The Actual Table of Contents for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

A lot of good stuff there. Of course, on the DM side, a lot of stuff is not there, but I like what I see. Actually, one of the most useful things will be the appendix of sample names.

A lot of good stuff there.

Of course, on the DM side, a lot of stuff is not there, but I like what I see.

Actually, one of the most useful things will be the appendix of sample names.

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With all the different stuff in the book, I bet WotC didn't expect the names appendix to be the big source of contraversy!

Anyways, what is done is done, moving on.

Did anyone else notice the serving a Pantheon, Philosophy, or Force side bar? It was the blank side bar in the Forge Cleric section previewed.

So do you think it's going to be rules for playing clerics that choose Pantheons, Philosophies, and Forces, or maybe something for all Divine connected classes?


Book-Friend, he/him
The DM section really should have been a separate book, but they don't have the staff for that.
Why would they make it a separate book? DM/player material being mixed is a commercial strategy, not a staffing issue.
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With all the different stuff in the book, I bet WotC didn't expect the names appendix to be the big source of contraversy!

Anyways, what is done is done, moving on.

Did anyone else notice the serving a Pantheon, Philosophy, or Force side bar? It was the blank side bar in the Forge Cleric section previewed.

So do you think it's going to be rules for playing clerics that choose Pantheons, Philosophies, and Forces, or maybe something for all Divine connected classes?

Maybe [MENTION=26355]yarael[/MENTION] 's prayers (to a non-descript philosophy or Force) have been heard and answered?


Book-Friend, he/him
With all the different stuff in the book, I bet WotC didn't expect the names appendix to be the big source of contraversy!

Anyways, what is done is done, moving on.

Did anyone else notice the serving a Pantheon, Philosophy, or Force side bar? It was the blank side bar in the Forge Cleric section previewed.

So do you think it's going to be rules for playing clerics that choose Pantheons, Philosophies, and Forces, or maybe something for all Divine connected classes?
It looks like every class gets a section talking about their subclass types in general terms: extra role-playing/world building advice, I wager.


Book-Friend, he/him
I honestly wouldn't mind: "Celtic names can be used to represent people of Tethryan or Ffolk stock (Faerun), Eldeen Reaches (Eberron), ..." to kinda show what RL names would link up with different regions in D&D settings.
Wouldn't be surprised if they threw something like that in.


Book-Friend, he/him
And if that name could be found elsewhere with a simple Google search, then the table did not need to exist. Hence, again, factually useless.
Compiling the list into a convenient, printed format with random tables I can physically roll is a useful service to me. I'm getting the book for class options, spells and wandering monster tables: the rest is gravy.

Now, the name tables might not be useful for * you* and your table, but that does not make them useless in themselves. Feats aren't useful for me and my table, but that doesn't make them useless in general.

In terms of cost: WotC spent the last year honing and balancing the included options. The worker is worth his wages, y'all.

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