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Star Wars – The Clone Wars: Kaminoan Incident


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Rei grinned at her friend. "You know you always do! All cute and furry, so disarming. So you're going to be my pet, Jaq? Or are you snuggling up to someone else this time around."

Her brows arched slightly. "So how are you going to hide that dangling lightsaber there, Jaq?"

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Shalimar said:
"Does this mean we have no shields?" she asks the Bith as she comes up behind him and Zak.

The bith stops a moment looking back over his shoulder. "Shields? no shields, I said she was stock. Don?t worry skilled Jedi pilots like you hardly need shields. Now, if you'll excuse me Master Jedis, I must be getting back to work." The bith walks off back across the hanger.

Passing the bith is a sight that nearly bowls you all over in laughter. Dyr, dressed in a garish outfit straight out of space pirates holovid, struts across the hanger deck towards the ship. A red and white bandana caps his head followed by a bright orange blousy shirt, a blue leather vest, and purple striped pantaloons. He carries a duffel bag over his shoulder and medkit under his other arm.

"Hey, guys I'm all ready... What?"


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"What Saber Rei?" Jaq'lene asks teasingly from Zak's shoulder, as she checks to make sure its fur wrapped length is lying indistinguishable along her spine, that had afterrall been the point of using her own fur for it. It could also be the handle of a leash if it came down to it.

"Your pet of course Rei, your the only one who knows exactly where to scratch behind my ears." she sighs, and its almost a purr. She drapes her tail around zaks neck like its a scarf. "I do wish there were shields." Jaq'lene whispered to him, not out of fear no, more because operating sheilds was one of the few things her size did't preclude her from doing on a ship.


I aim to misbehave
"Be patient, good Jaq, for I would like shields as well," Zak said as quietly as his deep voice would allow. "The Force will provide. If not here, then somewhere I'm certain."

Looking at his sulistan friend, Zak said, "I have no response to that."

Zak made his way into the ship, breathing in the 'new ship' smell. He looked to the fore of the ship, on his way to the pilot's quarters.


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"Dyr...one in a billion...a billion," Rei answered with a laugh before bounding into the ship to pick out quarters for herself and her new 'pet'. After all that was settled, she waited for the rest of her companions to get aboard so that they could start their journey.


Tal is the last to arrive at the ship.

Having entered the quarters which he had so recently reinhabited, he found it far more difficult to leave than he could have imagined. All around, he noticed signs the humble habitat was being lived in again. He had once trained here with his master.

At last, he reminded himself that one must live in the present. The past was a trap, and the future was a mystery. A Jedi lives in the moment. When this mission was over, his domicile would be here. Still, he briefly mourned for the plants he had put to seed that would never grow.

When at last he approaches the transport ship, Tal Jinn is wearing a very out-of-style outfit that had not seen the light of day in nearly half a decade. Surprisingly, the old clothes still fit. A baggy white linen shirt tucked into a thick, acrylic-looking black belt which held up brown leather pants outfitted with a surplus of pockets, bottomed out by black, buckled combat boots. All told, it was a rather odd outfit that was once all the rage, but now looked slightly ridiculous.


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"Wait... wait for me Rei," the little Kushiban calls out as she shoots up the ramp in a few short strides. She follows the other Jedi to what is to become their quarters. With a little irritated twitch of her nose the door panel opens to allow her into the room, sometimes being soo short really was a hinderance, especially with controls beinf a few feet over her head at all times.

She slowly pads her way into the room behind Rei, sniffing at all of the different scents in the new ship. SHe takes her time climbing up the ladder to the top bunk, she packed light, only what was on her collar, so she left all the drawer space to her as well as the closets. Jaq'lene slowly lay down under the sheets taking care to get under everything before jumping up and down and twirling the blanktes and sheets around her, creating a fort out of the blankets that had an overhang she could crawl under and leave her head sticking out from. It partially resembled those doggie beds that you can get at some pet stores.

Once the female Kushiban's fur was glowing its contentment, she hoped off the bed and onto Rei's shoulder where she settled herself for a long wait for the departure.


Rogue Warrior
"Hey, looks like everyone is here." Kyle walks into the hanger in a confident manner. He stops amongst his friends to examine the transport. "This ship is impressive, don't you think Zak? Has everyone been inside already?" As he looks around at his friends he takes in their unique and individual styles of dress. Kyle is now wearing a black and red leather jacket over a black shirt, with black flight pants and boots. As he turns towars Dyr, he walks towards him, puts an arm around him and leans in to whisper in his friends ear. "Dyr, you do realize we need to blend like real spacers and not the ones in the holovids, right? How about if we go get you a flight suit that may be a bit less noticeable?"


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Dyr looks down at his attire. "Oh, I thought this is what all smugglers wear. I never seen one up close you know. besides how many smugglers do you get in the Temple's infirmiry." Dyr shrugs. "I'll let you be my guide in this Kyle, I don't know much beyond life here in the Temple."

Dyr walks into the ship first inpecting the the aid station before joining the others in finding a bunk. "Not much room in here. Good thing were close friends, we're about to get a lot closer I'm thinking."


I aim to misbehave
Zak stops at the pilot's bunk only long enough to drop his bag on the bunk. Excitement was getting the better of him and he quickened his pace to the cockpit. Meticulously, he reviewed the instrumentation and indicators from one side of the room to the other - blissfully unaware that there was anything else other than this ship.

Voidrunner's Codex

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