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[SR] "Chapter 1: Another day at the bar..."

The bald ork that entered into the room with the others has been silently observing the group and the situation with his back against the wall. When O'Flaherty enters the room, and introduces himself, Swart nods his greetings to him.

When Swart notices the sounds outside he adjusts his headware sound filters, and tries to figure out what’s going on.

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Tory Adore

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Bowie looks about at the collected bunch around her and says,
"...and from what I'm seein', looks like ya know some interesting people. 'Name's Bowie (she shakes his hand and then casually wipes her gloved hand on her pant leg)...not to sound off handed, but what's a tavern man like yourself got goin' on that you're needed help from people like me, well us I guess? But I'm talkin' for myself here unless others agree. Don't tend to beat 'round the bush when it comes to wor....what's that noise all about out there? You ain't lookin' for bouncers for this place? I ain't interested in that kinda work man."
Bowie flashes a half smile and shakes her head a little at the thought of being a bouncer.
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"Swart" (and also those with hearing amplification):

Hmm. That noise is rather muffled; perhaps the sound dampening in this joint is better than its appearance suggests.
There seems to be a good amount of shouting going on out there, along with shuffling and other sounds which indicate some kind of physical struggle which involves at least 3-4 persons.
Though you can make out some of the words, they don't make any sense to you, ie. they are in a language totally unknown to you.

Oh, and they seem to be getting nearer and nearer!


First Post
In the backroom:

For a moment O'Flaherty seems to be somewhat surprised at Angel's behaviour, but then his cheerfull, though nervous, expression returns.

"Well, you see, the problem is ...", distracted by something Bowie said, he stops himself.

"No, I certainly need no bouncers. Why ..."; once again he doesn't finish his sentence, but cocks his ears towards the door.

While O'Flaherty listens intently [and the noises grow louder], you see a look of dismay cross his face, perhaps even one of fear.

"Oh, no ... !"

At this point the door swings inward, just barely holding onto its hinges, and hits the wall with a resounding 'bang!'.
The cause for this seems to be some use of force which shattered the lock and forced the door open, presumably applied by the stranger now storming into the room.


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[OoC: For those who figure they might need them ;) , the intiative scores.]

Angel: 23
Bowie: 19
"Stranger": 14
Swart: 11
Xael: 9
O'Flaherty: 8
Santiago: 6

Any further questions? Please ask!
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"I don't particulaly like being set up," Angel says in her seductive drawl, her hand flashing up under her jacket to the pistol hidden there with magically enhanced speed. Its out and pointing at the intruder, her finger squeezing down on the trigger as soon as the smart-link system in her glasses registered red, she didn't squeeze down all the way, it would take just a nudge for it to fire off, but for the moment, Johnson's paid more alive, not that she wanted to kill if she could help it at all.

"This isn't a very good place for ye' to be boy-o, leave nice and slowly."

OOC:Activate Reflexes 2, +4 reaction, +2 initiative dice. Draw the predator, and hold her shot til it looks like the guy does something more threatening. Using the Smart-link 2 in her glasses.
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Tory Adore

First Post
When Bowie hears the door being crushed under brut force, she knocks the chair over that she's been sitting on backwards as she stands up, and pulls her gun from her thigh as her hand had been still sitting at the ready. Taking a rather defensive stance, she points it in the direction of the stranger attmepting to get a lock on her target should the need to fire arise quickly. She says in a low, muffled voice but with great frustration and the slightest tinge of an automated whine to it as she grits her teeth,
"Damn it man! I'm not doing this sh*t for free!"

While trying to lock on her prospective target, she studies the intruder a bit to see if he has any distinguishing marks or anything else she might recognize.
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The stranger rushes past you without paying heed to your bunch of shadowrunners and the already aimed guns and those in process of being drawn.

He walks right up to the rather 'stunned' O'Flaherty and seems to berate him wildly in that curious language some of you already heard before he kicked the door in. But you still can't make neither head or tails out of it. [That is, except one you who recognizes it without greater difficulty.]

Suddenly, as if your presence only just registered on his mind, he whirls around to face you, giving you a good look of him as well.

The man is a middle-aged human, probably somewhere around his forties plus. The deeply etched lines in his face tell a story of a life that was certainly anything but boring. In fact the most remarkable and memorable thing about him is the peculiar snarl which seems to be permanently frozen onto his face.

Mustering you, he sneers:

"Put away those guns, if you don't intend to use 'em."

With a last look of contempt he turns back to the still silent O'Flaherty. [Though one of you is very sure that he/she has seen far more dangerous emotions flashing in those eyes than just contempt.]

Once again he is talking vehemently to the 'keeper, waving his right hand to include the five of you in a rather disparaging gesture, certainly meant to underscore his dislike of you. At this point, O'Flaherty finally shakes off his paralysis and begins to talk back to the intruder. While he can't match his fury, O'Flahery seems determined not to give ground in their 'discussion'. It looks like he's explaining his position/opinion concerning you, barely holding onto his calm. (Perhaps O'Flaherty isn't as spineless as you might have thought.) In fact, when he sees one you move and preceives this as possible intention to leave, the barkeeper interrupts the argument to adress you pleadingly: "Please don't leave!"

Whatever the subject of that 'talk' is (and the word 'Inín' seems to come up rather often in this regard), he certainly and plainly visible cares deeply about it.

O'Flaherty's unwavering stance sure seems to have some effect on the stranger, since the man, after a few more exchanges, finally throws his hands up in what you take for a 'Fine! Have it your way!' gesture, whirls around and hustles out of the room without giving you so much as a last glance.

Daniel O'Flaherty follows him to the door, as if to make sure that he really leaves, looks after him for a moment lost in thought and then 'closes' the door again. Turning back to you with a weak smile on his face, he says:

"I'm very, very sorry about that!"

When the guy started to force the door Swart suddenly starts to look around seeking escape like a scared rabbit. After a moment he calms down from the almost panicky state and the glassy look goes away from his eyes, the ork looks around the room as if he just saw it the first time.
Finally he fixes his eyes to O'Flaherty, and looks very displeased of the situation.

Sh*t! It had to happen just now. It's all these darn humans fault.

[OOC: The background noise and forcing the door in triggered a flashback for Swart.]

Tory Adore

First Post
Bowie lifts her leg onto the over-turned chair, long leather coat falling from her leg, spins her weapon in her hand and slides the cool metal back onto her black leathered thigh,
"Sorry? Uh yeah...I can see you need some help, but I ain't accustomed to settin' up business with scufflin' goin' 'bout and ruffians busted through doors...don't know 'bout the resta ya, but if I'm gonna hang out here to get to the crux of why you're needin' people like myself, hell, like us...I'm thinkin' ya owe a bit of an explanation as to what the hell's goin' down here. Don't mean to be direct or come off soundin' rude as that ain't my intention, but O'Flaherty, my time's money and like I said before I don't tend to beat 'bout the bush when talkin' business."

She picks up the chair she knocked over and resumes her position on it backwards facing the bar keep. Hand on her thigh again just in case.
"So what is it that you're needin' from a group like us, from me? My guy wouldn'tve contacted me if it weren't pretty....(Bowie pauses briefly and thinks the word lucrative, but selects a different word instead)...important."
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