I don't think it changes the situation at all. Rogue One is very much the movie of the opening scrawl of the original Star Wars. Rogue One gives meaning and depth to the introduction to Star Wars in a way nothing else I've seen or read about does.
And frankly, Leia's protestations were always ridiculous and Vader always treated them as such. He's having none of it. He has solid evidence that the plans were abroad this ship. When she tries to give him excuses about her diplomatic status he responds, "You are a member of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.", treating her feeble protests for exactly what they are. The dialogue makes perfect sense. Leia doesn't even really expect Vader to listen, they are both just playing their roles. Leia is never going to give anything to the Empire or concede anything. To the extent she has a plan at this point it's to stay alive long enough to get rescued by Obi Wan or failing that hope for a public trial that can grow sympathy for the rebellion.
What it might do is change your own fan fiction, the backstory you had written for yourself of the scene. But I don't think your fan fiction has stronger textual support than the backstory given in Rogue One.