Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


First Post

Kyalia stands guard inside the corridor leading to Lord Frazzle's domain, while Kali scouts the other exit from their current location.

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First Post
OOC: The Arcana was to check that Freggo wouldn't get possessed by that demon thing that took over Mirtala the cook. But hopefully that was serious paranoia on my behalf

Just remember that Derek warned us Lord Frazzle is extremely dangerous

Viator says in hushed tones before moving behind the bigger companions.


First Post

Satisfied that an attack from another direction is unlikely Kali prepares for what may be a difficult fight. Readying himself to enter the chamber just a step behind Velani (unless someone comes up with a better plan), he smiles wickedly as he prepares his battleaxe by coating its cutting edge in Carrion Crawler Brain Juice.


GM: Sorry didn't get chance to post late last night as suddenly remembered I had a handout to write for a class today.

The doors creak open, suprisingly easy- not locked, and not trapped, thank Erathis...

The chamber ahead is dark, or at least shadowy, a dull light source to the north, take a look-

New Map-

256 Frazzled

Although the light is more a dull haze, shrouded in a thick fog... it's... unnerving.

A voice comes from the void.

It would be more terrifying if the voice was less, well... squeaky.

"Eye Um Lord Frazzle!"

The squeaky voice states- certain.

"You are anterlopes, no that's not right... hang on... interlopers. Well- ha-ha, you have interloped too far... if you continue on your path you will meet your density, I mean destiny- sorry, I can barely see what I've written here- can I start again?"

You exchange glances.

"Oh fiddlesticks. I'll just carry on..."

Squeaky voice clears his throat a couple of times....

"I am your DENSITY... No, that's not righ- Destiny, it's destiny- that makes more sense. I am your destiny."

More clearing of the throat.

"Ware, mortals for I have power beyond your ken- that still doesn't sound right. Anyway... Ware for I will destroy you unlest you turn back. You meddle in the inky blackness, er... of... well, bad things. And I mean inky blackness as in, y'know- spooky things, not like soup."

Again a pause, then the same voice hushed, as if talking to someone else, not you guys.

"It didn't start that well, but I think I've got the hang of it now- I think it's going quite well... Oh."

The voice comes again.

"Ware mortals- step foot into this chamber and it will be your dooming. I will doom you... Great doom will befall you... You will be doomed... to death!"

Silence engulfs the chamber.

Then, the same voice, although squeakier still.

"Any questions?"

And after a moment.

"If not you can bugger off."

The chamber seems unnaturally chill, a series of church pews face to the north, although they too disappear- lost in the mist. Over the far side a shield lies on the floor- it's one of the three shields that formed part of the Hall of Great Valour's lost treasures.

Every now and then the sound of squeaks, not the squeaky Gnome Lord Frazzle, but Rat squeaks- the noises come from the thick fog, although some of them seem to be closer... which is odd.

GM: Note your passive perceptions are not enough to see anything, other than what I've described above...

Over to you- I'll roll Init if you like but maybe there's something else you'd like to do or say... Well, we'll see...


First Post

Kyalia sheathes her bow, then the elf suddenly transforms into a tiny cat. “Meow!”

She carefully sneaks forward, using the terrain to remain hidden.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Using my theme power for once. :)

Sneak to L4[/SBLOCK]


Kyalia sheathes her bow, then the elf suddenly transforms into a tiny cat. “Meow!”

She carefully sneaks forward, using the terrain to remain hidden.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Using my theme power for once. :)

Sneak to L4[/SBLOCK]

A mixture of good and bad...

Kyalia can see everything, beneath the pews are rats, lots of rats... and at the far end of the chamber is Lord Frazzle- hidden still in the mist and stood beside some large rock object- the source of the shadowy glow. Although the area is still hard to see, particularly for those not blessed with Kyalia's vision.

Then we return to the rats... and cats... hmm, they don't mix- and the rats don't seem to be put off, they're very big rats afterall- except for the swarm...

Several of the creatures move to scurry forward, into the attack, or at least they would do if it weren't for the fact that you guys are quick off the mark.

GM: Note the rats are all beneath benches and have concealment (at least)- they're also in a foggy place- which also grants concealment. In fact the easiest to see is Lord Frazzle. Game mechanics wise if your attacking a rat beneath the pews then you're -2 To Hit if you have a Perception (Passive or otherwise) of over '20', if your Perception is below '20' then you're -5 To Hit- you're effectively firing blind. Frazzle is -2 to hit for those with a Perception below '25'.


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

25 Kyalia*
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP2.
Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP2. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP1. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1-
Big Rat #2-
Big Rat #3-
Rat #4-
Rat #5-
Rat #6-
Rat Swarm-
Lord Frazzle-

Actions To Date

Turn #1






New Map-

Next up Kyalia, Ah-shahran, Freggo then Velani.
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First Post
Begin the Hunt

Kyalia spots Lord Frazzle amongst the mist and his rat-folk followers. The elf begins the hunt by turning back into her elf-form and moving out of her hiding place, which didn't prove to hide her very well, after all.

An instant later, her bow back in hand, the huntress fires two arrows at the gnome. Then she pulls back a few steps to give her more melee-savvy companions room to maneuver.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Begin of Combat: Begin the Hunt on Lord Frazzle (which increases my Initiative by +2, makes him my Quarry, and grants me a +2 power bonus to attacks against him until he is no longer my Quarry)
Minor: Change to humanoid form, Shift L5
Standard: Twin Shot on Lord Frazzle
-> Attack #1: Roll 12: AC 23 (assuming no -2 penalty, because Perception roll was better than 25)
-> Attack #2: Roll 6: AC 17 (assuming no -2 penalty, because Perception roll was better than 25)
Move: N7[/SBLOCK]


Ah-shahran has a daily moment

With a low sustained growl, Gorm walks into the room. Following closely, Ah-shahran paces deliberately, staff clacking on the stone floor with each step. As he walks, his voice raises in a carrying tone. "Frazzle, old boy! How good to see you! I say, but your choice of decor is really quite horrid." As he clears the door, a stirring in the spirit world becomes evident. "But what's this drivel about 'doom' and 'destiny'? Decidedly dreary of you, my dandy lad. A detestful display of idiocy, most disappointing to discern."

Flicking an imaginary speck of dust from his sleeve, Ah-shahran pauses as he reaches the swarm of rats. A slow, menacing smile spreads across his face. "As I fear you'll soon discover, the only immediate destiny with a claim to doom--is YOURS!" With his closing shout, Ah-shahran wheels his staff above his head and sends a wave of power blasting into Frazzle and the assembled rats. As a soul-numbing dread covers the room, Ah-shahran slams the heel of his staff into the stone, unleashing a storm of spirits across the room, invigorating the adventurers and tearing at their foes.

While Frazzle and the rats reel from the assault, Ah-shahran directs a low appeal at his allies: "Now that I've gotten their attention, backup would be nice!"

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor: Adaptive Stratagem on Freggo
Move: to J:3, Gorm to I:3
Free: Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might daily, choosing Dread Presence
Standard: Dread Presence on E-I:4-8, catching all enemies. This area becomes a zone.
Action Point: Spirit of the Healing Flood, catching all enemies and all allies except Viator (in range but no line of effect).

Free: Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes. First priority--try to turn Dread Presence miss into hit on the swarm. 2nd, try to turn SotHF miss into hit on the swarm. 3rd, try to turn Dread Presence miss into hit on Frazzle. If all of those are hits already, save the power.

Note that all Dread Presence damage and Spirit of the Healing Flood are close powers, so they ignore concealment. Also, their damage is damage from a close power, thus triggering vulnerability in most swarms.

[sblock=Dread Presence text]Dread Presence

Your shadow lengthens and grows, looming over your enemies and overcoming them with dread.

Encounter * Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy, Zone
Standard Action Close blast 5

Target: Each creature in the blast

Attack: Intelligence vs. Will

Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores 5 points of necrotic resistance.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Spirit of the Healing Flood effect]Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally in the burst gain regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action, a character can end this effect on himself or herself to regain 10 hit points.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adaptive Strategem for Freggo]Freggo has a +4 bonus to damage rolls until the end of Ah-shahran's next turn.[/sblock]
[sblock=Dread Presence zone E-I:4-8]Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Special: All damage from this effect ignores 5 points of necrotic resistance.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 2 [x][] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:
Spirit of the Healing Flood regen

Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]

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First Post
OOC: Unless the door counts as "in the way" you should have line of effect to Viator exactly by one corner going from bottom-right to bottom-right.


Kyalia spots Lord Frazzle amongst the mist and his rat-folk followers. The elf begins the hunt by turning back into her elf-form and moving out of her hiding place, which didn't prove to hide her very well, after all.

An instant later, her bow back in hand, the huntress fires two arrows at the gnome. Then she pulls back a few steps to give her more melee-savvy companions room to maneuver.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Begin of Combat: Begin the Hunt on Lord Frazzle (which increases my Initiative by +2, makes him my Quarry, and grants me a +2 power bonus to attacks against him until he is no longer my Quarry)
Minor: Change to humanoid form, Shift L5
Standard: Twin Shot on Lord Frazzle
-> Attack #1: Roll 12: AC 23 (assuming no -2 penalty, because Perception roll was better than 25)
-> Attack #2: Roll 6: AC 17 (assuming no -2 penalty, because Perception roll was better than 25)
Move: N7[/SBLOCK]

Kyalia is lightning fast, her bow leaps into her hands- arrow already notched and ready to fire, all this as she suddenly shuffles forward and takes on her original form. Lord Frazzle is targeted...


Followed by-


And takes two hits, even hidden by the mist Kyalia can see the Gnome sag, the creature looks smaller, and if it is possible, even less menacing than before...


The Gnome squeaks.


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran*
21 Freggo
20 Velani
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP2.
Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP2. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP1. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1-
Big Rat #2-
Big Rat #3-
Rat #4-
Rat #5-
Rat #6-
Rat Swarm-
Lord Frazzle- Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.





New Map- to follow.

Next up Ah-shahran.

Voidrunner's Codex

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