D&D 4E Reply if you love 4e


I haven't read beyond the OP, but am happy to post that I enjoy 4e a lot. I started GMing 4e after experiencing some frustrations after many, many years of GMing Rolemaster, a very simulationist ruleset. I was looking for a gonzo fantasy ruleset that would make it easier to get the story and thematic elements I wanted in the game front and centre, while still delivering the type of mechanical crunch that my players and I enjoy. 4e has delievered on all three counts.

EDIT: Agree with others that better published scenarios would help.

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I'm a massive fan of 4E, I think its a great roleplaying system.

I think the problems with 'D&D' at the moment are threefold and nothing to do with the system at all.

1. Repetition: D&D seems to be preoccupied with retreading the same ground over and over, rather than going somewhere new. So many books, settings and adventures nowadays are rehashed and as such its difficult to get excited about them.

2. Lack of Variety (of play): Mass Combat rules, Running your own stronghold, becoming immortal. They had these things built into OD&D 30 years ago! But somehow these ideas got lost amidst the plethora of ('me too') player option books.

3. No Upping the Ante: Never thought I'd say it, but maybe making epic part of the core rules from the beginning was a mistake. D&D has seemingly no ground left to cover. There is nothing on the horizon that screams "Look at me!"

My suggestion would be go back to the boxed set by tier approach from OD&D. Make each tier something different. Have different design teams for each tier and have them 'compete' with each other.

In so doing I hope they use 4E as the backbone for this as its a fantastic system.


First Post
I love DMing in 4E as it's really simple for me. I can wrap my head around the crunch quickly enough to get to the story bits. I also like that it's extremely accessible to outsiders of the hobby.


I love all editions of D&D, but particularly close to my heart are Red Box Basic and 4e. Red Box because it's what we played the most and the longest back in the day. And 4e because many of its changes are things I house ruled or wanted to house rule in D&D. Things like:

At-will spells - I understood and agreed with the idea of Vancian magic as a limit on Wild Wizard Shenainigans. But I often thought that a magic-user should be able to use some low-level spells whenever they wanted. E.g., magic missile as a basic self-defense spell. Read magic whenever needed. Cantrips to give that wizardly sheen. Lo and behold, 4e does exactly this.

Fighter options - A two-fold problem. Giving fighters (and thieves) more to do at higher levels, and more interesting options than just extra attacks. In BD&D we did this via DM Fiat and stunting, but 4e did this elegantly by making combat more tactical, and giving minis a real purpose. Much fun.

Expanding the "sweet spot". Once we'd done "zero to hero", we tended to start characters at higher levels to create the kind of cimematic fantasy heroics that drew us to D&D in the first place. This is baked right into the game in 4e.

Tiered play - I loved the distinct meta-levels of BECM: dungeon -> wilderness -> domains -> world. I'm happy to see a similar progression again in the core rules.

And while I loved core 4e, I really love Essentials. Everything I loved about the core now tweaked even more to my taste! Plus, maps/dungeon/tiles and tokens!

Finally, the great thing about BD&D was the ease of set-up and prep for DMs. It was real easy to wing it. Now 4e has a similar ease to winging it, plus an easy system for creating accurately balanced (or unbalanced!) encounters or modifying modules. This was brought home to me when I set aside a good hour for reworking the sample dungeon in the Starter Set from 5 adventurers to only 2. In the end it only took me 20-30 minutes.

I'm glad to see all you other guys enjoying 4e, because as far as I can tell, it was expressly designed for me.


Love it.

I've played every version of the game (even a summer of OD&D years after it was superseded), and I consider 4e as much *real* D&D as every previous edition.

Played through 75% of the Nentir Vale adventure path, DMed the entire Scales of War (1-30), and I'm currently running a homebrew Arthurian Britain 4e game.

30+ years later and I'm still playing D&D every week---and if it were not for 4e I would have burned out years ago. So---*CHEER*

If I were to point out 4e's greatest strength, I would have to say that it damn near runs itself. Within two months of Scales of War, every player wanted to take a turn behind the screen. They each did and they were awesome! 4e breeds DMs!

Voidrunner's Codex

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