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Rise of Skywalker: The Seen It/Spoilers Thread


  • ★★★★★ Excellent

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★★★★ Good

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • ★★★ Average

    Votes: 14 19.4%
  • ★★ Not Great

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★ Terrible

    Votes: 8 11.1%

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Rebels is Disney though. Lucas force was a lot more restrained, Disney force does leans towards magic and superhero type powers.

Teleportation has been done before Disney it's not original. I suspect the force and lightsaber colours are whatever the writer/director feels like. There's pros and cons to that approach.
i expect the palpatine and yoda's fight went by DBZ rules and we were viewing a high speed fight.

I say this because palps was far faster than windu in the windu fight. Yoda is faster than windu. Yet the fight between him and yoda looks slower at times. I say this is actually because the whole fight is slowed down. Palpatine is so fast the there is no cannon im aware of that ever even confirms someone close to him in speed. Yoda at young age would probably come closest. Physically palps biggest advantage was his speed.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It wasn't really explained, IMHO. At some point, a hobbit suggested they did exactly that, but Poe dismissed the idea saying something like "the Holdo maneuver is a one in a million event". No more explanation given, but it's apparently non-replicable (so they don't have to explain why all the generals didn't think of it during the thousands of year of the Republic).

I guess they realized that having the heroes behaving like the Japanese Imperial Army and mass-training pilots to do suicide runs into star destroyers wasn't the vibe they wanted for the Rebellion, as well.
It takes an exceptional navigator and the all right circumstances. Lowered shields to conserve power, etc.

Rebels is Disney though. Lucas force was a lot more restrained, Disney force does leans towards magic and superhero type powers.

Teleportation has been done before Disney it's not original. I suspect the force and lightsaber colours are whatever the writer/director feels like. There's pros and cons to that approach.
I don’t care if it’s disney. Canon is canon.


It takes an exceptional navigator and the all right circumstances. Lowered shields to conserve power, etc.

I don’t care if it’s disney. Canon is canon.

If you're a canon purist sure. It's not good Star wars.

Note the ones with the most over the top force effects are also rated the lowest lol.

Lucas was guilty big this as well. Yoda/Dooku fight and Palps/Yoda.

Also they won't age well lol.

Canon but still dumb IMHO.
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Didn't realize the yellow lightsaber thing was a debate bit I did notice it looking a bit meh.

This is why.

Thumbnail not the video. Ignore the videos I didn't watch any it's purely visual.

It just doesn't look that good in that shot.

Change the lighting though. Once again just the thumbnail.

Rey's shot looks meh the bottom one looks good. Both yellow.

Neutral background

I just don't think they look good except in darker backdrops.

I'm not a fan of yellow sabers ascetically. Beyond that idk what people are complaining about colour wise.

Video of yellow sabers used in combat around the 3:50 mark. Note darker scene.

Yellow on yellow around 3:07 mark.

To look good yellow needs to be in a darker shot. Might be why they used green in RotJ. It stands out better on Tatooine.

As a visual yellow would probably be the last colour to use on Tatooine.

Personally in game on KotoR I liked using red and purple as Sith and blue and green as Jedi. That and I colour coded mine blue was good vs droids, red or purple lots of damage etc.
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I enjoyed it. It was the epic story of a desperate corporation trying to save a movie trilogy, by bringing in their first director after the previous one killed off the villain a movie too soon. The plot is a bit of a mess and the movie does so much that it feels like two movies in one. But it is obvious that it had to set up a ton of things after The Last Jedi neglected to do so (that is usually the job of the 2nd movie in the trilogy). So what do you do? There's plenty to like in The Rise of Skywalker. Amazing performances, excellent chemistry between the actors, beautiful art direction and special effects. But the plot is a mess. It is like a master class in bad Hollywood writing. They need to get this thing, to go get this other thing, which conveniently helps them get this other thing. That is the plot in a nutshell. Also, giant fleet of Star Destroyers conjured out of nothing.

I was quite amused by the ending, where everyone is hugging and kissing. I was about to tell my female friend in the seat next to me that everyone has a case of the not-gays, when all of a sudden there's a blurry shot of two women kissing in the background for like a second. Wow Disney, you really are Passive Progressive (as Red Lettermedia put it).


I enjoyed it. It was the epic story of a desperate corporation trying to save a movie trilogy, by bringing in their first director after the previous one killed off the villain a movie too soon. The plot is a bit of a mess and the movie does so much that it feels like two movies in one. But it is obvious that it had to set up a ton of things after The Last Jedi neglected to do so (that is usually the job of the 2nd movie in the trilogy). So what do you do? There's plenty to like in The Rise of Skywalker. Amazing performances, excellent chemistry between the actors, beautiful art direction and special effects. But the plot is a mess. It is like a master class in bad Hollywood writing. They need to get this thing, to go get this other thing, which conveniently helps them get this other thing. That is the plot in a nutshell. Also, giant fleet of Star Destroyers conjured out of nothing.

This everything they set up in TFA was demolished in TLJ.

Money grab trilogy not exactly an organic story.

This everything they set up in TFA was demolished in TLJ.

Money grab trilogy not exactly an organic story.

It still baffles me that Disney did not plan out this whole trilogy in advance. That was monumentally stupid. Instead they let Rian Johnson just kill off every plot hook with an unsatisfying twist and set up absolutely nothing for the next movie. It is no wonder Rise of Skywalker had to set up its 'new' villain in the opening titles, because it barely has enough time to set up everything else that The Last Jedi neglected to do. But think about it for a second, and realize how crazy it is for the third movie in a trilogy to set up the main villain in the opening text crawl.

And yet, The Rise of Skywalker does acknowledge the few things about the Last Jedi that worked, such as the force link between Kylo Ren and Rey, and the nifty warp thing that they do, where they talk to each other from two different locations and yet interact with one another. But for the observant, JJ Abrams also gives a subtle middle finger to Rian Johnson when Luke catches the lightsaber.
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They probably intended for Kylo to be the BBEG, but to many people shipped ReyxKylo and Disney was desperate to please people after Solo and Ep8 failed. So they had to bring in a new one. And when you want to play it safe, whats better than to reshoot a movie people like, characters and everything?


It still baffles me that Disney did not plan out this whole trilogy in advance. That was monumentally stupid. Instead they let Rian Johnson just killed off every plot hook with an unsatisfying twist and set up absolutely nothing for the next movie. It is no wonder The Last Jedi had to set up its 'new' villain in the opening titles, because it barely has enough time to set up everything else that The Last Jedi neglected to do. But think about it for a second, and realize how crazy it is for the third movie in a trilogy to set up the main villain in the opening text crawl.

Yeah people blame Rian Johnson but something like that is part of the producers job. Rian might have done it because it was in his job description which put it on the writers or producers.

I'm not 100% sure whose idea it was and why it was okayed.

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