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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Street Encounter Round 2

"This is insane!!! What is going on around here?!?"

Jarrith directs the glowing longbow around to the homely zombie that stands directly in front of him, and a second arrow of force springs from the bow. The silver arrow strike true, causing an angry moan from the fiend. [AC 21 hits; 4 hp; 1 round remaining]

As the bow fires, Jarrith pulls both silver rapiers from their sheathes and takes a small step to the left to help protect him from more sides.

"Marot!!! Anything you can do to get Janis or Selase moving again?!? If not, you better get up here and make sure these things don't head for them while they're stuck!"

Her muscles taut with supernatural fear, Selase can only watch in horror as a wicked smile comes over the broken fangs of the green-eyed creatures that froze her.

Mindless of the chaos surrounding them, the zombies have only one thought in mind---flesh! The jawless zombie steps forward, and spends its fury on the paralyzed priestess. Its powerful blows rain down, battering Selase; immediately her senses begin to reel as the necromantic infection of the zombie fires her nerves. The homely zombie's flailings miss Jarrith, however. [M6 hits Selase; 5 hp; fails Fort save; sickened; K8 misses Jarrith]

The disgusting worms inch forward with dervish speed, assaulting both Jarrith and Khensu. The wet mandibles cannot find puchase on the Inquisitor, but the one attacking the knight tear at his heels, ripping a horrid gash. The wound burns with the maggot's saliva, but Khensu fights off the stiffening of his muscles. [Khensu hit for 8 hp; Fort save successful]

Marot shakes his head at his brothers words. "These spawn of Khyber will try to poison the helpless! Ware the wounds which do not heal! Crush the spawn of Rajahs!" His face furious, the holy bolts are forgotten, replaces by a fiendish sizzle that colors the growing night its it lurid, purple glow. But the power misses the flying fiend! [AC 8 ranged touch misses]

The flaming green eyes of the fiendish heads bank and fly towards their helpless prey. As the first one flies past Sir Khensu, he strikes it down with backhanded slash, but his momemtum is not sufficient to strike at the vermin at his feet.[AoO AC 28 hits; 7 hp drops V @ M7; AC 14 Cleave misses M @ M7]

The other giggling head using Khenu's distraction to swoop down on the paralyzed Selase. It latches to her face, and plants a disturbing kiss on the frozen cleric's lips. A surge of malevolence burns her mouth, but she manages to fight it off. [AC 8 melee touch hits; Fort save succeeds]

Stepping forward to block in the attackers, Khensu lets fury take him. With a low growl, Khensu embraces the savagery of his ancestors. His nose begins to elongate and his chest broadens. His armor creaks as his mass expands, and the paladin brings his greataxe down in a chopping motion, attempting to slice through the flying creature that just assaulted Selase. But the creature is nimble, and the blow just misses. [AC 11 misses]

Daellin shifts his target to the new creatures, trying to fill it with arrows. Stepping back to avoid attack, he launches his volley. The first arrow pierces the head through and through, and it drops with a wet thud. The other two pincushion the jawless zombie, further wounding it. [AC 23 hits V; 10 hp drop it; AC 23 and 25 hit M6; 24 hp before DR]

Janis fumes at her paralysis while Orwell hisses angrily at the mists.

Street Encounter Round 3


J: 21 (15/26 hp, sickened, spiritual weapon 1 round, cat's grace 15 rounds, 4 turns checks left)
S: 18 (31/36 hp, paralyzed, sickened, 3 rebukes left)
Z: 18 (K5: -8 [moderately wounded], K8: -3 [barely wounded], M6: -41 [wounded])
M: 16
M: 15
K: 11 (33/53 hp)
D: 7
J: 6 (paralyzed, mirror image 29 rounds)

Map Key: D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, M: Huge Maggots, S: Selase, V: Flying Heads, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened, Red Border: Rebuked 8 rounds, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

Please indicate your actions for round 3.

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First Post
Sir Khensu (33/53 hp, smite evil used)

Sir Khensu raises his axe above his head and it begins to glow with a silvery flame. He brings it down upon the maggot attempting to latch onto Janis.

"Protect my brother, Luminous!" The shifter calls out as he battles the creatures, and his celestial warhorse charges forward, attempting to trample the maggot threatening Jarrith.

[sblock=OOC]Using smite evil + silver smite. Here's to hoping the maggot-creatures are evil. :uhoh: If I kill it, then I'm going to cleave into the other maggot.

I'm assuming my mount will follow basic instructions. If not - if I need to spend an action commanding it or somesuch - I'll edit it out.[/sblock]
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"Marot! Make sure these things don't-- aw hells!" Jarrith was about to make mention of Marot protecting Selase again, but it proved too late as the creatures sprung to attack the defenseless woman. With chaos around him, he doubles his efforts. Realizing that his longbow had not yet disappeared, (OOC: Heh heh... I forgot that I had +1 to my caster level from the prestige class and thus it lasted 3 rounds) he keeps it focused on the homely young girl and it takes it's final shot. (+5 / 1d8)

Jarrith glances down at the maggot by his ankles and tries to recall the teachings of his elders within the temple back in Thrane. Is this thing a creature of negative energy? Damn, he should have studied more! (Knowledge Religion check: +0 to see if the maggot is classified as undead)

"Sir Khensu! Gimme a spin!" This odd non-sequitar in the midst of battle comes as a bit of a surprise, until one realizes that the maggot creature lays between the Inquisitor and the Stalker. With a spin of the greataxe, Sir Khensu distracts the maggot on the opposite side just enough to allow Jarrith to find a more painful purchase into the creature's anatomy. (Flanking bonus +2 / +2d6 sneak attack damage if maggot is not undead)

[sblock=OOC: ]I really couldn't get from the SRD whether or not the Spiritual Weapon attacking in subsequent rounds took a standard action to direct or was a free action as it attacked on it's own (and thus allowed Jarrith to attack with his rapiers in addition to the Spiritual Weapon attack).

If the Spiritual Weapon attack does not take up Jarrith's Standard action for the round, he will attack with both rapiers at the maggot creature, giving him a total of +7/+7 to hit (+3 BAB, +2 DEX, +2 Cat's Grace, +2 flanking, -2 sickened) and 1d6+2/1d6+1 damage (possibly with an additional +2d6 sneak attack bonus damage on both attacks if the maggot is not undead). If he figures out whether the maggot IS undead (either from the Knowledge Religion check or if he can tell that his sneak attack didn't work), he will use the knowledge in the following round to either use his Sacred Vengeance or Grave Strike abilities - but we can worry about that when Round 3 comes.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Street Encounter Round 3

With a final shot, the holy embodiment of the flame pierces the homely zombie. It cries out with an airy moan. The silver bow then fades away with a bright flash. [AC 20 hits; 6 hp]

Cursing his inability to remember any of his academic training, Jarrith tries to finish off the engorged worm before it gets him. One of his rapier scores a blow, and the bile flowing from the wound confirms it is still alive. [Untrained knowledge check cannot succeed; AC 20 hits; 6 hp]

Selase shakes herself free from the paralysis of the Khyber spawn, and retches immediately into the street. Surrounded by enemies, she pulls out her pulsing red dagger and slashes at the dire maggot at her feet. The cut spews black blood! [AC 17 hits; 5 hp]

The standing zombies continue their assault. Though she had not let her guard down, Selase's defenses are insufficient from stopping the jawless zombie's slam. Already sickened, the blow makes her head spin even more. [7 hp damage] The homely's zombies attacks, however, remain ineffectual.

The maggot at the priestess' feet attacks her mindlessly, and with ease finds an exposed piece of flesh. As its teeth tear into her, Selase feels its saliva numb the leg. She is able to fight it off, however. The massive wound almost hobbles her. [Critical hit; 11 hp; Fort save succeeds] The other maggot uses the distraction of Jarrith's sickness to savagely bite into his skin; the Stalker too fights off the numbness. [9 hp; Fort save succeeds]

Blood boiling at the presence of the fiend-tainted, Marot roars at the wound to his Flamic brother and fires a volley of dark-purple energy at the maggot at Jarrith's feet. However, the power goes terribly wide, and vanishes into the mists. [Natural 1 misses]

Sir Khensu raises his axe above his head and it begins to glow with a silvery flame. He brings it down upon the maggot the cruelly wounded Selase. The blade manages to catch the squirming thing, but the silver light is quickly extinguished---there is no conscious malice here. More black blood splatters the combatants, but the worm still lives. [Target not evil; smite attempt wated; AC 16 hits; 9 hp]

"Protect my brother, Luminous!" The shifter calls out as he battles the creatures, and his celestial warhorse charges forward, attempting to trample the maggot threatening Jarrith. It clips the worm, causing it to writhe in pain! [AC 29 hits; 5 hp]

Daellin continues his hail of arrows. His first two arrows cannot find purchase as the creature assails Selase, but the last strikes true, ripping a sizable chunk out of its shoulder. [AC 13 and 15 miss target in melee; AC 20 hits; 11 hp before DR]

Freed from her paralysis, Janis strides forwards angrily. With a quick gesture and a flick of the wrist, she sends another globule of acid at the jawless zombie. The acid engulfs the corpse, and the sickly smell of rendered flesh feels the air. When the acrid steam clears, most of the jawless zombie has been eaten away! [AC 18 ranged touch hits target in melee; 14 damage]

Street Encounter Round 4


J: 21 (6/26 hp, sickened, cat's grace 14 rounds, 4 turns checks left)
S: 18 (13/36 hp, sickened, 3 rebukes left)
Z: 18 (K5: -8 [moderately wounded], K8: -9 [moderately wounded], M6: -67 [severely wounded])
M: 16 (M7: -12 hp [moderately wounded], L8: -11 hp [moderately wounded])
M: 15
K: 11 (33/53 hp)
D: 7
J: 6 (mirror image 28 rounds)

Map Key: D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, M: Huge Maggots, S: Selase, V: Flying Heads, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened, Red Border: Rebuked 7 rounds, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

Please indicate your actions for round 4.


With the zombie and the maggot taking bites out of him, Jarrith realizes that he can't stand up to much more of this assault. With his sword up to parry any incoming blows, he prays to the Flame to bring him health. (Casting defensively: Drop Divine Favor / Spontaneously cast Cure Light Wounds on self.)


First Post
Sir Khensu (33/53 hp, 3rd round of shifting)

Sir Khensu growls as he tightens his grip upon his greataxe and brings it down upon the maggot threatening Selase.

[sblock=OOC]Power Attack -2, if I kill it, I'm going to cleave into the maggot attacking Jarrith.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Street Encounter Round 4

With the zombie and the maggot taking bites out of him, Jarrith realizes that he can't stand up to much more of this assault. Dropping one rapier while keeping the other up to parry any incoming blows, he prays to the Flame to bring him health. However, a bout of dizziness fouls his concentration, and the spell is wasted. [Drop rapier to cast; Concentration check fails]

Seeing the weakening of the worm at her feet, Selase stabs at it again, though a bit defensively. The sickness weakens the blow, yet the nick draws blood. [Fighting Defensively; AC 17 hits; 1 hp]

The jawless zombie lunges for Selase, but she is able to beat away the blow from the tattered foe. The same cannot be said for Jarrith---the ugly zombie batters at his face and head, tearing away the flesh. It is too much for the hapless Inquisitor, who collapses to the ground. [10 hp damage; Jarrith is dying.]

The worm at Selase's feet twists ineffectually, too weak to fight. However, the one in behind Khensu, seeing Jarrith fall, nips at the knight's feet. But the effort is pathetic, and fails to even get close to the paladin.

Enraged by the fall of his Flamic brother, Marrot drives his horse forward for a clear shot around Luminous. The bolt finds it mark, and its whine of pain echos in the street. [AC 15 ranged touch into melee hits; 8 damage]

Sir Khensu growls as he tightens his grip upon his greataxe and brings it down upon the maggot threatening Selase. Driven by the fall of his comrade, the blow obliterates the maggot, spraying bile everywhere. [Critical hit; 39 hp; target drops] His swing is so strong that as it cleaves the maggot behind him in twain, bits of it splatter throughout the alleyway, leaving no recognizable trace. [Critical hit; 60 hp; target drops]

Khenu's celestial steed steps forward and rears at the vile undead. Its hooves pummel the zombie, though the dead flesh renders them largely ineffectual. [AC 22, 17 hooves hit; 14 damage before DR; AC 12 bite misses]

Arrows continue to fly from Daellin like the wind. The first strikes the seared jawless one in the jaw, causing it to finally succumb to its wounds. [AC 20 ranged into melee hits; 8 damage before DR] The last two, fired after a slight adjustment, find their mark in the homely zombie, which flails away at the distraction. [AC 19, 18 ranged hit target in melee; 24 hp before DR]

Finally free of her bonds, Janis blasts the zombie cowering within the doorway with a bolt of electricity. The scent of charred flesh fills the air. [7 hp]

Street Encounter Round 5


J: 21 (-4/26 hp, dying, sickened, cat's grace 13 rounds, 4 turns checks left)
S: 18 (13/36 hp, sickened, 3 rebukes left)
Z: 18 (K5: -8 [moderately wounded], K8: -47 [severely wounded], M6: -75 [dead], M10: -7 hp [lightly wounded])
M: 16 (M7: -53 hp [dead], L8: -79 hp [very dead])
M: 15
K: 11 (33/53 hp, 2 rnds shifting)
D: 7
J: 6 (mirror image 27 rounds)

Map Key: D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, M: Huge Maggots, S: Selase, V: Flying Heads, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened, Red Border: Rebuked 6 rounds, Silver: Dying, Transparent: Dead, White Border: Paralyzed.

Please indicate your actions for round 5.


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