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Rise of Skywalker: The Seen It/Spoilers Thread


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    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★★★★ Good

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • ★★★ Average

    Votes: 14 19.4%
  • ★★ Not Great

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★ Terrible

    Votes: 8 11.1%

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41st lv DM
Well, based upon Rey's probable age (20ish), her parents likely age when she was born (20-30ish), that would mean Palpatine got down and dirty 40-50 years ago - safely after he got super-nasty in Revenge of the Sith.

Which leads us to the big question: Who was this unfortunate grand-mother of Rey?

But here's a serious thought: maybe after Vader was injured he decided to take steps to "create" Rey? Maybe he saw Vader as too flawed? So maybe he started impregnating concubines to breed children strong in the Force?

Or he could've had any # of relations while a Nabu senator/Chancellor of the Republic - before his face altering fight with Mace Windu.
That this might not seem to make sense? Well, you've seen Episodes I, II, III & VII, VIII,
IX. Go ahead & convince me that this would be any less absurd than some of the stuff those episodes presented.


Maybe he used artificial insemination.

On a completely unrelated note, I’ve just read that Kathleen Kennedy says they won’t be abandoning Finn, Rey and Poe! Yay!

She did, however, say that they may abandon the trilogy format and just go with standalone films going forward, though.


That’s good. I mean, their stories don’t quite feel done.

As for artificial insemination, you’re assuming the Emperor, Lord of the Dark Side, Which is all about power, greed, passion and such, would simply stay celibate because he’s ugly. I doubt very seriously that his son’s mother was a willing partner, but I also doubt he cared.


I realized I didn't leave a review.

I thought this was a solid entry to the series. I didn't mind the Palpatine aspect, in fact I believe it was the plan from the beginning, including Rey's ancestry. I just think The Last Jedi dropped the ball on leading up to it. I think it would have been much more powerful if, at the end of The Last Jedi, like in an after credits scene or something, they should have had a scene where the camera pans slowly across the throne, and the Emperer's music starts playing, and you hear plapatine's low laugh, and then it ends. That would have set up this movie so much better than revealing Palpatine in a trailer.

I feel like nothing actually happened in The Last Jedi. I liked all the stuff with Rey and Kylo and Luke, even though, like Mark Hamill, I disagree with the direction they took Luke. But that stuff did wind up having an impact in this movie. The stuff in The Last Jedi with Poe and Finn and Rose was pointless, however. But in this one, they actually made those characters interesting and competent. They actually had a point to the story, and I enjoyed it tremendously.

I think the problem with The Last Jedi was they tried to pick it up right where The Force Awakens left off. That's not how Star Wars is supposed to be. Star Wars always fasts forward a year or two. If they'd had it open with Rey training with Luke, even if Luke was training her reluctantly and not being a great mentor, that would have explained why she was so good with the Force. Then she leaves before her training is complete, and she finishes it with Leia in The Rise of Skywalker. That would have made it all make more sense, and Luke wouldn't have seemed like a pansy.

The one thing in The Rise of Skywalker that I did not agree with was Kylo Ren's death. I understand why it had to happen, but think about it. If he and Rey had survived together, they could have gone off to restart the Jedi Academy. Then, a Palpatine and a Skywalker would be restarting the Jedi Order, the way a Palpatine and Skywalker destroyed it. It would have come full circle. They sort of did that with Rey choosing Skywalker as her surname, but I think it would have been a powerful ending if he'd survived, and I usually like people dying in the end.

Kylo could have made himself a Green Lightsaber, one that was more stable, and become the Jedi Master that Anakin never could be.

Note: When Han Solo showed up, I legit cried. I don't cry often in movies. I have to really feel it. But that was a beautiful scene. One of the best in the new trilogy, IMO.

It is sad that Carrie Fisher wasn't there to finish it. They could have done so much more with her character, but they didn't want to just CGI her, and I understand that. In a way, Leia saved the galaxy by touching Kylo Ren when she did. I do wonder at why her body didn't leave until his did. My brother thinks she was, in some way, possessing him or influencing him. It's probably something like that. I did like how his scar disappeared when Rey healed him. I also like that we have an in universe Force Healing, finally. It's been in the games and some of the extended universe for a while, but I actually liked the new Force stuff they included. It expands what was capable.

I think Finn is Force Sensitive, and will be one Rey's first students. I hope so, I hear they are going to continue their stories (just not in a "Trilogy" format). After this movie, I hope they do. Finn's story isn't complete. I think showing them raising up the next generation of Jedi to help rebuild the galaxy could be interesting to see. Palpatine is gone, but that doesn't mean there's nothing out there to threaten the galaxy.

One last thing: Palpatine wanting Rey to kill him so he could merge his spirit with hers. Brilliant. Why? Because he kept telling Luke to do the same thing. He never seemed afraid of dying. "Strike me down with your anger, and your journey to the dark side will be complete". We always focus on the fact that Darth Vader was there to protect the Emperor, but what if it was more than that? The Sith have always had two, a Master to embody power and an Apprentice to covet it. This suggests that the reason they do this, the reason they take an apprentice, knowing one day that apprentice will kill them and take their place, is because if a force sensitive person kills them in anger, their soul passes to the other person, merging and bonding with it, and they live forever. This right here, I think, ties all the lore together, and explains so much in such a fitting way. The reason Palpatine didn't let Darth Vader do that? Because he was "more machine than man". He was flawed. If he hadn't been cut down by Obi Wan, no doubt once he gained enough power he would have welcomed Anakin killing him. Instead, he looked to others. Namely, Luke. And later, Rey. That was a great inclusion in the Lore of the Sith.

Good movie. I'll watch it again, happily.


Just watched this yesterday. For anyone who feels let down by episodes 7 & 8, this more than makes up for it. I thought it was awesome.


Did anyone else get a very "Avatar: The Last Airbender" vibe from both Rey's initial training scene and her final confrontation with Palpatine? The visual of her hovering cross-legged with the two offset rings of rocks circling her is straight out of the cartoons, and her attempt to connect with past Jedi is very reminiscent of the Avatar's connection to his past lives.

And when she finally succeeds at doing so, it's very much as though she were accessing the Avatar State, channeling her forebears in order to power-up her mystical abilities.


I think Finn is Force Sensitive, and will be one Rey's first students. I hope so, I hear they are going to continue their stories (just not in a "Trilogy" format). After this movie, I hope they do. Finn's story isn't complete. I think showing them raising up the next generation of Jedi to help rebuild the galaxy could be interesting to see. Palpatine is gone, but that doesn't mean there's nothing out there to threaten the galaxy.

Great post overall. I just wanted to highlight this point - if this is true, I'm glad to hear it as I always want to see what happens next. Plus, there's that Force Boy that from TLJ that needs to be found and trained.

I also like your theory on the Sith, and relates to what I said up-thread about Palpatine feeling like Vader was tainted, and thus the need for breeding Rey. It made me think, what if there is only one Sith, who keeps re-incarnating into new bodies? Or at least, what if Palpatine killed Sidious, but Sidious lived on through him? That could be implied, at least.

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