D&D 5E [Rules Question] Opportunity Attacks and Total Cover


My view appears to match Paraxis. Rule is that you get an AO when it leaves your reach. As shorthand the game describes reach as up to 5 feet away. And it makes sense if you imaging you have a sword, you can reach out at least 5 feet around you and even above you. But you can't reach 5 feet below you unless you are in some odd prone position.

In that case I think all players get a shot at it as the leaves their reach. I also imagine that by the time the Xorn is out of reach it probably does have 3/4 cover so I would give it +5 to AC to boot.

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Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
OK I am convinced, I still like the say "yes but" approach, but to be consistent character A should not get an attack of opportunity.

I agree. It helps that it was my initial ruling, but I think it's the right one. :)

I think going with the OA at disadvantage is a perfectly fine ruling/house rule.



First Post
What of this changes if the xorn moves instead horizontally into a wall, such that the first five feet are still adjacent to A?


Let's forget the xorn and just make this about whether total cover provokes.

Imagine this layout:

B _
. A

Character A is adjacent to a 6" thick wall and within his reach is a bandit, B.

B moves like so:

. B
. A

So the bandit is still within 5' of A but has interposed a wall between them so he is totally unattackable.

Is the bandit still within reach? Or does total cover negate reach?

I could see this going either way but my inclination is to look at what an OA represents: turning your back on a foe. If there's convenient cover that you can slip behind without turning your back, great, you avoid the OA.

Joe Liker

First Post
Let's forget the xorn and just make this about whether total cover provokes.

Imagine this layout:

B _
. A

Character A is adjacent to a 6" thick wall and within his reach is a bandit, B.

B moves like so:

. B
. A

So the bandit is still within 5' of A but has interposed a wall between them so he is totally unattackable.

Is the bandit still within reach? Or does total cover negate reach?

I could see this going either way but my inclination is to look at what an OA represents: turning your back on a foe. If there's convenient cover that you can slip behind without turning your back, great, you avoid the OA.
B never left A's reach; he moved behind cover. Those are completely different, unrelated game concepts. So no, no opportunity attack.

Joe Liker

First Post
I completely understand where most everyone is coming from, but the difficulty I see with this interpretation is that the only way to fight it is by readying an action (I am looking for the board member whose sig says, "The first sign of a broken rule is when the solution is to ready an action.") At this point, the Xorn could pop up, hit, and descend with relative impunity.

It isn't the end of the world by any means, but it seems like it is close to the only way a level 5 party could combat it.
Well, xorn are size Medium, and Grapple is a marvelous, oft-overlooked tool in every combatant's toolkit.


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Let's forget the xorn and just make this about whether total cover provokes.
Taken that you make an opportunity attack when a creature that you can see moves out of your reach and that target with total cover can’t be targeted directly by an attack or a spell, i'd say it wouldn't provoke and wouldn't be targetable.


Well, xorn are size Medium, and Grapple is a marvelous, oft-overlooked tool in every combatant's toolkit.

Except I was taking about the Xorn hiding and only popping out when it is its turn. The Xorn pops out, hits, and then melts back into the ground. The only way to do anything is by readying an action for when the Xorn pops out. So you could grapple it, but only if you readied an action to do so when it pops out. Like I said, not the end of the world, but I cannot think of another way of dealing with it.


Retired game store owner
The xorn is over 5 feet tall. If he digs down 5 feet, then moves horizontally 10 feet, he is moving in a trench.

Voidrunner's Codex

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