Star Wars: Andor


I dontcknow how it works, but it seems silly to try to hide out in these barbaric Outer Rim planets while holding on to your government issue ID that can be traced with pinpoint accuracy.
My assumption was that the ID required you to register your genetic sequence, and that "chain code" is Star Wars speak for a DNA sequence. So they're not tracking your ID, they're tracking you through the information you submitted to obtain your ID.

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My assumption was that the ID required you to register your genetic sequence, and that "chain code" is Star Wars speak for a DNA sequence. So they're not tracking your ID, they're tracking you through the information you submitted to obtain your ID.
I'm not sure how my DNA on Tatooine gets picked up and broadcasted to a guy light-years away. I mean, I know it's all space magic at the end of the day, and it works better than watching Mando actually having to investigate, but it really changes what it takes to be a skilled bounty hunter.


Why is every city in an advanced society a naughty word hole (other than where the two princesses grew up)?
Because (A) the Republic was too big for its own good and was impossible to administer efficiently, thus leading to the conditions of inequality and unrest that led to the Separatists' secession, and (B) as a result of the events precipitated by A, it's just come out of a massive galaxy-spanning war.

Basically, despite its age, the Republic wasn't that advanced in the first place, and the Empire has no interest in addressing the economic inequities of the previous administration.

Because (A) the Republic was too big for its own good and was impossible to administer efficiently, thus leading to the conditions of inequality and unrest that led to the Separatists' secession, and (B) as a result of the events precipitated by A, it's just come out of a massive galaxy-spanning war.

Basically, despite its age, the Republic wasn't that advanced in the first place, and the Empire has no interest in addressing the economic inequities of the previous administration.
There are also plenty of "nice" places in Star Wars. Coruscant, Glavis (where the armorer was hiding in BoBF), the planets destroyed by star killer base weren't backwaters, the resort in Last Jedi, Mos Espa has a crime problem but is fine for a city in a desert, Kashyyyk when it's not a war zone, Alderaan, Naboo (human and gungan cities), and any number of planets from the animated shows.

What a great episode. Yes lite on action but truly felt the acting and effort put into backstory and set designs. This for me was better than even recent Star Wars novels


Lots of new characters introduced, but Cassian ended up feeling a bit lost in the crowd in this one. Looking forward to seeing the next episode.


Why is every city in an advanced society a naughty word hole (other than where the two princesses grew up)?

Because the places you visit are mostly places where people are disgruntled and unhappy. In Star Wars, that occurs in two locations - newly settled planets without the money and infrastructure to terraform and long settled planets where overcrowding has led to a large impoverished underclass without property. The vast majority of the Republic/Empire lives in extreme comfort except when war or disaster happens, but people who live in extreme comfort are generally unwilling to risk the status quo. Which is part of the reason the people who live in the Outer Rim are so unhappy, because they know how good it can be for the inner and mid rim planets that have resources and good government that ensures freedom and low levels of corruption, and they are like, "Why can't the Galactic government do more to transfer wealth to the colony worlds, or at the least deal with the corrupt regulations, corrupt business practices, corrupt governments, crime, slavery, and other problems that keep the pace of development in the rim slow?"

Palpatine is initially reasonably well received by a lot of people because he promises to clean up the corruption, establish fair and uniform trade regulations, and end the lawlessness that besets the outer rim. Trouble is, Palpatine had absolutely no intention of delivering on those promises. The Moffs were even worse than the Senators, and unlike the Senators had no real limits on their power. Instead of outlawing slavery as expected, and has the Republic officially had done, Palpatine signed deals with the major slave traders and started exporting whole populations for use as cheap laborers even in older more settled parts of the galaxy. The irony is that if Palpatine hadn't been such a complete jerk, he probably could have hung on to power indefinitely. He didn't even need to be perfect. All he had to do was not be worse than the already existing terrible situation.


The irony is that if Palpatine hadn't been such a complete jerk, he probably could have hung on to power indefinitely. He didn't even need to be perfect. All he had to do was not be worse than the already existing terrible situation.
Yeah, well, Sith - he didn't get into power just to be rich or secure, he did it so he could be evil on an industrial scale.

Voidrunner's Codex

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