D&D General So, You Like The D&D Cartoon Huh? Pre-order Poseable Figures!

Target (in the US) is selling exclusive poseable 6-inch scale action figures of the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon characters. They're available for pre-0rder for $49.99 the set including Venger and the Dungeon Master, and you can get some of the kid heroes, along with some giant dice, separately...

Target (in the US) is selling exclusive poseable 6-inch scale action figures of the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon characters. They're available for pre-0rder for $49.99 the set including Venger and the Dungeon Master, and you can get some of the kid heroes, along with some giant dice, separately.



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How will you be able to get these action figures in the UK? I mean through UK retail channels, not US-based resellers on the secondary market.

Apologies if this has been mentioned already but I missed the answer.

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Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
I DO remember that. I'm mid 40s, and I have a vivid childhood memory of my grandfather, who lived through the Depression, saying when he was a kid, "We had a piece of 2x4, and that was a truck. If we got lucky, we could nail some spools to it for wheels" (quote might not be word-for-word, it's a 40-year-old memory.)

And kids are aging out of action figures at younger and younger ages; I wish I had a supportable source for this, but I know Hasbro investor meetings have presented this challenge. Adult collectors become a target demo then.

Me? I went ahead a preordered Venger and DM as soon as I could, because, "Hey, goofy fun." I'm not sure on the kids.

I admit at 45, I still go through the toy aisle to see if there is anything cool.

And admittedly, I have bought some classic style Transformers. Some classic style He-Man, classic style TMNT, all more or less just like I had when I was a kid. And now some classic D&D cartoon figures in pre-order because I loved then and still love now that cartoon.

Nathaniel Lee

I would bet on a $50 Tiamat, as well as $25 Eric and Diana figures, in the next waves, giving us the d4, d6 and d10 dice as well (not necessarily in that order).
No way Tiamat is only $100 unless it's not remotely to scale. The Tiamat mini from WizKids is $400 MSRP and would be too small to be at scale with these figures. LOL


Professional Lurker
Still holding out for the Sheila figure...

I wish they could put the cartoon back out on DVD. I had the original set, with the book, but it's disappeared. I fear I lent it to someone who never returned it, but I don't know.

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