Some Stories Are True


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Posting for @Osthelerin Hawke

"Stinking spider bit me twice!"

Like Wrenn, he rubs his bite and goes to look for his spider. Being more hurt than his Shimadow friend, he feels that it is necessary to first tend his wound as he may be able.
OOC: 83

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Astrid... sends a stone... in the direction... spider.
Wrenn... search of his spider... make sure that it is dead... retrieve the carcass... medicinal can be done for his bite and help the others if possible... examine the spider...
... look for his spider... first tend his wound...
Oorvid smiles at Astrid's display. "I think I hate skunks more."

Not everyone notices that Astrid, in anger, sent a stone flying from her sling. The resounding thunderclap when the stone strikes makes everyone jump and look at her. She only shrugs.

Oorvid shakes his head and encourages her to look at her wound. He sees to his own before going to retrieve his spider.
Hiroshi: 21(observation) + 25(clarity) + 83(d100) > 100, success
Oorvid: 16 + 23 + 73 > 100, success
Wrenn: 24 + 18 + 62 > 100, success
All three boys are able to locate their spider and make sure that it is dead. Astrid knows that hers was not hurt enough to bother going after it. Orb weavers, though intimidating in appearance if one gets close enough, are passive things that run away, making it easy to collect their webs. These larger hunting spiders are down right mean. The shiny pair of fangs and set of 8 claws look as if to be valuable and should, at least, make nice trinkets.
Astrid: 24(medicine) + 21(Mend) + 96(d100) = 141
Time: 10 days * 3 / 141 = 6 hours
Hiroshi: 21 + 23 + 83 = 127
Time: 10 days * 2 / 127 = 4 hours
Oorvid: 16 + 23 + 80 = 119
10 days * 2 / 119 = 4 hours
Wrenn: 24 + 17 + 62 = 103
Time: 10 days * 2 / 103 = 5 hours
damage: 225 - 118 = 107% * 2 = 2, Body: 8 - 1 = 7 - 2 = 5, hurt
Stones: 17 - 1 = 16
damage: 225 - 117 = 108% * 2 = 2, Body: 8 - 1 = 7 - 2 = 5 + 1 = 6, hurt
damage: 225 - 128 = 97% * 2 = 2, Body: 9 - 1 = 8 - 2 = 6, hurt
damage: 225 - 137 = 88% * 2 = 2, Body: 10 - 1 = 9 - 2 = 7 + 1 = 8, hurt
Arrows: 18 - 1 = 17

S1: 227 - 130 = 97% * 1 = 1, Mind: 2 - 1 = 1, irritated
S2: 129 - 90 = 39% * 2 = ~1, Body: 1 - 1 = 0, incapacitated
S3: 112 - 90 = 22% * 4 = ~1, Body: 1 - 1 = 0, incapacitated
S4: 124 - 90 = 34% * 2 = ~1, Body: 1 - 1 = 0, incapacitated
Instinctively, everyone has the talent to manipulate mystical waylines to augment their natural healing process. What would have taken many days is reduced to mere hours. The surge of energy through the body feels warm and comforting. No one is injured enough to require other assistance, as the party could use the rest anyway.
Astrid: 24(alchemy) + 23(analysis) + 58(d100) = 105, success
Time: 10 days * 2 / 105 = 5 hours, fail
Hiroshi: 21 + 23 + 83 = 127, success
Time: 20 / 127 = 4 hours, fail
Oorvid: 16 + 23 + 73 = 112, success
Time: 20 / 112 = 5 hours, fail
Wrenn: 24 + 19 + 62 = 105, success
Time: 20 / 105 = 5 hours, fail
Everyone, including Astrid can sense that there is some mystical proclivity in the fangs and claws of these spiders, but no one is yet able to analyze it.
Ant Stingers: 4, {toxicity x2}
Bat Guano: 50 measures, ??
Beetle Carapace: 1, max value 40 marks
Bird Skulls: 5, ??
Rodent Tooth Necklace: 1, ??
Songbird Talisman: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 3 sets, ??
Spider Fangs: 3 sets, ??
White Silk: coverage 12%, max value 12 marks

Coal: 52 bricks, ??
Dull, Gray Stone: 1, ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Provide a random roll with the next post.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

Walking through a moderately unleveled forest with such large trees requires little effort. Undergrowth is limited due to the thickness of the overhead canopy. Upon reaching the coast, the party turns northward, having originally departed the home village by going southward. One evening while making camp, the sounds of singing can be heard from farther inland. Hostile people do not normally sing, but there seems to be no point in standing out in the open like some fool at the approach of a stranger.

Walking toward the temporary camp is none other than the Storyteller. He speaks aloud to the hidden members. "It is I, a friend. You know me."

When everyone gathers around he begins to speak in his usual manner of a telling. "I noticed that you have discovered one of the Chain of Keeps. Let me tell you a story."

"Long ago, before this forest was here and the land was populated by only the Yahdram, this was a high plains, grassland. Marauders on horseback patrolled and raided the area so that civilized folk took it upon themselves to build a series of keeps to garrison troops to quell the raiders. I do not remember the number of keeps, but they are all connected through underground tunnels. Be wary. These keeps have been overgrown and relatively uninhabitable for numerous cycles (years). There is no telling what manner of creatures or peoples occupy them now. It is also possible to get lost in the tunnels, not exactly trapped but lost, nonetheless."
Astrid: full wellness
Stones: 17 - 1 = 16
Hiroshi: full wellness
Oorvid: full wellness
Wrenn: full wellness
Arrows: 18 - 1 = 17
Ant Stingers: 4, {toxicity x2}
Bat Guano: 50 measures, ??
Beetle Carapace: 1, max value 40 marks
Bird Skulls: 5, ??
Rodent Tooth Necklace: 1, ??
Songbird Talisman: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 3 sets, ??
Spider Fangs: 3 sets, ??
White Silk: coverage 12%, max value 12 marks

Coal: 52 bricks, ??
Dull, Gray Stone: 1, ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Provide a random roll with the next post.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wrenn pauses thoughtfully at the storyteller's words; he seems inspired.

Wrenn replies, "As dangerous as it may seem, I think that exploring those tunnels might be just the thing that would allow us to prove ourselves, and establish our reputation among our families, friends, and neighbors. We shall return home first, of course, and re-equip ourselves. Now that we know the kinds of things that lurk out here, we should return better prepared. I am always hearing the elders saying that the young should either learn their father's profession, or leave to seek their fortune. I am not prepared to sit in a hut in one place for the rest of my life. I want to see the world, and see what, if anything, I can gain from it. And I'm not just talking about wealth; I want to meet new people, see new creatures, travel to new and wondrous lands, and grow strong and wise from all of those experiences. When I return to the village after having done those things, I want to return with something to show for it."

Hiroshi nods, adding the following: "Agreed. But let's focus on what we're doing in the here and now. Great storyteller, can you tell us what these things do? We all have the gift, as I am sure you do as well. Call it a hunch. But I believe your presence in our lives is no coincidence. I think you were meant to our guide and mentor, and I must tell you, I am glad that this is so. I for one look forward to each story, because all of your stories are filled with wisdom, and serve to instruct."

Hiroshi then hands the storyteller the bird skulls, rodent tooth necklace, songbird talisman, the coal, the dull, gray stone, the spider claws, and the spider fangs.

Random roll for Hiroshi: 65
Random roll for Wrenn: 91(+21) = 112


Astrid sits "Of course he has the gift. How else would he know we we have been to one of the keeps. I have felt the flow of it through him or so I thought I did at least." Astrid waits until after the storyteller speaks of the items given before asking "Why were the keeps abandoned? That is a story I wish to know. Where the marauders defeated in some great battle?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Wrenn replies, "... I think that exploring those tunnels..."
The Storyteller smiles and gives one of those "old people" gestures that means patience, slow down, your off on the wrong foot, etc, all at the same time. "I would never discourage exploration, Wrenn. I advise caution. Being able to walk away with the cache you currently hold is a mark of wisdom. I am encouraging that."
Hiroshi nods...: "..., can you tell us what these things do?..."
The Storyteller smiles and laughs, lightly and gestures grandiosely as he speaks. "It does not work that way. Even if I can tell you something magical or mystical or special of those item, unless you can recognize it yourself, you cannot make any use of it. It is a type of integration. Think of it like swimming. You can move your arms around all you want; but until you can get into the water, you are not really learning to swim."
Astrid sits. "Of course he has the gift..."
The Storyteller shakes his head and raises one eyebrow before smiling again. "Having such talent would not allow you to divine any such information from me; but having such talent, it is logical to deduce. A word of caution, unwanted expression of such a talent is exactly the opposite of the power in that talent. In other words, you will sense nothing from sentient beings with more power than you. You four are yet fledging practitioners dipping a toe in the vast ocean of possibility."

"As far as what I know, I am much older than I look. I know all sorts of things it makes no sense to know. Let us leave it at that. A better question is how I walked up on you here. Ha. Ha, but never mind that."
Astrid ... asking "Why were the keeps abandoned?..."
The Storyteller waves his hand in a gesture of it was nothing. "I am afraid there is not much story there. The War of Heaven came to a head and changed everything. The Yahdram were no more and the land was altered. The world was reset to a nomadic age; although, a valuable lesson or two is in here. I am sure."

"Well, I must leave you now. I have some place else that I need to be. Happy Hunting!"

He walks away. Careful attention notes that the old man makes no noise. None.
Astrid: full wellness
Stones: 17 - 1 = 16
Hiroshi: full wellness
Oorvid: full wellness
Wrenn: full wellness
Arrows: 18 - 1 = 17
Ant Stingers: 4, {toxicity x2}
Bat Guano: 50 measures, ??
Beetle Carapace: 1, max value 40 marks
Bird Skulls: 5, ??
Rodent Tooth Necklace: 1, ??
Songbird Talisman: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 3 sets, ??
Spider Fangs: 3 sets, ??
White Silk: coverage 12%, max value 12 marks

Coal: 52 bricks, ??
Dull, Gray Stone: 1, ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Provide a random roll with the next post.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Ten days pass and the party returns to the Spiofthest village that is their home. The usual, annoying, adulations and greetings are projected in typical fashion at the home coming. True admiration is expressed for the coal and guano. It is agreed to use a proxy to sell the beetle carapace and the silk in the absence of the party, at a 20% commission.

Despite the uncertainty as to why, each youth keeps one chunk of coal and one measure of guano.

One evening Oorvid asks his friends, "Are we going back any time soon or are you wanting to wait out the Chilling season?"
Astrid: full wellness
Stones: 17 - 1 = 16
Hiroshi: full wellness
Oorvid: full wellness
Wrenn: full wellness
Arrows: 18 - 1 = 17
41 marks: currency

Ant Stingers: 4, {toxicity x2}
Bat Guano: 4 measures, ??
Bird Skulls: 5, ??
Rodent Tooth Necklace: 1, ??
Songbird Talisman: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 3 sets, ??
Spider Fangs: 3 sets, ??

Coal: 4 bricks, ??
Dull, Gray Stone: 1, ??


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Even if it were a split vote, children are prone to restlessness. The four youths stay another tenday, then depart, following the coast to make it easier to remember the path. The trip south is of no consequence. The group finds their mark for the location where it is necessary to turn inland. The trek has only been followed for about half a day when trouble finds the party.

Making no effort to conceal themselves, a small party of the darkest skinned people imaginable comes tromping straight at the group. They are composed of two males and two females, who have crude javelins in their hands, very little in the way of clothing, and blood in their eyes. The enemy is a group of Faethrin youths; but as to which tribe, no one knows.

Astrid: full wellness
Stones: 17 - 1 = 16
Hiroshi: full wellness
Oorvid: full wellness
Wrenn: full wellness
Arrows: 18 - 1 = 17
41 marks: currency

Ant Stingers: 4, {toxicity x2}
Bat Guano: 4 measures, ??
Bird Skulls: 5, ??
Rodent Tooth Necklace: 1, ??
Songbird Talisman: 1, ??
Spider Claws: 3 sets, ??
Spider Fangs: 3 sets, ??

Coal: 4 bricks, ??
Dull, Gray Stone: 1, ??
OOC: Each character receives 2 DP. Provide 2 random rolls with stated intentions.

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