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Naked and living in a barrel
You're spot-on, obviously. This is nothing but a cross-promotion product to boost YouTube and Twitch streaming advert/sub revenue and collect Magic and D&D players into one marketing pool to shake down for e-sport development. It's clearly not designed to give D&D players something they've been asking for, and it doesn't seem to to be giving Magic players the tie-in mechanics they want, either. Maybe they're crossing the streams of Magic and D&D hoping to create enough new revenue to offset Hasbro's disappointment in the Star Wars toy line.

And that is even more terrible than just wasting an opportunity to mix D&D and MtG.

Hasbro trying to milk D&D, a game they do not understand, resulted in the 4e debacle. 4e really hurt the D&D brand and even managed to get it shelved for 2 years.

What a waste 5e is turning out to be.


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm glad to be the first one to tell you Ravnica is in the MtG universe and that MtG has had a few blocks set on Ravnica since then. Welcome to 2005!
Yet they have been clear from word go that this book is not a Magic book at all. No advertisement to the contrary, unless you have seen something I haven't.


Yet they have been clear from word go that this book is not a Magic book at all. No advertisement to the contrary, unless you have seen something I haven't.
I know I haven't heard anything to the contrary. This is a MtG setting converted to DnD, not MtG converted to DnD. People might want the latter but this was never touted as such. I think it's going to be great, MtG has some incredible worlds that are just perfect for conversion to DnD, it's why I like the planeshift documents so much. I've even started a conversion of Theros to DnD using information on the MtG website.


Having not followed mtg, a part of me is still wondering as a player, "Why play in Ravnica?"

Is it because it's a city that covers the world? If so, what does having it span the entire world offer that playing an urban game in a regular city doesn't? It is a Metropolis style city, a Gotham style city? Is it multiple different cities depending on where you go?
Is it because of the guilds? If so, what do the guilds offer that makes them different from feuding factions in other settings? Do the factions have to be in Ravnica to be effective, or could they stand on their own, divorced from Ravnica?

For all the problems with Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, it does an excellent job telling you why you'd want to play in Eberron.


Book-Friend, he/him
Having not followed mtg, a part of me is still wondering as a player, "Why play in Ravnica?"

Is it because it's a city that covers the world? If so, what does having it span the entire world offer that playing an urban game in a regular city doesn't? It is a Metropolis style city, a Gotham style city? Is it multiple different cities depending on where you go?
Is it because of the guilds? If so, what do the guilds offer that makes them different from feuding factions in other settings? Do the factions have to be in Ravnica to be effective, or could they stand on their own, divorced from Ravnica?

For all the problems with Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, it does an excellent job telling you why you'd want to play in Eberron.
It's the Guilds, yes. Their interlocking, pseudo-Cyberpunk web of relationships is a different setting for D&D.

Honestly, I don't expect to run or play in Ravnica anytime soon (though I have some thoughts percolating about retooling Dead in Thay from TftYP for Ravnica). But I am interested in the fluff, the player options and the monsters. The procedural generation tools can have definite use as well.


For those that want a Planeswalkers class with colour mana, Loyalty Counters, and spell point casting and so on, I'm betting that such a class will quickly appear on DMSGUILD after Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica is published by a fan. I know that is not as satisfying as an official version, but perhaps its a silver lining.


Really, I would have preferred Zendikar, but whatever.
Zendikar is basically DnD in MtG, though I guess it was different enough to warrant a setting book outside of a planeshift document or maybe it wasn't chosen because it has a planeshift document.


What a waste 5e is turning out to be.


They could put out HORRIBLE settings for the next five years, and we (my group and everyone I anecdotally know) would still have fun and play 5th edition.

I understood (didn't agree) your distaste for Ravnica, but 5e being a waste I do not understand.

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