Ravnica Table of Contents & More

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Naked and living in a barrel
Yet they have been clear from word go that this book is not a Magic book at all. No advertisement to the contrary, unless you have seen something I haven't.

Yes. I've seen Ravnica as part of the MtG universe since 2005. True story. It is, in part, why they used it instead of some new setting build from scratch. If you can't wrap you hear around Ravnica being part of the MtG universe, I can't help you and you'll just have to live in denial.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Zendikar is basically DnD in MtG, though I guess it was different enough to warrant a setting book outside of a planeshift document or maybe it wasn't chosen because it has a planeshift document.
In the intro to the Planeshift: Dominara booklet, Wyatt says that he considers Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica to be the Planeshift document. They chose to work on it because it is the current M:tG,and seemed different enough to warrant a full book.


Yes. I've seen Ravnica as part of the MtG universe since 2005. True story. It is, in part, why they used it instead of some new setting build from scratch. If you can't wrap you hear around Ravnica being part of the MtG universe, I can't help you and you'll just have to live in denial.
In MtG, Ravnica is part of the MtG multiverse. In DnD, it is part of the DnD multiverse. If you can't wrap your head around that, I cant help you and you'll just have to live in denial.


Naked and living in a barrel

They could put out HORRIBLE settings for the next five years, and we (my group and everyone I anecdotally know) would still have fun and play 5th edition.

I understood (didn't agree) your distaste for Ravnica, but 5e being a waste I do not understand.

There is not much worth spending the money and time on the edition. It doesn't bring much of anything new to the table and doesn't justify its existence aside from not being 4e. The rules are pretty much 3.x, but lighter. If you do not mind meatier rules, why bother with another version of the fighter, or the wizards, or mind flayers, or flaming sword, or a FR setting that isn't much of a setting anymore, or a MtG setting that doesn't contain much MtG? The APs aren't certainly a draw.


Zendikar is basically DnD in MtG, though I guess it was different enough to warrant a setting book outside of a planeshift document or maybe it wasn't chosen because it has a planeshift document.

Yeah, the Planeshift document really sold me on the setting, so I would love to see something like the Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron (which sold me on that setting). So far Ravnica just hasn't interested me. No biggie, my next campaign will likely be in Eberron anyway. I do hope it's a good product for those that do find it interesting--sour grapes just ain't my thing. ;)


Book-Friend, he/him
There is not much worth spending the money and time on the edition. It doesn't bring much of anything new to the table and doesn't justify its existence aside from not being 4e. The rules are pretty much 3.x, but lighter. If you do not mind meatier rules, why bother with another version of the fighter, or the wizards, or mind flayers, or flaming sword, or a FR setting that isn't much of a setting anymore, or a MtG setting that doesn't contain much MtG? The APs aren't certainly a draw.
Your mileage may vary, but I'm quite happy with my time and money investment, and goodness knows that I am hardly alone.


There is not much worth spending the money and time on the edition. It doesn't bring much of anything new to the table and doesn't justify its existence aside from not being 4e. The rules are pretty much 3.x, but lighter. If you do not mind meatier rules, why bother with another version of the fighter, or the wizards, or mind flayers, or flaming sword, or a FR setting that isn't much of a setting anymore, or a MtG setting that doesn't contain much MtG? The APs aren't certainly a draw.

You do you, man. 5e is what I wished 3e had been.


There is not much worth spending the money and time on the edition. It doesn't bring much of anything new to the table and doesn't justify its existence aside from not being 4e. The rules are pretty much 3.x, but lighter. If you do not mind meatier rules, why bother with another version of the fighter, or the wizards, or mind flayers, or flaming sword, or a FR setting that isn't much of a setting anymore, or a MtG setting that doesn't contain much MtG? The APs aren't certainly a draw.

Thank you for replying.


Nope. I want what is advertized. MtG in D&D. Not a new generic setting like what is being produced.

It was never advertised like that. Look at the intro to Planeshift: Zendikar

Plane Shift: Zendikar was made using the fifth edition of the D&D rules that you can find here. D&D is a flexible rules system designed to model any kind of fantasy world. The D&D magic system doesn’t involve five colors of mana or a ramping-up to your most powerful spells, but the goal isn’t to mirror the experience of playing Magic in your roleplaying game. The point is to experience the worlds of Magic in a new way, through the lens of the D&D rules. All you really need is races for the characters, monsters for them to face, and some ideas to build a campaign.

THAT is what is promised. That is what has been delivered.

Indeed. Ravnica is a bad setting for this. Dominaria would have made more sense for this product to be interesting and in brand.

For a the first MtG D&D official product? Dominaria. Start with the basic and iconic stuff. Brand identity.

As a MtG player who started in Revised, Dominaria is near-and-dear to my heart. But its a terrible place to start. First off, it hasn't been relevant in over a decade. Before 2018's Dominaria expansion, the last set to be set there was 2007's Time Spiral block. Its most a Realms-like setting of generic fantasy tropes, cataclysms-of-the-week, and uber-NPCs that make everyone else irrelevant. Luckily, the 2018 return turned the setting into a stable, if generic, fantasy setting. Simply put, Dominaria offers little that Forgotten Realms doesn't also offer.

Ravnica was picked because MtG is going to be there for the next year-and-a-half over three sets. It will include the finale of the Gatewatch story, and (as stated before) has the most sets of any post-Modern plane.

Indeed. WotC won't get my money and still stays irrelevant when it comes to RPG innovation. Its been what, a decade now that they haven't produced anything of note? Good thing for them the brand is strong. In fact it is surprising it stays so strong.

So you're just here yelling at clouds then?

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