If this is an attempt to justify the earlier topic, that it's natural and good and right that rogues should not be able to jump and climb without wasting points in Strength, the I call naughty word.
Let's agree that Gygax needed to draw some distinctions. He chose to single out Strength as one ability and Dexterity as another.
He could have made a dozen other choices, like thousands of games have shown. These alternative solutions are just as valid as the one D&D uses.
Good point.
Each such choice funnels some actions into one ability and not into another.
Here it starts getting wonky. If a line is drawn, at least use those lines.
Maybe have a certain overlap. That is good. But a rogue with expertise in athletics easily leaves the fighter behind when climbing. At least if the rogue did not totally dump str.
Are there situations where str, can be comoletetely substituted with dex? Yes. Probably. But not all. Also there should be benefits for anyone investing in both scores. Why have two score if one is as good as the other.
Or why have str, if dex does everything str does and more. This is why we have so many threads how overpowered dex is. Because everyone is allowed to use dex for everything.
In the case of D&D it gets wonky if you try to be inflexible and say you need both Strength and Dexterity.
You don't need both. Thieves and monks have special abilities to use dex in place of str sometimes. And special movement options that will help them climb and jump. So class fantasy is held up even without high str.
Much better to think of Strength as the Fighter's physical ability and Dexterity as the Rogue's physical ability.
This is a good thinking and true for most situations. If you really want this, you should do as
@Horwath suggested and combine STR with CON. Maybe change the HP formula a bit so CON is less important here. And DEX and STR can both be used to move in any dimension.
And now you can have rogues that are great at everything related movement even if they dump STR/CON, but they pay for that with a little bit less toughness (especially con saves).
But they are better at mental things.
Or rogues who have both dex and str/con who are tougher.
And when we are reducing one stat, I'd also probably remove wisdom as a stat. Casters that get by with knowledge (priests, druids and wizards) just use int. Knowledge and perception is int now.
Everything else goes to charisma. Resisting charms and fear. Everything that has to do with people.