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[B]Name[/B]: Sheng Shemin
[B]Class[/B]: Fighter 1
[B]Race[/B]: Human
[B]Size[/B]: Medium
[B]Gender[/B]: Male
Str: 14/16 +3 Level: 2 XP: 1000
Dex: 14 +2 BAB: +2 HP: 13+10:23
Con: 14 +2 CM bonus: +5 CM defense: 17
Int: 14 +2 Speed: 30'
Wis: 12 +1 Init: +2
Cha: 08 -1 ACP: -2
Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc
Armor: 10 +4 +3 +2 +0 +0 +1
Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 17
Base Mod Misc Total
Fort: 3 +2 +5
Ref: 0 +2 +2
Will: 0 +1 +1
[b]Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Scimitar +5 1d6+3 18-20x2
Kukri +5 1d4+3 18-20x2
Guisarme +5 2d4+4 x3
Javaline +4 1d6 x2
Languages: Common, 2 languages left
Human: +2 Str, bonus feat, bonus skill.
Feats and traits:
Fighter feats ( Profs + (F))
Quick draw (F)
Shield focus
Killer (T)
Magical talent (Create water)
Combat Expertise (BF)
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total
Climb 2 +3 -2 +6
Handle Animal 2 -1 +4
Ride 2 +2 -2 +5
Survival 2 +1 +6
Swim 2 +3 -2 +6
Hide armor (30lb)
Scimitar (8lb)
Guisarme (12lb)
Kukri (5lb)
Javaline (2lb)
Flint and steel (--lb,1gp)
Belt (-lb)
Backpack (2lb)
Waterskin (4lb)
Herbal mix
3 days worth of food
Acrobatics +4 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Appraise +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Bluff -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Climb +2 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +2 [STR] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Craft +3 = +1 [ranks] +3 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Diplomacy -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Disable Device +4 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Disguise -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Escape Artist +4 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Fly +4 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Handle Animal -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Heal +1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +1 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Intimidate -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Knowledge (Arcana) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Dngnrng) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Engnrng) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Geography) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (History) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Local) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Nature) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Nobility) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Planes) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Religion) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Linguistics +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Perception +6 = +1 [ranks] +3 [class skill] +1 [WIS] +1 [Fighter 2]
Perform -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Profession +1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +1 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Ride +4 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Sense Motive +6 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +1 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Sleight of Hand +4 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Spellcraft +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Stealth +10 = +2 [ranks] +3 [class skill] +4 [DEX] +1 [trait] -0 [ACP]
Survival +7 = +2 [ranks] +3 [class skill] +1 [WIS] +1 [trait]
Swim +2 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +2 [STR] +0 [misc] -0 [ACP]
Use Magic Device -1 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] -1 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Equipment Weight
Leather armour 15 lbs
Composite longbow 2 lbs
- 30 arrows (stone) 4.5 lbs
Traveller's Outfit 0 while worn
Backpack 2 lbs
- Hemp roap 10 lbs
- 2 days trail rations 3 lbs
Waterskin 4 lbs
Treasure: 3d4 bronze pieces
Total weight carried: 40.5 lbs (light encumberance. >58 lbs is medium encumberance)
Maximum weight possible: 175 lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Pale brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Appearance: Tekai is short, stocky and broad of shoulder. Despite his short years his face is weather beaten, framed by a curly mop of hair (normally seen protruding from the base of a wollen cap) and a short beard.
Deamenaor: Tekai is always careful to give no cause for complaint, intuitively knowing he line between dutiful and rebellion. His work is careful but rarely exceeds any standard higher than average unless he is inspired by something, or someone. [/sblock]
The circle of life will always continue. Or at least that is what we are told. Our tribes move in homage to the great circles, following Gaea's circles of snow, ice, sun and storm. It has always been so, and probably always will be so. Still, as my mother's son, I can't help but doubt in my mind. There must be a better way!
I was born as the first son and third child of Iya. As the only male, other than father, it was my work to find enough food for mother and my sisters. Only then could I eat. Life is hard, but we often eat well. None of the tribe eat so well as we do. I think it is my style. I prefer to hunt alone and with a bow. The patient man will get his desserts, father said often. So I hide, and wait. And things do come to me. The other men prefer to chase their game shouting and laughing in groups. They are lucky to catch a squirrel between them.
My bow is my life. Father taught me the ways of making the double curved bows of his tribe. And arrows of course. Of what use is a bow without arrows? My double bow, Arfan, pulls harder than all other bows I have tried. It is a fine weapon. Sadly, father is lost now. He was taken by Orcs, three winters past. That winter was hard as my mother Iya's care fell to me. She is ill. I think it is a disease of the spirit, as her body is as strong as it will ever be for a woman her age. Her mind was strong, once. She taught me to listen, not hear as others do. And see with all my senses, not just my eyes as others do. And to think, though I find I am slow to reach a point she could reach quickly. Perhaps it is my patience again.
My sisters have taken husbands now. Both are good and true men, though poor providers by my standard. I don't mind - it is a chance to see my nieces and newphew.
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