called The Charismatic Voice. In addition to videos on how to sing, vocal analysis videos, and interviews with singers, the lady (Elizabeth Zharoff, a trained opera singer) also does reaction videos to music.
Not only does this woman know what she's talking about as far as singing, but she is ridiculously cute and absolutely frakkin' hilarious to watch: she has the most expressive face you've ever seen, and her reactions are priceless.
Sometimes she bounces up and down in her chair and flails her arms, and often goes off into a full geek-spiral about something while still masterfully explaining what she just found so fascinating.

(On a side note, she also plays D&D...) :cool:


I guess I'll throw this out there, although it's not a tv show per se...

On Youtube there's a channel called The Charismatic Voice. In addition to videos on how to sing, vocal analysis videos, and interviews with singers, the lady (Elizabeth Zharoff, a trained opera singer) also does reaction videos to music.
Not only does this woman know what she's talking about as far as singing, but she is ridiculously cute and absolutely frakkin' hilarious to watch: she has the most expressive face you've ever seen, and her reactions are priceless.
Sometimes she bounces up and down in her chair and flails her arms, and often goes off into a full geek-spiral about something while still masterfully explaining what she just found so fascinating.

(On a side note, she also plays D&D...) :cool:
She is fun to watch. It is clear that she loves music. And her tea time interviews are top notch. Shee really connects with the interviewee and they can Geek out.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Cobra Kai. In what's sort of an apotheosis of 80s nostalgia TV (making a sequel to The Karate Kid movies... with the original cast) they actually do a good job building the characters, making Johnny less of a villain and Daniel less of a hero and even making Kreese credible, and setting up a new bunch of teenagers to do the martial arts thing. (I'd argue there are even a few somewhat-subversive points in the early seasons, but I'm told Netflix overturns them in the last season.)


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I guess I'll throw this out there, although it's not a tv show per se...

On Youtube there's a channel called The Charismatic Voice. In addition to videos on how to sing, vocal analysis videos, and interviews with singers, the lady (Elizabeth Zharoff, a trained opera singer) also does reaction videos to music.
Zharoff is excellent. I don't watch all of her stuff, but certainly some.

I never expected to get into the Reaction Video YouTube genre, but for music specifically it can be a lot of fun to watch someone experience and respond to a song you love for the very first time. It's kind of like introducing a friend to music, except that the reactor is (usually) more focused, and often has some music training and puts some work into understanding and articulating what they get out of it. And you can watch it while you're on the elliptical or driving in to work. :ROFLMAO:

It's certainly not AS good as introducing an actual friend to a song and having them geek out over it WITH you, but those experiences are sadly hard to come by for most of us, with adult schedules and lives.

My other top channels in this genre are probably College Students React (Andy & Alex), two younger guys who are also hobbyist musicians and have the vocabulary and critical ears to notice and articulate a lot of details, and Lost in Vegas, a couple of guys (George and Ryan) primarily coming to rock and metal music from a hip hop fan background. Some of my love for the latter may be linked to the fact that they love Black Sabbath and Alice in Chains as much as I do. The first vid of theirs I ever saw was them hearing War Pigs for the very first time and absolutely losing their minds over it, especially Bill Ward's epic drumming. Their BS and AiC reactions are something I can pull up any time I have ten or twenty minutes to spare and need a smile. Oh, and Ixi Music, which is a newer channel which started out just doing deep dives into Nine Inch Nails, but has branched out a bit since. Ixi gets deep into the sauce of the chord progressions, changes and songwriting.

Closely related is Rick Beato's channel, where you can watch a professional musician break down a ton of classic songs (like in his What Makes This Song Great? series), some of them using isolated tracks he's been able to obtain thanks to industry/producer connections.


Staff member
Closely related is Rick Beato's channel, where you can watch a professional musician break down a ton of classic songs (like in his What Makes This Song Great? series), some of them using isolated tracks he's been able to obtain thanks to industry/producer connections.
Great channel!


Physical on Apple TV. Watched the first episode. Stunned and fascinated. I can't say more without spoiling the episode. Adult life themes.


I recommend The World According To Jeff Goldblum on Disney+. They had an episode where he talked to a guy that travels around looking for old denim at abandoned mining locations and sells it to collectors.


I am the mysterious professor.
I've enjoyed a Hulu series called Dollface. It stars Kat Dennings. It's a sitcom for mature audiences. Season 2 just premiered recently. The season 1 finale was Wizard of Oz themed and I thought it was clever.

Voidrunner's Codex

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