I'm not quite sure it's a CR 5, but a weak 5 is probably better than a strong 4 for them.
The current Challenge Rating is a holdover from the inexact CR of the Lycanthropy template. Since these aren't "proper" lycanthropes I would be willing to change it, and am considering CR 4.
They do have Pounce, bite/claw/claw/rake/rake and DR 10/silver - that makes them pretty tough.
I suppose their melee ability is roughly par with the SRD's CR 3 Lion, and the DR and hamstring are worth at least another +1 CR.
Hmm, haven't decided yet - what does Shade say?
Advancement is going to be odd. What do you think, HD, character class, or both?
I'd go for Hit Dice, since they're Magical Beasts.
What Advancement do Wolfweres use in 3E?