stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


As Jarrith and Khensu are carrying the body over to the building to store and protect it, Daellin passes on the info about the fight in the distance. The stalker immediately looks into his brother's eyes, and the two of them need not even speak what the other is thinking.

"Give us a minute to drop Litmunova down, and then we'll go. If there's someone actually alive in town, then we need to find that person."

Once the two of them are able to lay the body down someplace safe and Jarrith can lock the door behind them, he immediately tries to locate the sounds of battle and then hustle off in that direction.

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First Post
Flame protect us, what have we gotten into? Sir Khensu nods at Daellin's words. "We need to find someon in this town that has not been corrupted yet. I would suggest bows ready and attack from a distance this time. Are we all in agreement?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Jarrith pockets the unusual charm [DEFCON: Please note], and he and Khensu try to quickly find a place to place the carpenter's corpse. One of the less broken-into buildings is found. The place is not ideal, but would have to work for now.

With that business done, the group hustles towards the sound of combat. Clutching ranged weaponry, they advance into the darkened fog. The battle sounds draw closer until the mist parts and Selase's wan light illuminates the scene of battle in what appears to be the center of town.

Rough barricades block most of the access to the town square; however, the eastern barricade has been breached, and zombies are swarming through the opening. A woman in half-plate armor valiantly fights the zombies, but she is heavily outnumbered. In the shadows, the party counts seven undead swarming the warrior, while Daellin and Khensu's sharper eyes pick out another pair of zombies---one strangely covered in dirt---also approaching.

Town Square Round 1


K: 22 (45/47 hp)
J: 18 (sickened, cat's grace 3 rounds, 4 turns checks left)
J: 16 (mirror image 17 rounds)
Z: 14
M: 13
D: 12
E: 10
A: 6
S: 5 (35/36 hp, sickened, 3 rebukes left)

Map Key: A: Armored warrior, E: Dirt encrusted zombie, D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: White area is lit to 20'; grey area is shadowy to 40'. Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened.

Please indicate your actions for round 1.


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First Post
Daellin lets another three arrows fly, aiming for one of the zombies in melee with the armored woman (full attack L7, unless someone gets in the way).


With this many zombies in the area, Jarrith knows they'd be overrun without giving themselves more time. He immediately raises his Silver Flame symbol on the pommels of both swords and once again calls upon the Voice to protect them. "By all that is holy, move away you creatures of Mabar!" (Turn Undead attempt)


First Post
Sir Khensu will fire his longbow at the nearest zombie, then drop his longbow and draw his greataxe.

((OOC - I have my continual torch out as well; it's tucked in my boot to provide some illumination.))


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Town Square Round 1

Sir Khensu aims his longbow, and it is as if the Flame itself guides his arm as the arrow files true. The blow would have dropped a living foe, but the deadened flesh is less affected. [AC 27 hits O9; 11 hp before DR] He then draws his greataxe, bracing for conflict.

Jarrith calls upon the might of the Flame to repel the massing undead. However, the energies he calls up are weak, and not a single foe turns to flee. [HD 4 turn check cannot affect targets]

Taking her frustration out on the dead, Janis lobs an acidic glob at a zombie young teen with skin so pale her black veins can be seen. The Templar's massive form spoils her shot, however. [AC 6 ranged touch misses target with cover]

The zombies swarm around the mass of warm bodies, compelled by some unknowable need to rend and maim. In the shadows of the light, the party notices the warrior suffer grievously under their blows. [Severely wounded]

The Six have their own troubles as the other undead mob Sir Khensu. The young zombie and a man more like a wall of dead flesh both land solid blows. [13 hp damage] At the same time, a stooped former grandfather with a limp pushes through the others to try to savage Khensu. Khensu takes advantage its distraction and slices a wide gash, just enough to foil its slam. [AoO by Khensu, AC 19 hits, 15 hp] Jarrith's sickness prevents him from assisting his Flame brother. [AoO by Jarrith, AC 15 misses]

Marot's holy power flies past Jarrith and Khensu's ears, but flies wide of his intended mark. [AC 3 ranged touch against covered target in melee misses]

Stepping back to minimize the threat to himself, the elf ranger raises his bow to down his hated foes. Daellin barely manages to dodge the swipe by the elder zombie, and quickly buries two shaft in its dead flesh. [5' step to R8; AC 25, 20 hit; AC 15 misses; 26 hp before DR]

The dirt encrusted zombie barrels towards the lone warrior, moving with alacrity not found in the plodders the Six have previously encountered. Its attack, however, are clumsy, at it fails to strike her. However, the warrior is now almost surrounded.

The warrior waves her shield warily at her foes, calling for "The Light" to ward her. At the same time, she touches her sternum with her bladed hand. A warm glow infuses her, and she seems invigorated. [Now moderately wounded]

Selase calls upon her inner power once gain, attempting to cow the undead before her. The teen and elderly zombies cringe at her rebuke, but the others are unfazed. [15 HD of undead turned]

Town Square Round 2


K: 22 (32/47 hp)
J: 18 (sickened, cat's grace 2 rounds, 3 turns checks left)
J: 16 (mirror image 16 rounds)
Z: 14 (P9: -11 [lightly wounded], Q8: -41 [severely wounded])
M: 13
D: 12
E: 10
A: 6 [moderately wounded]
S: 5 (35/36 hp, sickened, 2 rebukes left)

Map Key: A: Armored warrior, E: Dirt encrusted zombie, D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: White area is lit to 20'; grey area is shadowy to 40'. Red Border: rebuked (10 rounds), Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened.

Please indicate your actions for round 2.


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James Heard

Releasing the complex Cyran formulas derived from the Draconic Prophesies that allow her to hold multiple magics within her with but a single memorization, Janis calls upon the elements of fire to do her bidding against the massed zombies surrounding the warrior. However practical, the components of the spell leave her frowning afterwards as she watches the bead of fire alight the area.

OOC: Using her 3rd level open slot to cast Fireball, centered on the warrior. 6d6 fire DC 18 reflex for half.

Voidrunner's Codex

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