Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


First Post
[sblock=apologies, again] So sorry, peeps, but I had to take a trip to California with Army and it kept me completely tied up. No life worries, just work work work. I just got home about an hour ago. [/sblock]


Pleased that the looming threat of the unknown summoned beast is already at an end, Velani shifts her position to allow her comrades to work in tandem to dispatch the oversized rodents. "Let's mop up this meager attempt at slowing us down and make for the prize!"

OOC: Move: shift to K5
Standard: Valiant Strike vs. Rat #3)

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[sblock=apologies, again] So sorry, peeps, but I had to take a trip to California with Army and it kept me completely tied up. No life worries, just work work work. I just got home about an hour ago. [/sblock]


Pleased that the looming threat of the unknown summoned beast is already at an end, Velani shifts her position to allow her comrades to work in tandem to dispatch the oversized rodents. "Let's mop up this meager attempt at slowing us down and make for the prize!"

OOC: Move: shift to K5
Standard: Valiant Strike vs. Rat #3)

Velani shuffles around the rat she is facing, lashes out with her longsword, but alas is off target...


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 4

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator*
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.
Freggo 33/24 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP1. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran)
Velani 39/34 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP.
Rat #3- 25 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP. Aegis (Freggo).
Summoned Creature- 97 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (H8) Rat #3- Hit 10 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to F7. Move to P9.

Kali- Drop Bow. Grab axes. Battleaxe (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit (with Power Attack) 26 damage & Dual Attack (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage & Bloodied.

Ah-shahran- Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Velani. Spirit Infusion Kali (CA) Battleaxe Summoned Creature- Hit 21 damage (with Assassin's Shroud). Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Kali. Pelor Bonus- Adaptive Stratagem +4 damage for Kyalia.

Rat #2- Regen 5. Bite Freggo- Hit 9 damage. Rat Scurry Shift to L4.

Rat #3- Regen 5- No longer Bloodied. Move K6. Bite (CA) Velani- Miss.

Freggo- Move M4. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #3. Luring Strike Rat #2- Miss & Shift back to N4.

Kyalia- Hunter's Quarry Summoned Creature. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Miss & Hit- 8 damage. Action Point. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Hit & Hit 20 damage- DEAD.

Turn #4

Velani- Shift K5. Valiant Strike Rat #3- Miss.





New Map-

251 Fire & Rats- Velani dances with rats

Next up Viator, Kali and then Ah-shahran.


First Post
Seeing an opportunity, Viator pushes himself again, and shapes his distorting explosion around Velani.

His sudden headache throws his aim off enough to miss one of the rats, but the other is ripped from its place by a huge crack of static and appears inbetween Kali and Freggo.

Viator's legs give way, but he catches himself in time

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action = Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) at L5: Rat #2 - MISS; Rat #3 - HIT for 14 dmg and teleport to N5[/sblock]
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Seeing an opportunity, Viator pushes himself again, and shapes his distorting explosion around Velani.

His sudden headache throws his aim off enough to miss one of the rats, but the other is ripped from its place by a huge crack of static and appears inbetween Kali and Freggo.

Viator's legs give way, but he catches himself in time

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action = Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) at L5: Rat #2 - MISS; Rat #3 - HIT for 14 dmg and teleport to N5[/sblock]

Viator's Dimensional Scramble leaves one of the rats bloodied and disorientated- teleported between Kali and Freggo, alas his power is as chaotic as ever. The other rat is unaffected.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 4

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali*
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.
Freggo 33/24 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP1. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran)
Velani 39/34 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP.
Rat #3- 39 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP- Bloodied. Aegis (Freggo).
Summoned Creature- 97 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (H8) Rat #3- Hit 10 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to F7. Move to P9.

Kali- Drop Bow. Grab axes. Battleaxe (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit (with Power Attack) 26 damage & Dual Attack (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage & Bloodied.

Ah-shahran- Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Velani. Spirit Infusion Kali (CA) Battleaxe Summoned Creature- Hit 21 damage (with Assassin's Shroud). Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Kali. Pelor Bonus- Adaptive Stratagem +4 damage for Kyalia.

Rat #2- Regen 5. Bite Freggo- Hit 9 damage. Rat Scurry Shift to L4.

Rat #3- Regen 5- No longer Bloodied. Move K6. Bite (CA) Velani- Miss.

Freggo- Move M4. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #3. Luring Strike Rat #2- Miss & Shift back to N4.

Kyalia- Hunter's Quarry Summoned Creature. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Miss & Hit- 8 damage. Action Point. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Hit & Hit 20 damage- DEAD.

Turn #4

Velani- Shift K5. Valiant Strike Rat #3- Miss.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- Hit 14 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to N5.




New Map-

252 Fire & Rats- Viator's Scramble

Next Up- Kali and Ah-shahran.


First Post

Kali considers the remaining foe.
OOC: Shifts into aspect of the cunning fox (Free)
Then swings with his battle axe at the big ugly rat before him. Followed up with the handaxe in his left, with a quick shift to give his companion bettter options on the other rat.
OOC: Shift 2 to M4
And to top it off, will drop an assassin's shroud onto what he hopes is the only remaining rat.
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Kali considers the remaining foe.
OOC: Shifts into aspect of the cunning fox (Free)
Then swings with his battle axe at the big ugly rat before him. Followed up with the handaxe in his left, with a quick shift to give his companion bettter options on the other rat.
OOC: Shift 2 to M4
And to top it off, will drop an assassin's shroud onto what he hopes is the only remaining rat.

GM: Cunning Fox is a Minor Action... but you have the actions anyway.

Kali lays in to the rat before him, with both blades- the first almost does for the beast, the second makes sure. Not content the big man shuffles back and round- he dances to confront the remaining rat... and for good measure gives the creature the evil eye.

Behind him a strange thing happens, the dead rat (the one Kali just killed) morphs and shapes- its body seems to burst and elongate. Seconds later lying on the cold stone flagged floor is the corpse of a bearded weasily looking male human...

New Map-

253 Fire & Rats- Kali the killer

Next Up- Ah-shahran and then Rat #2.



Ah-shahran moves up next to Viator, looking over the carnage in the room. With a negligent flip of his hand, he sends Gorm hurtling toward the remaining rat. The spectral dog splits into two, jaws snapping as he passes the rat before taking up a blocking position and distracting the creature with his presence.
OOC: Until the end of my next turn, you have combat advantage when making melee attacks against any enemy adjacent to Gorm

[sblock=Mechanics]Move: to P:8, Gorm to K:3
Standard: Twin Panthers on the rat[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might, Minor Boon

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Ah-shahran moves up next to Viator, looking over the carnage in the room. With a negligent flip of his hand, he sends Gorm hurtling toward the remaining rat. The spectral dog splits into two, jaws snapping as he passes the rat before taking up a blocking position and distracting the creature with his presence.
OOC: Until the end of my next turn, you have combat advantage when making melee attacks against any enemy adjacent to Gorm

[sblock=Mechanics]Move: to P:8, Gorm to K:3
Standard: Twin Panthers on the rat[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might, Minor Boon


The first of the shadowy great cats rips and tears at the, which squeaks furiously, as the great beast draws blood. The second visage alas fades before it even reaches its target...

Gorm moves to watch over the scurrying rodent.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 4

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2*
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.
Freggo 33/24 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP1. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran)
Velani 39/34 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 26 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP.
Rat #3- 62 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP- DEAD.
Summoned Creature- 97 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (H8) Rat #3- Hit 10 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to F7. Move to P9.

Kali- Drop Bow. Grab axes. Battleaxe (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit (with Power Attack) 26 damage & Dual Attack (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage & Bloodied.

Ah-shahran- Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Velani. Spirit Infusion Kali (CA) Battleaxe Summoned Creature- Hit 21 damage (with Assassin's Shroud). Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Kali. Pelor Bonus- Adaptive Stratagem +4 damage for Kyalia.

Rat #2- Regen 5. Bite Freggo- Hit 9 damage. Rat Scurry Shift to L4.

Rat #3- Regen 5- No longer Bloodied. Move K6. Bite (CA) Velani- Miss.

Freggo- Move M4. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #3. Luring Strike Rat #2- Miss & Shift back to N4.

Kyalia- Hunter's Quarry Summoned Creature. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Miss & Hit- 8 damage. Action Point. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Hit & Hit 20 damage- DEAD.

Turn #4

Velani- Shift K5. Valiant Strike Rat #3- Miss.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- Hit 14 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to N5.

Kali- Aspect of Cunning Fox. Battleaxe (CA) Rat #3- Hit 13 damage & Dual Weapon Strike (CA) Rat #3- 10 damage- DEAD. Shift M4. Assassin's Shroud Rat #2.

Ah-shahran- Move P8 & Gorm K3. Twin Panthers Rat #2- Crit & Miss 18 damage.


New Map- to follow.

Next Up- Rat #2.


Rat #2

The rodent's wounds heal slightly, not enough to mask much of the hurt it has already suffered. The beast instantly turns tail and scurries away- although it pays the prize, new wounds open as Velani's Righteous Radiance burns. Then faster still, the rat dashes up the north passage and... and somewhere en route changes shape completely.

Peering back around the corner is hairy and nasty looking man, screaming at the top of his lungs-


And clutching a Short Sword in his hand...


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 4

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
19 Freggo*
18 Kyalia

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.
Freggo 33/24 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP1. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran)
Velani 39/34 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 32 HP damage taken but Regen 10 HP.
Rat #3- 62 HP damage taken but Regen 5 HP- DEAD.
Summoned Creature- 97 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (H8) Rat #3- Hit 10 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to F7. Move to P9.

Kali- Drop Bow. Grab axes. Battleaxe (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit (with Power Attack) 26 damage & Dual Attack (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage & Bloodied.

Ah-shahran- Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Velani. Spirit Infusion Kali (CA) Battleaxe Summoned Creature- Hit 21 damage (with Assassin's Shroud). Summon Gorm M7 +4 Temp HP Kali. Pelor Bonus- Adaptive Stratagem +4 damage for Kyalia.

Rat #2- Regen 5. Bite Freggo- Hit 9 damage. Rat Scurry Shift to L4.

Rat #3- Regen 5- No longer Bloodied. Move K6. Bite (CA) Velani- Miss.

Freggo- Move M4. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #3. Luring Strike Rat #2- Miss & Shift back to N4.

Kyalia- Hunter's Quarry Summoned Creature. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Miss & Hit- 8 damage. Action Point. Twin Strike Summoned Creature- Hit & Hit 20 damage- DEAD.

Turn #4

Velani- Shift K5. Valiant Strike Rat #3- Miss.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- Hit 14 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to N5.

Kali- Aspect of Cunning Fox. Battleaxe (CA) Rat #3- Hit 13 damage & Dual Weapon Strike (CA) Rat #3- 10 damage- DEAD. Shift M4. Assassin's Shroud Rat #2.

Ah-shahran- Move P8 & Gorm K3. Twin Panthers Rat #2- Crit & Miss 18 damage.

Rat #2- Regen 5. Rat Scurry (Shift 3) to I5- Velani's Righteous Radiance- 6 Radiant damage. Move. Change Shape- Human.




New Map-

254 Fire & Rats- Fleeing Wererat

Next UP- Freggo & then Kyalia.


First Post

Seeing one of the wererats break and flee, Kyalia darts across the room, her bow at the ready, and fires an arrow after the now-in-human-form-creature. Afterwards, the huntress moves closer to her prey, hoping to hinder its retreat and thus the alarming of more enemies.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry
Standard: Evasive Strike (afterwards Shift 4 to D7)[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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