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D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder [OOC]


I know I haven't posted much lately, so I just wanted to jump in real quick to let you know that I am still around and caught up in IC. Sorry about the silence.. just been bleh lately.


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I was just looking at the map of Goldenfields and I realized... this place is HUGE. The Abbey and the Inn are over a mile away from each other! For "fun" I took a look at the map of Port Nyanzaru from Tomb of Annihilation for comparison.

The WHOLE CITY MAP fits in between the Inn and the Abbey of Goldenfields.

Or in other words... we're not meeting up any time soon.


I was just looking at the map of Goldenfields and I realized... this place is HUGE. The Abbey and the Inn are over a mile away from each other! For "fun" I took a look at the map of Port Nyanzaru from Tomb of Annihilation for comparison.

The WHOLE CITY MAP fits in between the Inn and the Abbey of Goldenfields.

Or in other words... we're not meeting up any time soon.

Oh boy! LOL So they have scales?


Oh boy! LOL So they have scales?

Yeah! Check it out, I put 'em at the same scale:

A is Abbey, I is Inn, Arrow points to map of Port Nyanzaru (to scale).


Sorry for the delayed response! I was pretty ill at the start of this week.

Thanks for the reference shot. I had no idea how massive Goldenfields really is, but I guess it makes more sense if they're tasked with feeding the entire sword coast.

with that said, the clouds overhead definitely wouldn't stretch across all of Goldenfields. We'll say that it is hovering over the areas the party is currently located in.


So the town itself is really just that central portion. The rest is all massive fields surrounded by the wall.

Yeah for the most part. There are a few other key locations. But they are miles away.

One can imagine longhouses aranged in an orderly fashion around a half-circle (a mile in radius) with the Abbey placed where the other half of the circle would be. The Inn is on the other side and the market in the middle of the circle.

It's a big town with all of its farmlands within its walls instead of outside them.

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