Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC



Ah-shahran shuffles over to Kyalia. They'll be ready for us, so best if we get ourselves ready for them. Gaze sharpening, he stares intently at a point about 8 inches past Kyalia's head. Smiling, he adds, I think you'll be off to a good start this next fight, lass. Though, watch out on your second shot.

[sblock=Mechanics]Cast Fortune on Kyalia.

Also, temp HP to Velani, and I intend to have Gorm up front when we move on.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might


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First Post
Concern crosses Viator's eyes as Freggo is overcome by the disease. Thinking back to the cook who was also affected by the same disease, he reaches out with his senses to make sure that the swordmage is not under the influence of the same malign force.


OOC: Thank you! :)

Those rolls will replace my next three d20 rolls or my next three attack rolls?

GM: Effect: Roll a d20 three times when you use this power, and note the results, in order. These results replace, in order, the next three d20 rolls the target makes for any of the following types of rolls: attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. At the DM’s discretion, trivial rolls and rolls that the target makes in nondangerous or nonstressful situations can’t be replaced by your recorded results. When all three results have been used or when you next take an extended rest, the effect ends. The target doesn’t know if his or her fortune is good or bad unless you tell the target.

Special: Once anyone has used this power on an ally, that ally cannot be targeted by the power again until after he or she finishes an extended rest.

This DM agrees, the rolls cannot be trivial- they must be attack, saves or skills used in combat or other desperate times.

And so Freggo is back on his feet, still more than a little weary but... well, surely the end is nigh.

Frazzle to the north (and east) beyond the closed doors, to the east proper, down the pillared hall- well who knows for sure but the vision in the scrying pool...

But for now Frazzle...

Faced with the doors- anything anyone is doing, or is rip them open and stroll in... What's the story?

GM: Temp HP done.

You're very close, hang on in there people, you're doing a wonderful job. I'll wait a day or so to see if anyone has anything they want to do, then the doors open...


Concern crosses Viator's eyes as Freggo is overcome by the disease. Thinking back to the cook who was also affected by the same disease, he reaches out with his senses to make sure that the swordmage is not under the influence of the same malign force.

GM: As confirmed in Kali's earlier post (see previous page), Freggo does indeed have the very same disease- Filth Fever, be thankful it's not Lycanthropy...


First Post

Kali takes a moment to move quietly off to the east, down the unexplored passage. If the rat-scum have another way into the room, best to find it now rather than when they appear from behind.


Kali takes a moment to move quietly off to the east, down the unexplored passage. If the rat-scum have another way into the room, best to find it now rather than when they appear from behind.

Kali edges as silent as a ghost down the pillared passage to the east...

Old Image-

237 Scryed Chamber #3

GM: The above image is one the PCs have seen previously, they scryed on these three chamber in an earlier- and by three chambers I mean the chamber you guys are in now, the one ahead- behind the shut doors, and the one to the east (the image above).

For more info about what happened then go to-

Page 88 here Post 1319.

The chamber down the eastern passage (you enter from the west) is as silent as the grave... and dark- ahead a huge bone pile slops up to raised are, there must be thousands of skeletons here.

On the top of the pile, on the north wall of the chamber are a pair of thrones, two dead creatures sit on the thrones, one seems to have a little flesh left on it.

Also on the chamber walls are the ragged remains of tapestries, Kali can't make out detail, not in this light...

Nothing stirs.

Old Map part two-

236 Scryed Chamber #2

This is the image of the chamber that lies ahead- the one with Frazzle in it, you can see the closed doors on the bottom west...

If I hear nothing by midnight tonight then I'm moving you up... with Velani ripping open the doors.

Voidrunner's Codex

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