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Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!


First Post
Sialia said:
I'd like to see some abject slime-like quivering now.

It won't do you any good at this point, but it would amuse me.

I meant it in the best way. I was referring to the seemingly effortless way you produce.

But I will quiver if that is what you want :)

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First Post
Sialia, love the new sig line.

And I think it was meant in a good way. Just like you oozed those wonderfully long stories last time (since you could ooze 13+ pages is the time it took others to beat 6 pages out).



First Post
Seeing as I am on the list, I had best enter. Considering the size and prestige of my fellow contestants and esteemed judges, I look forward to the tales to follow.

Count me in.


First Post
Ah yes, it is a blessing to be in tune with one's ooze. Or, as it is said:

"Feel with your whole body that which cannot be seen with your eyes and ears alone."


Sometimes, I surprise even myself with the vast volumes of gunk I am able to output. Fortunately for you lot, I have an editor in this instance, who will ensure that only the freshest, top quality secretions will be included in your repasts.

Really, they're little more than dressing on the tossed salads of delight he has prepared for your delectation.

Which, yes, ought to worry you.

Piratecat's output has exceeded even my feverish fantasies.

You needn't rush the quivering thing if you're not ready.

It will come.



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Clockwork Golem
tzor said:
(Should the picture involve a person in armor with lightning in the background I reserve the right to start my story with the cliche "He was a dark and stormy knight." :lol: )


You know, there is a special place in the underworld for people like you, right next to folks who end stories with some variation of "and I woke up, and it was all just a dream..." : :D


First Post
Sialia said:
All hidden away where almost no body but Piratcat has had a chance to peek at them.

What Am I chopped liver?!

If you ever decide to make a RL, hanging on the wall version of MysteriesOne, I will move heaven and earth to make that my wall !!



First Post
Maldur said:
What Am I chopped liver?!

If you ever decide to make a RL, hanging on the wall version of MysteriesOne, I will move heaven and earth to make that my wall !!

You didn't have access to the full set yet when I posted that, silly. You do now.

And so will our third judge when he/she steps forward.

When we're all through with this game, I could probably be persuaded to make with some high-res files suitable for printing. My own inkjet doesn't do them much good. They'd probably be all right taken over to your local copy center on a CD and output on a laser. Given your location, it'd probably be quicker and cheaper for me to send a file for you to print than to make you a hardcopy and snail it.

Anyway, we can talk about printing options afterwards. And maybe talk about what the heck we're gonna do with all the leftovers.

MysteriesOne, for example, didn't make the cut.
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THe more I think about this the more excited I get. I read through some of the previous Ceramic DM threads and just thought to myself "there are some really talented people on these boards". Should be a ton of fun.

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