The High Aldwin
No, not all rogues want it. I like playing skill experts/professional types as adventurers, and while the base rogue does this well, it isn't quite as good as I would like. Once you get Reliable Talent, it really shines, but only in those skills it has expertise in.Sneak attack is baked into rogue class for ages now and do all rogues want it?
I like the ideas in the OP. A while back I proposed the idea that rogues can use their sneak attack dice instead to add to ability checks, regaining the dice on a short rest.
For example, your 9th level rogue has 5d6 sneak attack dice. You expend 1d6, adding the result to your check. You now have 4d6 sneak attack dice. Later, you use 2d6 sneak attack dice on an ability check, leaving you with 2d6 dice. You finish a rest, and get the expended dice back.
But the ideas in the OP are very sound. I think a subclass which at the sneak attack dice levels could choose an option like those suggested, would be welcome. However, I would limit it to once "per tier" or something. So, at worst, maybe the "sneak attack" would be 5d6 maximum, and the other 5 "dice" would instead be proficiencies or further expertise.