Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


Scales of War Part #1 Rescue at Rivenroar
Set in Fallcrest within the Nentir Vale.

Fallcrest, the Nentir Inn, late Fritag night.

Gasper No couldn't stop grinning, here he was in the Nentir Inn, a place he could previously never afford to eat in, the best Inn in Fallcrest in fact. He'd just finished his meal- baked Stirge in a rosemary crust with winter vegetables, followed by a flambéed mini-Gelatinous Cube with a caramel sauce, accompanied by half-a-bottle of a most agreeable Elven Chimblee.

Gasper wiped his mouth with his napkin and opened his purse, for the first time in the evening his smile faltered, nervously he flopped out two dozen gold coins, enough for the meal, the wine and a hefty tip- why not he figured, plenty more where that came from.

However, here was the test- Gasper let the coins sit on the counter, Ayella the barmaid wandered over, picked up the coin- as if there was nothing wrong, and then with a smile wished him good night.

Gasper sat for a moment, still watching- waiting, as Ayella made her way back to the till and placed his money within... nothing.

Ayella went back about her business, leaving Gasper smiling again.

Less than two hours ago the coins that he had paid with had been copper- he'd done it, he had truly done it- he was certain.

Gasper No had discovered the Philosopher's Stone, he'd discovered the way to transform base metals in to gold, no magic just alchemy, he had spent 42 years searching for the secret, more than once he had come close to madness, the pursuit had left him almost penniless, at times homeless, and for several decades now friendless.

Gasper got up from his stool, waved a last goodbye and moved over to the door, knowing that he was about to return home to start the job of making himself rich. He had only one gold coin left in his pocket but that didn't matter, he would have to get some change- 100 copper coins, which he would turn this very evening in to 100 gold, and from there...

Gasper did a little dance on the way to the door, spiralled on the spot- nobody was watching, why not.

He pulled open the door of the Nentir Inn, looking back to offer a last 'G'night' to the staff and the other patrons- he turned back and...

Standing in the doorway was the biggest Hobgoblin he had ever seen, strange he thought, and then was swiftly decapitated.

And thus the secret of the Philosopher's Stone remained a secret for a little while longer.

The evening however would nevertheless come to be remembered, not for Gasper No and his 42 years of work, but for the Goblin attack on Fallcrest, and the heroes that took up arms and implements to defend the city from the terrible foe.

(There's more)

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The Scales of War Part #1
Rescue at Rivenroar

The world has never been a safe place. Bastions of civilization populate a dark, menacing world—islands of order and reason exist in a land otherwise overrun by dark cults, vile monsters, creatures from the dark edges of the imagination, and worse. As deadly as the world is on a normal day, something has begun to stir on the fringes of the civilized Nentir Vale. Formerly the site of an attack by an army known as the Red Hand, the Vale has known several years of peace since brave adventurers stormed into the teeth of the approaching Hand and sent them scurrying back into the darkness.

But the peace of Nentir Vale—and specifically, the city of Fallcrest, heart of the former conflict with the Red Hand—has been shattered. The vague shadow of unease the locals have been experiencing lately has crystallized in the form of an attack on the town itself. Now Fallcrest finds itself once more in need of brave heroes willing to come to the aid of their citizens.

Bar Fight

The gentle hubbub of an evening at the Nentir Inn is shattered by the crack of the front door flying off its hinges to land amid the nearest tables, and a friendly looking citizen of Fallcrest (Gasper No) being decapitated. Four goblins rush into the bar, three Hobgoblins with longswords outstretched to skewer the nearest bar patrons, and a smaller goblin with a short sword in one hand and a burning bitumen torch in the other. “For Sinruth! For the Hand!” they cry.

OOC: Note you lose 10 XP (from the Encounter total) for each citizen that is killed in the bar, just a little incentive to try and keep some of them alive, and to prevent them being used as meat shields, not including Gasper- you're way too late to help him.

OOC: I'm not one for telling PCs what monsters (exactly) they face, therefore you can use a Monster Knowledge check as a Free Action each turn to try and learn more information, if you wish.

Initiative please...


Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
19 Hobgoblin #1
19 Hobgoblin #2
19 Hobgoblin #3

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/27 Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/38 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/26 Surges 8/8


Sneaky Goblin #1
Hobgoblin #1
Hobgoblin #2
Hobgoblin #3

Actions To Date

Turn #1


New Maps-

All PCs in the bar, and a nice map of Fallcrest for you.

Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar


First Post

There was a day when Kali would not have drawn in anger against his kin. That day was long gone, his heart sang at the thought of ending the life of any goblin that dared to face him, along with any he could surprise with an axe in the back of the head!



First Post

He sat thoughtfully chewing the rabbit in his stew, watching the patrons in the bar. This was definitely his favourite place in Fallcrest. Ayella was always smiling, the place was warm and even the food he could afford was good. He looked round at the elven woman sat at the end of the table and gave her what he hoped was his most winning smile. Its effectiveness was probably lost by the fact he blushed almost straight after.

"Getting better, Viator"

he mumbled sarcastically under his breath.
His attention was grabbed by a sudden movement by the door. Someone had obviously enjoyed a little too much wine this evening. He giggled to himself as the man annouced his exit, and began fishing around for a dumpling.
The sound of the head striking the ground sent a shiver up his spine that led to the reflexive throbbing at his temples...

[sblock=Viator Combat Stats]AC: 14 Fort: 12 Ref: 14 Will: 15
Init: 0 PI: 17 PP:17
HP: 26/26
Surges: 8/8
Power Points: 2/2
[sblock=Powers]Dimensional Scramble (+4 vs Fort, 1d6+4 dmg)
Force Punch (+4 vs Fort, 1d8+4 force dmg)
Fey Step
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Living Missile (+4 vs Fort, immobilized/slowed (save ends); +4 vs Ref, 2d6+4 dmg and prone - half for primary target and prone)
Tenser’s Floating Disk
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Hmm, if white's bishop takes that knight, then black can fork the bishop and rook, so that should be safe, but... Snapped back to reality by the sudden violence at the door, Ah-shahran pushes himself up and prepares to take action. Hobgoblins here? I thought this place was civilized!

[sblock=OOC]I grant all allies within 10 squares a +2 bonus to initiative. That should apply to everyone, I think.

Also: thinking, speaking, yelling, *whispering*[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 30/30 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 7
AC: 16 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
Resist: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+2) 14
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Spirit of the Healing Flood

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First Post

The elven woman smiled and nodded, a sign of not being used to socialize like that, and she is just about to say something, as all of a sudden a fight erupts. Seeing the hobgoblins threaten the lives of the good citizens of Fallcrest, Kyalia immediately reaches for her bow.


First Post
Magnus sat at the bar having a laugh with the bartender. He hadn't even noticed the man enter the establishment but he did notice the creatures that followed him. "You let filthy gobers in here? They'll stink up the place and their so da..." Before Magnus could finish the thought the man was slain and now lay in the floor in front of the door.

Magnus slid of his stole and grabed for his hammer and shield. "Filthy beast. What ya kill that fella for?"


OOC: Items Sblocked like the one below with PC/s name on are info for these characters only, obviously I can't stop anyone from looking- it's a trust thing, the PCs in question can obviously share this information with you in-game.

[sblock=Monster Knowledge for Ah-shahran & Kyalia]

The Hobgoblins are just Grunts (Minions), run-of-the-mill troops- that said your knowledge of the beasts is such that you know that they have the ability to increase their defences by fighting in pairs or groups (adjacent). Lastly they are sometimes quick to throw off adverse effects.

The real threat however is the Goblin, a Blackblade (Lurker), a sneaky bugger- they're shifty, able to move if missed in combat, also able to change places with their allies. Blackblades also enjoy attacking enemies while already engaged with their allies- they seem to be able to pick the sweet spot and increase the hurt.


OOC: Whereas the following Sblocked info is for anybody to look at-


Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
23 Magnus (TSS)
19 Hobgoblin #1
19 Hobgoblin #2
19 Hobgoblin #3
15 Viator (Raven)
14 Ah-shahran (Tiornys)
13 Kalimaru (Hairychin)
11 Kyalia (Thanee)
0 Patrons of the Inn

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/27 Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/38 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/26 Surges 8/8

Sneaky Goblin #1
Hobgoblin #1
Hobgoblin #2
Hobgoblin #3

Actions To Date

Turn #1


OOC: Waiting on Goken's initiative.


Bar Fight

OOC: I'm posting this as Goken, I note, cannot get over 26 with his initiative, therefore the Sneaky Goblin is first up.

And so it begins...

Sneaky Goblin #1 Scorch.

The Goblin clutches his torch and hops up on to a stool and from there on to the bar (R27). The creature throws ts arms wide and declares in broken common-

“No bodz muuv. We art da Red 'and- an' dis iz a grakkin robbery...”

Then cackles like a crazy thing and pulls out a second pre-prepared bitumen torch (he has a number of the things stuffed into his belt), he tosses the first flaming torch to the rear of the bar- where the bottles of spirits and fortified wines are. There's a sudden lick of flame and a pool of 'Old Janx' Dwarven Spirit ignites... not good.

The Goblin cackles some more and then shouts over the noise of the bar patron's screams-

“Get 'em boyz.”

OOC: Move: R27
Minor: Light 2nd Bitumen Torch.
Standard: Throw lit Bitumen Torch to M29

At the same time a door a little further in to the Inn (M42) is flung open revealing a second Sneaky Goblin and a bunch more Hobgoblins in the chamber beyond.

Sneaky Goblin #2 Fiery Pete.

Fiery Pete shuffles in to the Inn proper (N42)- he's holding two bitumen torches, he surveys the scene, grins as he spots Viator- an Eladrin he figures, they're really just posh Elves, and throws a torch at Viator, yelling-

“For Sinruth!”

Followed by, “Catch!”

The flaming bitumen torch thuds in to Viator, scorching him a little (1 HP damage), and then falls next to Viator's feet, it takes less than a second to ignite the alcohol soaked floorboards.

OOC: Move: N42
Standard: Throw lit Bitumen Torch at Viator


Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
26 Sneaky Goblin #2
23 Magnus (TSS)*
19 Hobgoblin #1
19 Hobgoblin #2
19 Hobgoblin #3
19 Hobgoblin #4
19 Hobgoblin #5
19 Hobgoblin #6
15 Viator (Raven)
14 Ah-shahran (Tiornys)
13 Kalimaru (Hairychin)
11 Kyalia (Thanee)
0 Patrons of the Inn

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/27 Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/38 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/25 Surges 8/8 Flaming Bitumen Torch at feet.

Sneaky Goblin #1
Sneaky Goblin #2
Hobgoblin #1
Hobgoblin #2
Hobgoblin #3
Hobgoblin #4
Hobgoblin #5
Hobgoblin #6

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Sneaky Goblin #1- Move on to bar (R27). Light 2nd Torch. Throw Torch behind bar (M29), it burns.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Burst in to Inn & Move (N42). Throw Bitumen Torch Viator- Hit 1 Fire damage and the Torch burns, starting to ignite the floor in (Q41).



OOC: Note there are lots of changes of elevation in the bar- spot the stairs, generally they are only 2-3 feet up or down. There are also lots of sections bordered by hand rails, these count as providing cover.

New Map-

Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar

Magnus heads in to action...
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First Post

Freggo was starting to worry. Maybe he'd made a mistake leaving his apprentceship with that carpenter. And the archivist before that, he'd had such great books to read. He was just so sure that he was meant for bigger things. The wanderer said a talent with the blade of his caliber comes along once in a generation. There had been something about needing practice and dedication too, but who has time for that? Adventure calls!

Freggo sighed. At least, it was supposed to call. He couldn't find anyone in this bar that needs a hero. Maybe he could ask that nervous fellow wolfing down the fancy food. It seemed like he might have been holding back. Now where did he go? Oh, there he is by the door. Who's he talking to? Holy crap a fight, a real bar room brawl, this is more like it! Wait... Freggo peered down at the nervous guy's body in confusion. Blood? But... That's not how it's supposed to go...

Please roll init for me, I'm on travel and it's hard to roll from the phone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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