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Redclaw's Eyes of the Lich Queen OOC


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Great! My brother is finding religion! We have to celebrate... all those blessings cast on him finally have had an effect!
Evolution, would you mind also finding a platinum ring for 50 gp? It's needed for shield others - it would make up for duskblade squishiness quite nicely ;)
Or, alternatively, if the bard wants to get into melee, I could shield her - I could even try to shield both of you... if you avoid getting caught in melee at the same time.

Wow - nice bow! But those church priests are priests indeed - they give you a gift, a prize... and ask you money to have it. Damn clerics :p

Here's the finished character sheet - I hope I got everything right...
Cholas Burden, Human Favored Soul 5
Alignment: Lawful Good
Region of Birth: Breland

S 12
D 14
C 14
I 10
W 10
C 15+1

Action Points: 7/7
Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (+2 dex, +6 armor)
HP: 8+24(4d8)+10= 42
ST: (base+stat+resistance)
	Fort 7 (4+2+1)
	Refl 7 (4+2+1)
	Will 5 (4+0+1)

Bab/Grapple: +3/+5
Bow Attack: +3 Bab +2 Dex +1 Weapon Focus +1 Enhancement
Quarterstaff Attack: +3 Bab +1 Str

Melee: +4 Quarterstaff (1d6+1)

Attack: +7 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+1)
Full Attack: +5/+5 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+1)

Ranged, w/in 30 ft. (Point Blank Shot):
Attack: +8 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+2)
Full Attack: +6/+6 Bow of the Blessed Hunter (1d8+2)

Spells Known (CL 5):
0th: 6/d	Cure Minor Wounds, Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink	
1st: 7/d
	Convinction: +2+1/6 lvls morale on STs, Touch, 1 min/lvl
	Divine Favor:+2 luck on attack & damage, Personal, 1 minute
	Entropic Shield: 20% miss chance vs ranged attacks requiring an attack roll, Personal, 1 min/lvl
	Shield of Faith: +2+1/6 lvls deflection on AC, Touch, 1 min/lvl
	Shield Other: +1 deflection AC, +1 resistance ST, take only half hp damage while I take the other half, Close range, 1 h/lvl
2nd: 5/d
	Bear's Endurance: +4 enhancement to Con, Touch, 1 min/lvl
	Close Wounds: 1d4+CL (max +5) cure, Close range, Immediate Action
	Resist Energy: Energy Resistance 10 (20 at CL 7, 30 at CL 11) to a specific energy type, Touch, 10 min/lvl

Human: Point Blank Shot
Lvl 1: Precise Shot
Lvl 3: Rapid Shot
Bonus: Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Legacy: Least Legacy (Bow of the Blessed Hunter)

Class Features:
Fire Resistance 10

Skills (Ranks + stat):
Concentration	10 (8+2)
Spellcraft	 8 (8+0)
Diplomacy	 6 (4+2)
Sense Motive	 4 (4+0)

Bow of the Blessed Hunter
Longbow +1
Detect Undead @ will
Ignore Undead DR

1200 gp	Breastplate +1
1000 gp	Vest of Resistance +1
1650 gp	Necklace of Fireballs, type I (1x 5d6, 2x 3d6. DC 14 Refl half)
 100 gp	2x 50 gp ring (focus for shield other)
 750 gp	Wand of Cure Light Wounds
 600 gp	4x Scrolls of Cure Moderate Wounds
 600 gp	4x Scrolls of Lesser Restoration
   -    Quarterstaff
    2 gp 2 quivers of 20 Arrows (20 in quiver, others in backpack)
   40 gp 20 Silvered Arrows (in a quiver in the backpack)
   2 gp Backpack
   1 gp Flint & Steel
   1 sp Bedroll
   1 gp Waterskin
   2 gp Rations (4 days)
  52 gp, 9 sp	Cash - mixed gp & sp

Cholas is tall and willowy, with longish hair. While not overtly muscolar, his right arm hides a lot of power - hey, those are the effects of all that archery training, and of being a cleric: when white magic and divine powers flow within you incessantly, something is going to be altered.
You've seen him almost always in a plain breastplate, with some minimal lacquers - just the simbol of the silver flame over his heart. Under that he wears white tunic and leggings, with the same symbol embroidered in red and silver, that double as "civilian clothes".

Cholas has grown in the church of the silver flame - he shall suffer no evil - but during his time on the field he's been tempered and now has more... vision in what he does. Every action has consequencies - and those need to be carefully weighted.
After they burned down the goblin outpost, he understood that they were falling - down, lower than the goblins.
So he's looking forward to finding who sent those goblins to slaughter and be slaughtered - that's the kind of evil he's seeing as a menace for all who want to live pacefully.
Now he's a more relaxed outlook on life than most touched by the silver flame: he looks to the bettrement of the lifes around him, to their happiness more than to the utter destruction of everything evil - it still needs to be stamped out, but he has no hate toward those who have fallen. Only sorrow.
He has a more humane outlook now.

Alignment: it looks like it falls down as lawful good, with an eye toward "the big picture", as it stands.
The Bow of the Blessed Hunter
[sblock]This relic of a lost past hasn't found its way into my hands by pure chance - it was presented to my by our village priest when, near the end of the goblin plague, there was a sudden burst of greenskin activity. It was all the help the main church had the resources to spare for our village.
So little the goblin leaders cared of the underlings they flung at us, that they were being returned them from the dead. Zombified. Their leaders weren't satisfied wasting their mortal lifes.
Of the few survived, we were the only group that already had done some successiful sorties in the goblin camp - it fell onto us to destroy the abominations, along with the shaman controlling them.
In retrospect, it was easy - we already knew the terrain, and when the voice in the bow started pointing out each undead, even hidden, it become one of our smoothest skirmishes.
It scared me when the bow started to talk, waking up when his arrows hit the abominations, but that really made it easier on us all.
And finally there's someone to talk to, that understands our true calling...[/sblock]
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Here are a few early thoughts. I'll go back through your sheets a bit more carefully this afternoon/evening.

[sblock=Creamsteak] It looks good to me. I've never DMed for a crusader before, but I think the best way to work your granted maneuvers is to roll a d10 and a d8 to start each encounter or when you refressh, using the order you've got your readied maneuvers listed, then going to a d6 and d4. Does that make sense to you? [/sblock]

[sblock=EvolutionKB] You should probably list Arcane Channeling under attack options, and make a note of your crystal, just so you don't forget your bonuses.
Where can I find Somatic Weaponry? [/sblock]

[sblock=OnlytheStrong] You cheated yourself out of some hit points. 8+2 at first, then 6+2 for 4 levels brings you to 42 total.
Also, add in those action points. You'll need them. :lol: [/sblock]

[sblock=WakkaWakka] Can you give a bit more detail on your ability scores... They're accurate, but could be cleaned up to be more clear to look at and progress.
In fact, a bit more detail in most places would be nice (prices, spell out bonuses on skills, etc.) You've got stat block efficiency here, which is great for NPCs, but I'd like to see a bit more development for a PC sheet.
I also need to see some info on your spells. [/sblock]


Well, if I'm allowed to roll my granted manuevers myself on Invisible Castle, I can just use 1d5/1d4/1d3/1d2. There's a lot of variables to track for this kind of character so I think I'll have a mini-stat-block for my posts (similar to what you and avril do in my RHoD game, thankfully).

Kalashtar Crusader
AC 23, TC 11, FF 23
HP 48/48 - DD 0/10
AP 7/7 - PP 5/5
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 against mind-affecting spells and abilities

Psionic Focus: Yes
Zealous Surge: Yes
Ring of Brief Blessing: Yes
Corsair's Eyepatch: Left (3/3)
Stance: Iron Guard's Glare

Stances: Iron Guard's Glare, Leading the Charge
Readied: (1) Battle Leader's Charge, (2) Crusader Strike, (3) Mountain Hammer, (4) Stone Bones, (5) White Raven Tactics
Granted: None
Expended: None[/sblock]

Just nasty how many things are going on there.
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First Post
That should work, and yes I'm planning of having you all do your own rolling. I like the mystery of having you roll the dice in your game, but with action points, I figure it's important to have everyone roll for themselves.
As for that block of hidden info, thank goodness for cut and paste technology. :D


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[sblock=WakkaWakka] As promised, here is some detail about the history and first ritual connected to your bow

Bow of the Blessed Hunter
A finely made longbow, built from a silver-hued shaft of ash and covered in fine flame carvings.
+1 longbow, Cost 2,375
Omen-Anyone with the requirements who holds the bow hears a voice urging her to purge evil and impurity from the land.

History—The Bow of the Blessed Hunter was found in Flamekeep’s armory during the early stages of the Last War. Nobody knew where it came from, but it quickly proved useful against the invading armies of Karrnath. Valen Rielldyr, a ranger sworn to the Flame, used the bow to devastating impact in a number of skirmishes and stealthy strikes. It is said that Valen was favored by the Keeper, and blessed with certain abilities directly by the Flame. (DC 15)
Valen was not only able to strike with power against groups of invading undead, leading counterstrikes consisting of cleric and paladin forces devoted to the Flame. He was also able to locate and identify important, powerful undead leaders among the opposing forces and concentrate his, and his comrades’, efforts on those high priority targets, leading to a very high re-mortality rate among opposition leaders. He has even been credited with stalking and slaying a powerful lich general all by himself. The legends suggest that Valen struck the lich down with an impossible shot into the fiend’s command tent in the dead of night. (DC 18; Hunter of the Dead)

Legacy Ritual-
Hunter of the Dead: You must stalk and kill at least one undead creature whose Challenge Rating is at least equal to your character level. The first and last wounds dealt to your enemy must both be made with the Bow of the Blessed Hunter, although you can use other abilities (but not other weapons) in between. If you kill your target with any other method, the ritual fails. Cost: 1,625 gp. Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Bow of the Blessed Hunter).

As I said earlier, you have already completed this ritual, but you can add the feat to your list, and come up with some suitable story for the ritual. :D [/sblock]


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"Flame my Silver!" no, that sounds wrong... "for Silver!" neither... "Cleanse and burn it on a stick"...
"By the cleansing fire" (that's much better :)), I hadn't noticed the action points part - I'll have to re-read on what you can do with those!


I couldn't find Hunters Shelter in the Weapons of Legacy book, so I guess I'll just ask you about it. Is there any other information known to Bregan or just what little was told to him?


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OnlytheStrong said:
I couldn't find Hunters Shelter in the Weapons of Legacy book, so I guess I'll just ask you about it. Is there any other information known to Bregan or just what little was told to him?
I'm in the process of working it up. It's loosely based on Infiltrator with a more woodsy feel. I'll post what you know when I finish it up.


First Post
I dropped the crystal in favor of more equipment(+1 enhancement on my shield, plus some scrolls and a couple more healing potions). The insight bonus I would get would not stack with the feat I plan on taking at level 6(Knowledge devotion).

Somatic Weaponry is from Complete Mage. It allows you to do the somatic components for spells while carrying a weapon(or similar object) in your hands.


I'm debating something about Bregan. Basically his role when we travel. Should he be the typical scout, out ahead of the group, finding and relaying information? Or should he be more of a security blanket; moving around the group, staying in the shadows, basically being neither seen nor heard, but having a bow ready. I think that alittle combination of the two would be the best. Maybe cutting a wide path in front of the group.

Anyway, I'm interested in the group opinion as to what they would like. Bregan is basically a mixture of ranger/rogue. He can track, hide, move silently, find and hopefully disable traps. Throw your two cents in please, and I will try to find a way to make him "up to standards." Gotta remember that he's a cocky little shifter though. lol

Voidrunner's Codex

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