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"....so we tossed the jerk out...."


Back in high school I would have loved to kick this girl out. But she was, of course, dating another player. And since it was high school, we didn't exactly have a huge pool of players to choose from.

But what makes her the worst player was her insistence that she was right at all times, and you were wrong at all times. And if you didn't understand that then you must have a problem with her because she's a girl.

Example: She was playing a paladin in the early sessions of a campaign. We fought some kobolds and ended up capturing one of them when it surrendered. Her paladin decided that it was dodging our questions and needed some incentive. So she decided that her paladin would torture it by pulling off its fingernails.

When all of us but her boyfriend (cuz he was a wuss), told her that she couldn't do that, she responded that we had no clue what we were talking about and there was nothing in the rules that said she couldn't use torture.
We responded that torture was an evil act, and therefore it could cost her PCs paladinhood.
And her response was a repetition of her previous comment.
Then the DM chimed in. He told her outright that we were correct. If she proceeded with the torture, she'd have a fighter on her hands instead of a paladin.

She let it go and relented. But at the end of the session, she told us that what she wanted to do was just fine but that we didn't like it because it was an idea that came from a girl, and we were threatened by strong-willed, smart women.

Years later I talked with a gamer friend who was talking about some girl in his game that was arguing with their whole group about something, I said "Hey that sounds like so-n-so."
His response, "Yeah, I think that's her maiden name."
I then offered my condolences on his soon to be ruined campaign.

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First Post
Sellis said:
3.) Away From Keyboard. I swear, this guy is a wall, zero emotions and no reactions. Not only did he not roleplay, he wouldn't do anything unless we prompted him. "Heh AFK, move your dwarven defender up a little." "Okay." "20 feet?" "Yeah, sure." We booted him too.

:D There was a guy in a group I used to play with in Kelowna. No matter what character he played the DM eventually always had to reduce his characters Charisma to 3 because that's the best he could play his characters. This even happened when he'd try playing Paladins, the DM would always try talk him out of a paladin but he was determined to do it, and was always confused on why he would lose his status. :confused:


First Post
I suppose there are a lot of folks on this thread who would find my fiancee's frequent "windiness" offensive, but he can't help it. Yes, he does take Beano.

And unfortunately, after having abdominal surgery and chemotherapy, I'm starting to have similar problems. :eek:


First Post
sniffles said:
I suppose there are a lot of folks on this thread who would find my fiancee's frequent "windiness" offensive, but he can't help it. Yes, he does take Beano.

And unfortunately, after having abdominal surgery and chemotherapy, I'm starting to have similar problems. :eek:

Ah, but you see, if you like the people you game with, then petty trifles like that are brushed aside. :) Those things, at least as far as I'm concerned, only become points of condemnation when the person is already being a jerk. It's like the rancid cherry on the crap sundae, know what I mean?

Speaking of windiness, gotta share this....One day, I'm surfing the net, and there's the usual stupid news items about celebrities and all. My wife was on one of our computers, and I'm on the other. I read some news item, some BS like "J-Lo released a new fragrance today", upon which I turn to my wife and say "Check it out, hon...J-Lo released a new fragrance, I guess that's what rich and famous people call it when they break wind!" I can see it now... "StupidSmurf released a new fragrance today, which he promptly named 'Rice and beans from two hours ago'. Stupid looks forward to releasing more fragrances later, if this one proves popular."

OK, this potty humor break was NOT brought to you by Beano ;)


First Post
I'm with StupidSmurf on the petty trifles with friends bit. Heck one of my players is topless most of the time, big, flabby belly rolling with every chuckle. If he feels he's not getting enough attention in game, it's not his character that acts ridiculous, it's him. Things like filling his belly button with anti-perspirant or lighting a bowl full of everclear... It's never really a problem until we have a guest GM and the ADHD player asks me why my in-game descriptions aren't as flowery, why I'm so succinct and brief. My response? "I know your attention span." Of course, what I'm thinking is, "I know how much of your exposed body my wife can tolerate, and when you get near that line, I throw in some combat."


First Post
I can sympathize with your situation. As a fellow christian I try to be tolerant of others, but I do not tolerate slamming my religous beliefs. Especially by someone who is a guest in my home. As a new parent to a beautful 1 year old girl, you were far more tolerant than I would have been of someone eying my daughter especially an underage girl!! In my home!!! I would have told this creep in no uncertain terms to get some counciling and get out of my house double quick or be tossed out on his ear!

All in all you did the right thing, as I realize you most likely were trying to avoid creating a conflict within the group or straining friendships with the player who liked the guy and asked you to let him join your group. The christian thing to do! However I am glad you finally tossed him out!

Best regards,



First Post
Draxx said:
I can sympathize with your situation. As a fellow christian I try to be tolerant of others, but I do not tolerate slamming my religous beliefs. Especially by someone who is a guest in my home.

Quoted for the Amen factor.

Arrgh! Mark!

First Post
To think, there's only 2 real problem players. Neither have I kicked out - they both excused themselves for various reasons.

1. Shorty. Man, this guy had his faults. As a dedicated nice guy, this fellow thought I was his bosom buddy. This meant that I had to listen to his sob-stories.

Again and again.

When he stank, and whinged, and rules-lawyered...

And he couldn't roleplay worth a damn. 'Roleplaying' was coming up with a plausible reason to attack the party.

Anyway, it came to a head when I had just finished a short 4-session Call of Cthulu campaign/adventure thing. He begged, begged to be able to DM.

The horror. Our on-hold fantasy campaign was ressurected for an absolutely terrible game. We didn't know what was going on.

It was like this.

My paladin with a few companions after great effort and striving had liberated a small castle from a large-ish red dragon and declared themselves lords of it. (Somewhere in FR, can't remember exactly. It was green with lots of mountains.) Much politics were engaged with, and the campaign was put on hold until the DM of the day was less busy.

Enter Shorty as GM.

A small child shows up to the door and asks for my character. Our butler (Armed with a cloak of spider-climb to get rid of those high-up cobwebs) invites him in to wait for me.

I show up. Child says "There is a great evil not far from here! You must destroy it!", then gives me a map.

Then tries to commit suicide. Despite my efforts, he finally manages to do so.

Aanyway, we start wandering off. Not twenty minutes down the road (!? - We'd cleared this whole region not four weeks ago!) we see some massive, three-hundred-feet high adamantine gates, guarded by a minotaur.

Cue half an hour of planning. This minotaur looked tough; our bard found out he was some legendary guardian who could slay dragons with a single blow.

The fighter (Mounted combat expert) charged him down and slew him in one blow.

Shrugging, we went up to the gates. Locked. No key.

Some sort of apparition appears to us and tells us to open it we must swear to finish the evil inside.

We ignore it and the halfling barbarian with some anti-hardness rage feat takes the doors down. We save whats left to make into weapons for our budding army.

Enter... the sauna. Filled with duergar. Naked, sweating duergar. They tried to shoot at us with normal crossbows (11th level, here.) and failed. We killed them easily.

We took a break. Calculated experience.

Levelled *Twice*.

We nodded and smiled.

We went to the next room. There was a sleeping woman. I detected great evil about her. I went to wake her up; Scott said "It's like a twentieth level monk. She'll kill you if you do."

The barbarian coup-de-graced her.

We levelled again.

Then there was the mysterious passage that was non-euclidean. Shorty's descriptive powers foundered at describing a fork in the road.

There was a sleeping song dragon. We woke it. It told us to save a mind flayer. (!?). We did, after much discussion.

There was the room that filled with water that made us all make fear saves DC 35. I still had to make the fear save (?) and everyone else somehow 'made' theirs.

Then we got to an underground town filled with 60th level wizards and fighters who gave us +5 weapons and armour and artifact level stuff if we made them laugh.

I don't know if I can really describe how bad it was. The confusion as to what we were to do, the awful description, the absolute monty-haul... the fact it was 7 odd rooms, some of which were just empty..

It was the worst dungeon ever.

Compared with that, the bad player just smoked pot and got depressed whenever he ran out (every game), ran other peoples characters for them, rules-lawyered and manouvered to get his way every time and powergamed.

He wasn't a bad role-player, though. His characters were quite interesting when he wasn't sitting out of the circle, being depressed.


First Post
Breaking wind, stinkin' a bit, eating weird stuff, I don't mind any of that. If they're there to have fun and play, I can look past faults.

It's the people that suck because they don't even try that I can't stand.

Two real quick stories:

I got kicked out of a game once, because the guys I played with were Dragonball Z fans and thought everything should be that way. When my guy faced down a bad guy (who could actually levitate at will and the wind always seemed to be tousling his spikey hair, though we were indoors).. Rather than stand there and grunt and groan like I had to poo and was all angry, I just took a swing with the ole' greatsword. Rolled a 20. I laughed a bit, the DM didn't look happy. He had me roll to check crit. 19. I smirked. They were using the instant kill thing, so I rolled again. 19. I was jumping up and down inside. So, he grudgingly accepted that, despite all the DBZing of standing there and trying to stare my guy down, grunting like he ate Mama Jose's Enchiladas and gathering his chi and whatnot.. that I just smote the guy with one fell swoop while he stood there like a moron.

The next day, I was given the ole' pink slip, because "our game play styles didn't match". One of my friends that kept playing with him told me the GM had ressurected the guy and that the dude wiped the whole party. All I could say was.. HAHA!

And.. secondly... I was in FL playing with some guys I met down there and one of them had a girlfriend playing. She was hot, and I do mean hot. She was also into Drama, so she'd get up and act out stuff often. Well, she played a Bard because they sounded "powerful and mysterious".

So, some of the guys' characters actually talked her Bard into being topless on more than one occasion. What does she do? Much to our delight, she kinda gives us a LARP of being topless. Every time the bard got talked out of her clothes, she'd give us a little flash. We didn't kick her out, but her boyfriend made her stop coming (so I guess he kicked her out) :( It was a sad day for all of us.

And no, she wasn't as stupid as she sounds. It's not like we sat there and diabolically used our massive wit and intellect to get her shirt off lol, she was just 'that kinda girl' (and I don't mean slutty, her boyfriend didn't get to do any more than peek either). It's hard to explain, but I have memories of those few games burned directly into the back of my skull for easy replay.

They say you only find one like that in a million years. They were right! She's gone for good! *sobs*


First Post
sniffles said:
Why do I hear all of the above in Mr. Mackey's voice? :D

If talking to my Daughter like Mr. Mackey annoys her enough that she stays away from boys til she's 20, then I'm all for it!

Sadly, it just doesn't work that way.. *sobs* Just 19 more years of sitting on my porch with a shotgun in an old rocking chair for me.....

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