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Redclaw's Eyes of the Lich Queen OOC


someone who could help him find out about his sword would be on the fast track to being Kason's buddy.

Had a moment on the 'puter (or ipod anyway) so I went ahead and posted IC. Hope that's ok...
not that I got the employer-I've-known-for-years-name-right... :/

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I'm working up the statblock, but I thought that I'd create two sets of gear and just have Redclaw pick the one that's acceptable.

[sblock=Option A (AKA weird magic items)]
  • The pitted blade
  • The cloak of Shadows (grants darkvision 30' - five none consecutive rounds a day the user can hide in plain sight, provided they aren't in natural daylight, the effects of the daylight spell, etc)
  • The Centipede Gauntlet. Kil'x won this gauntlet from a warforged assassin named Leaper during a particularly intense game of cards in Thronehold. (Leaper foolishly bet "his left arm"... Kil'x let him bargain him down to the component he was wearing on it). Kil'x had warforged component modified to allow a human sized creature to wear it. The gauntlet is constructed of a night black metal and features dozen of small wires and jointed legs. When worn it allows the user to extend their senses into the gauntlet; the limbs and legs of the gauntlet are extremely sensitive almost self-aware, and help the user find and disable traps and open locks.
    When worn the gauntlet provides a +5 tool bonus to search (traps only), and +5 to disable traps and open locks.
    The two-fingered gauntlet is poorly suited to other activities that require fine control (slight of hand, etc) and Kil'x avoids wearing it when he's not doing B&E or Tombraiding.
    Leaper was killed by a trap a few weeks after the game. (Kil'x felt a certain amount of relief, he wasn't known as being the sort to lose gracefully) When he's dealing with particularly difficult traps or locks Kil'x sometimes finds himself talking to the dead warforged.
  • Detect Magic x3 (not that he doesn't trust other people...really, he just likes to double check)
  • Shield x3
If Option A isn't cool then I'm working on Option B (standard magic items from the DMB/MIC)

Option B (has it's own spreadsheet)
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Still working, but this is the shape it's taking so far.

"Kason" Freeman (CL 5) -- Brelish Human Rogue
[sblock=Stat Block]Changeling Rogue 5 Lawful Neutral (with "practical" tendencies)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 30' Spot +8 Listen +8 Search +10 [+15 vs traps]
Languages Common
AC 16 (armor4/dex2/ring0) [+1 vs traps]; touch: 12 ; flat-footed: 16
hp 32 (5 HD)
uncanny dodge (dex to AC if flat footed), Trap sense +1 (included)
Fort +4 (con2/class2) Ref +6 [+1 vs traps] [Evasion] (dex4/class4) Will +2 [+2 vs sleep/charm] (wis0/class2)
Speed 30 ft (6 squares)
Attack Melee +1 Falchon +6 2d4+3 (18-20)
Sneak Attack +1 Falchon +8 2d4+3 +3d6 (18-20)​
Attack Ranged Throwing Dagger +5 1d4+2
Ranged Sneak Attack Throwing Dagger +7 1d4+2 +3d6​
Base Attack +3 Grapple +5
Attack Options sneak attack +3d6
Combat Gear Cloak of Shadows (Hide in Plain sight 5 rnds/day), Scroll Shield x3,
Action Points 7ish (?)
****************************** ************************************
Attributes Str 14 Dex 15* Con 14 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 10
* received improvement for level
SQ change self, Natural Linguist, Shapechanger subtype
Feats Sly Fortune, EWP (Falchon)
Skills Balance +2u Bluff +10** Climb +4 Diplomacy +0u Disguise +10u# Disable Device +15 Escape Artist +2u Hide +10 Intimidate +2** Jump +4 Listen +8 Move Silently +10 Listen +8 Open Locks +15* Search +10/+15* Sense Motive +4** Spot +8 Swim +2u Tumble +10 Use Magic Device +8
[sblock=Skills detail]u=untrained
*=Centipede Gauntlet (vs traps)
**=changing racial bonus
#=change self bonus
Balance Bluff 8 Climb 2 Diplomacy 0 Disable Device 8 Escape Artist 0 Hide 8 Jump 2 Listen 8 Knowledge (x) 0 Knowledge (x) 0 Move Silently 8 Listen 8 Search 8 Sense Motive 2 Sleight of Hand 2 Spot 8 Swim 0 Tumble 8 Use Magic Device 8​
Possessions combat gear + The Pitted Blade (+1 falchon WoL), Scroll Detect Magic x3 Daggers x8 (belt), Daggers x2 (each boot), Travel Documents (multiple identities Aundair, Karrnath, Breland/Stormreach, Q'barra, Talenta Plains) masterwork thieves tools (backup set), collapsible 10'ft pole, and traveling gear.
[sblock=Traveling Gear]two sacks, 2 sunrods, 6 torches, bed roll, backpack, 2 weeks of trail rations, several spare set of clothing, 20 steel spikes, hammer, 200' of silken rope (knotted for easy climbing), chalk (red, white), 4 waterskins, 2 grappling hooks, [/sblock]

[sblock=The Pitted Blade]stats tbd
Kil'x's prized possession discovered during a disastrous battle with Karrnathi forces that ended his military career. This +1 byeshk falchon is twisted and pitted as if it were dipped in a powerful acid. In the right hands the weapon, which supposedly dates back to the hobgoblin empire, will supposedly drip acid, increase damage from sneak attacks (deadly precision), improve his chances of getting a lucky shot (improved crit) and even return when thrown.
The fact that the right hands are apparently not Kil'x's is a source of no little irritation to the changeling. He stubbornly totes it around anyway (though he stopped trying to throw the damn thing after he took off a chunk of his ear). He doesn't like to think about the possibility that the gnomish sage was just having him on.[/sblock]
[sblock=The Cloak of Shadows]Grants darkvision 30'. Also for five non-consecutive rounds a day the user can hide in plain sight, provided they aren't in natural daylight, the effects of the daylight spell, etc[/sblock]
[sblock=The Centipede Gauntlet]
The Centipede Gauntlet. Kil'x won this gauntlet from a warforged assassin named Leaper during a particularly intense game of cards in Thronehold. (Leaper foolishly bet "his left arm"... Kil'x let him bargain him down to the component he was wearing on it). Kil'x had warforged component modified to allow a human sized creature to wear it. The gauntlet is constructed of a night black metal and features dozen of small wires and jointed legs. When worn it allows the user to extend their senses into the gauntlet; the limbs and legs of the gauntlet are extremely sensitive almost self-aware, and help the user find and disable traps and open locks.
When worn the gauntlet provides a +5 tool bonus to search (traps only), and +5 to disable traps and open locks.
The two-fingered gauntlet is poorly suited to other activities that require fine control (slight of hand, etc) and Kil'x avoids wearing it when he's not doing B&E or Tombraiding.
Leaper was killed by a trap a few weeks after the game. (Kil'x felt a certain amount of relief, he wasn't known as being the sort to lose gracefully) When he's dealing with a particularly tricky trap or lock Kil'x sometimes finds himself talking to the dead warforged.[/sblock]

[sblock=Build Details]
Hit points 6 (Rog1) + 4x4 (Rog2-5) + 10 (con) = 32

[sblock=Magic Item Math]
Falchon "free"
Cloak 4750gp
gauntlet 1250

[sblock=Skill Points spent per Level]
8 ranks in Hide, ms, listen, spot, tumble, Search, Bluff, Disable, UMD, Open Locks
2 ranks in Climb, Jump, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand
no ranks in disguise, intimidate, escape artist :/

[sblock=Class and Effect Breakdown]
rogue 5 requires no explanation I think

[sblock=Feat Progression]
1st: Sly Fortune (1 luck reroll)
3rd: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Falchon
4th: Dex +1
6th: unbelievable luck (+2 rerolls)
8th: Dex +1

[sblock=Comments and Questions]
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First Post
The Build Details and Comments and Questions sblocks seem to deal with your character in s@squ@tch's game, not this one (Hudder).


Yeah. Was going a bit too fast with the cut and paste.

I always regret saying this because I find something wrong later but it should be ok now. Minus any additions/subtractions/adjustments from Redclaw of course.

The less said about he armor class the better, but I don't really see any good solutions beyond hiding really well.


First Post
Graf said:
I'm working up the statblock, but I thought that I'd create two sets of gear and just have Redclaw pick the one that's acceptable.
I'm going to go with option B, for a few reasons. And non-magical items are not free, so pay up on the chain shirt. :)

I'll look over the sheet in more detail this afternoon, but I'm still hoping to see the math on your skill and save numbers. I like to see ranks + ability mod + misc. (synergy, etc).

As for AC, you can use some of that money you're not spending on the cloak and claw to buy some magical AC boosts. ;)
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Understood. I'll make the modifications tomorrow. B's more powerful anyway. I just hate the annoying math.

if I got with b then I go with b. Everything is straight out of the books. Unless you want to 'rule 0' one of the items I'm not touching the hellish morass again.

Money's already spent per option b. ('less you want to give me more of course. ;) )

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