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The Closed Eye (DM: Halford, Judge: garyh)


"It is hard to know what to do with the information in the Screamer since we know it has been tampered with. The story about the L'irkash seems suspect now, given how convenient it is for the other well-to-do families. "
[sblock=OOC]You have an original, untampered fresh-from-the-presses, professionally-preserved version of the Screamer.

Additional cheap copies were made by a noble family; but you have no evidence that they were adjusted yet.

At any rate the original "eyes article" about the L'irkash was fairly damning.

I'm not saying you should/shouldn't investigate or anything. I just didn't want too much OOC confusion because I'd explained something poorly.[/sblock]

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[sblock=Like a kid in a candy shop...]

Not at all! :lol:

Palindrome's thoughts...
But that only matters if the gods really intervene in mortal affairs, and since that whole cluster-frog on the formerly extant Isle of Troian, they've been less likely to involve themselves directly.

And then direct involvement of the gods would defeat the purpose of faith. Faith is the meat and bread of godly existence. A god that acts in a direct manner provides proof thereby negating faith. Ergo, said god will starve to death, wither, and die.

Didn't that happen to that god...uh...whathisname?

Oh, right! No one remembers his name because he gave proof of his existence and therefore no longer exists.

Palindrome performs a Bluff check against himself. (1d20+7=27)

Yeah! A perfect '20'! Id performs a critical hit on super-ego!

[sblock=@#$!]And for the record, I would like to state the IRONY of rolling a perfect '20' on a roll I intended solely for humorous purposes![/sblock]

Bring it on, you horny academian!

Ugh. That didn't come out right.


And the roll is...
Bluff check for restricted stacks. (1d20+7=23)

In quantum physics, that would be: 'YEE' to the power of 'HA'!

Gimme the libralackey!

Hey, what's that over there, gopher-boy? Yeah. Why don't you go check out those weird dancing lights? :smirk:

  • GP Value
  • Something that would be useful to the case.
Yeah. That's why I made this roll: Arcana check at the Daunton library. (1d20+10=26)
  • Abhorrent knowledge...

While monkeyboy is traipsing through the stacks to find the results of previous roll, Palindrome looks for some of these goodies baddies.

Here's the Arcana check: Arcana check for 'abhorrent knowledge'. (1d20+10=15)

Pfft. Okay, so it's a little abhorrent. But as every good rules lawyer will point out, the errata for the DMG states that DC 15 is 'difficult' for 1st to 3rd level players. (OOC: KenHood performs Bluff check.)

And here's the Thievery check for filching the abhorrent knowledge...
Thievery check for 'abhorrent knowledge'. (1d20+8=17)


Not awesome, but it will do.

In all likelihood, Palindrome is not going to fence the stuff.​
If I only have time to go after one of the three, then Palindrome will pick information related to the case. Some folks may consider that out-of-character for him, but it's just him taking the long view.
[sblock=Self-bluffing]Palindrome successfully convinces himself that Mireva and the rest of the gods are no longer active. [sblock=He also conveniently forgets...] the"band of thieves who were turned into a pillar of salt when they brazenly tried to steal from the House of Folded Leaves during Mireva's holy day about 20 years ago on the Isle of O.

And the four part series interviewing the still living men, and the elaborite and extensive dicussions of just how painful it was being a living pillar of salt.[/sblock]


Vim'gra't glowers and rubs a arthritic shoulder as Palindrome explains the importance of his visit, how essential it is to matters he can't discuss, and how it is so important that Doddoddod almost came down himself.

He notes a rather bored looking young half-elf assistant perched on a stool nearby. By the end of Palindrome's story the half-elf is practically hanging of his perch.
Vim'gra't glowers thickly when Palindrome finishes. The reserved stacks are highly reserved. The half elf coughs next to the tiefling. Vim'gra't ingores him.
Which is to say. Restricted. If you need something I can have it brought to you in a secure.... The half elf makes a violent coughing sound that echoes around the entryway.
.... YES? Lazlo?

I'd be happy to accompany him.

That won't be necessary. This young man, of im-pec-ible,
the teifling's toungue snaps on every syllable, credentials can go to a private, which is to say secure, room.

But I'm on duty.

Vim'gra't glowers.

I could accompany him. Since I'm on duty.

Vim'gra't harrumphs and guides the young man away. An extended and lenghty discussion occurs. There is much lecturinging and finger pointing on the part of Vim'gra't and much nodding on the part of young Lazlo. Finally Vim'gra't gives you a long, forboding look and disappears.

Lazlo guides you quickly though a side door and down a series of corridors, talking a mile a minute. How did Doddoddod discover the secret of the iron lance? (he's heard two versions) What did happen to the Ludvitz' Laggy Band? Does the League of Limp Lords ever meet after Doddoddod resolved the mysterious murders?

[sblock=Arcana 20]You can feel a thick powerful magic here, something that confounds the senses. There are no doors or locks to bar you but you're not sure you could return this way again.

The effect, divine in nature, persists throughout the library, growing tangibly stronger as you move closer toward the restricted area.

At length you come to a small arc, carved in the wall. Next to it a number of cubly holes sit. No weapons sir? Not even a dagger? A letter opener? Palindrome deftly thinks of something to place in a cuby hole. He's caught a whiff of something he's interested in the cubby hole next to it. Having divested himself of all weaponry and items of violence Palindrome passes safely through the arch, and is not mauled by the large golem. His guide explains the golem "called Pointy, on account of all the spikes; by us juniors anyway. The senior librarians don't like giving him nicknames. Say he's not so funny after you've seen him do his thing."

You pass beyond several barred doors, before getting to a semi-open area. A simple wooden table comes up to your waist; beyond the table a massive line of wooden book shelves runs. You can see a powerful runic binding system. Around the stacks.

But what Lazlo brings you isn't Yarg's Hidden Mysteries... "We have Yarg's of course but I thought you might want to see this...."

It's Yarg's original notes and field entries from his famous journals. There are no less than six separate stacks of neatly bound notes; and another two books almost equally large, of commentaries, notes, and crossreferences. One of them prominently displays the Vim'gra't's sigil.

"They aren't complete of course... but Vim'gra't thinks we're close to half of the originals, as well as some third hand accounts. And some of his students of course... it's one of the library's biggest projects. Secret of course. Officially we don't even have a decent copy of Yargs..." He gives you a wink. There's just so much he left out...

[Palindrom Perception=2]

Palindrome gets down to work....


ooc: Sorry, hit my time limit. More coming tomorrow. Palindrome doesn't need to make any more rolls. The rest of the group can recovien and start to talk.
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First Post

Bravo! I laughed until there were tears in my eyes!

Lazlo guides you quickly though a side door and down a series of corridors, talking a mile a minute. How did Doddoddod discover the secret of the iron lance? (he's heard two versions) What did happen to the Ludvitz' Laggy Band? Does the League of Limp Lords ever meet after Doddoddod resolved the mysterious murders?

League of Limp Lords!



He's caught a whiff of something he's interested in the cubby hole next to it.


[Palindrome Perception=2]

Holy honking monkey butts! AARRGH!


I guess it does serve me right for disproving the existence of gods.

The rest of the group can recovien and start to talk.

Oh, yeah, that's not an ominous turn of phrase at all...

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First Post
You have an original, untampered fresh-from-the-presses, professionally-preserved version of the Screamer.

Additional cheap copies were made by a noble family; but you have no evidence that they were adjusted yet.

At any rate the original "eyes article" about the L'irkash was fairly damning.

I'm not saying you should/shouldn't investigate or anything. I just didn't want too much OOC confusion because I'd explained something poorly.

Far more likely a failure of memory and/or reading comprehension on my part. Thanks for clarifying.


First Post
OOC: Okay I will try to wrap up Palindrome's library session and then the group can meet up and discuss their next move. Sorry for the delay folks, I hope to have the game moving at a brisk pace from now on and will attempt to stick as closely as possible to Graf's plot.

I am also going to award everyone 150 points of roleplaying XP - which I feel is richly deserved. :D

[sblock=Palindrome]Palindrome skims the papers searching for anything that might be relevant to the groups present situation. Given the information currently available he has a tough time of it. However, in a stack of yellowed notes he sees a symbol which is uncannily similar to the one which marks the eyes articles.

It appears to be a mere doodle in the margins on a treatise upon the theoretical possibilities of summoning an abyssal parasite, which Yarg has dubbed the Lung Worm - for its tendency to enter and devour lung tissue rendering the host dependent upon the beast to draw breath; Yarg appears to have been quite excited at the potential benefits of such a beast, speculating that it could lend its host the ability to process noxious gases. Next to the depiction of the eye is the following notation,

Veil in isles interior, bears further exploration. Karrimon killed by agents - what of the rest of the party? Persuit dangerous? Tribal religon, pre Daunton? What did they find?

Yarg appears to have suspected the existance of somekind of magical shroud in place in Daunton's interior. As far as Palindrome can tell this is something that the Wizard intended to persue once he had finished some of his more immediate projects, though he cannot uncover anything further in the notes. He does, however, uncover a few passing references to Karrimon which imply that Yarg was in possession of his ritual book after his passing - many of these references carry a derisive edge, and Yarg clearly seems to believe Karrimon to be an inferior practitioner.

Lazlo hovers nearby reorganizing tombs almost by reflex and occasionally pointing Palindrome to a pertinent piece of information.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=In the Library]
However, in a stack of yellowed notes he sees a symbol which is uncannily similar to the one which
marks the eyes articles.

Palindrome gestures for Lazlo's attention. "Have you seen this symbol elsewhere in the library? And have you any texts referencing a certain Karrimon? Finally, what happened to Yarg? Is he alive? If so, where can we find him? If not, where is his resting place?"

[OOC to DM: Does the handwriting in the doodle match that of the rest of the treatise?]

[OOC to DM (again): Don't forget that Palindrome gets to steal something on the way out of this place! Such as that thing in the boxes with the weapons... Graf sent me a private e-mail saying that it was a +6 vorpal wand of meteor swarm.][/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Very happy to see this game moving again. Thanks for picking it up, Halford. Since you've shifted into the DM role, we should probably have another Judge follow it. I'm happy to do so (I've been reading it already and plan to continue, so I might as well). However, I'm now Judging this AND your Ebon Mirror game, so you'd better not go anywhere, Halford! ;)


First Post
OOC: Not to worry Garyh I will be around for goodly while. Might need a week off to make a trans atlantic move in the near future, but you should all get plenty of notice of that.

[sblock=Palindrome]The hand does indeed seem to be Yarg's, or at least the same as the author of the notes.

Lazlo frowns and peers at the symbol,

"I can't recall seeing it before, but that does not mean much I am afraid," he gestures helplessly at the multitudinous texts. "Perhaps Master Vim'gra't is familiar with it he practically lives here.

"Karrimon was an adventuring Wizard if I recall correctly, he spent a great deal of time here some years ago - an Allarian if I remember rightly. He was a member of the Crossroaders, some of them might still be here in Daunton, I recall a Forged and a swashbuckling type, though I cannot remember any names."



First Post

[sblock=Palindrome in the Library]
Palindrome again studies the text. Tracing the symbol of the eye with his finger. Mesmerized, he leans closer...

"Yes, I suppose I'll have to ask--er--ahm--what'shisname about--"

[OOC-Palindrome casts Prestidigitation.] The eye on the paper glows with a hideous green light.

Palindrome reels. "AARGH!" he cries, dropping the writings and clutching his skull, "BURNING EYE! BURNING EYE! LAYING BARE MY SOUL!"

[sblock=Bluff Check]Palindrome bluffs Lazlo. (1d20+7=25)[/sblock]

He pitches forward, screaming in agony. The table rocks, dumping its contents. Eyes rolled back in skull, froth at his lips, significant [*ahem*] portions of the notes clutched in his white-knuckled claws, Palindrome writhes on the floor. "NOOO! NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

[sblock=Sleight of Hand Check]Palindrome stuffs papers into his pockets as he thrashes about in agony. Sleight of Hand. (1d20+8=21)[/sblock]

Palindrome hurls himself to his feet, careening against Lazlo. As the two smash against the wall, Palindrome howls, "YOU'LL NOT HAVE ME! NOT ME! NOT! ME!"

[OOC: Palindrome casts Scorching Burst.]

Flame blasts from Palindrome's eyes, nostrils, and mouth, consuming the [*ahem*] non-essential portions of Yarg's writings, the paper Palindrome has laid nearby for notes, a bit of the table, and assorted detritus common to libraries.

"GODS!" exclaims the young wizard, "That was too close for comfort, friend Lazlo. I know not what horrid curse lay dormant in said pages, but I daresay it near ripped my very soul from my mortal shell. It is indeed fortunate that my master had taught me the Thrice-Blessed Charm of Metaphysical Salubration--the very same incantation that protected him from the magicks of the League of Limp Lords and their servants, the Flaccid Fellowship."

Of a sudden, Palindrome's eyes widen in shock. In horror, he points at the (thorougly believable) pile of smoking ash. "Ah! No! Curse me for a fool! In my dire need to escape the mind-stripping force of that foul eye, I have destroyed the very notes that your people have invested so much effort in gathering."

Eyes glistening with unshed tears, Palindrome prostrates himself before Lazlo. "By all that is good and pure in this universe, please, friend Lazlo, forgive me!"

[sblock=To GM]Okay, let's blow this popsicle stand!

Oh! And don't forget the self-aware artifact, Ring of Ten Thousand Spheres of Annihilation, that's in that weapon box near the door as we leave.[/sblock]

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[sblock=Palindrome]Lazlo hurries forward watching Palindrome writhe with a look of frantic concern,

"Master Palindrome, what on earth?" He cries anxiously leaning down to lend assistance. Palindrome manages to scoop up a handful of pages, including the one bearing the eye, into his robes.

Pleased with his ingenuity he makes to cast a scorching burst and BURNS, his cries suddenly real as his skin blisters. For a moment he senses some otherwordly presense and feels a rush of alien thoughts thrusting through his mind somehow amplifying a single vivid idea, NO FLAME.

"No flame in the library! No, ah, gods, you need to leave now Master Palindrome!" The Half-Elf snaps glancing nervously over his shoulder and grabbing up handfuls of documents which he jams together into a rough pile. "Vim'gra't will be here any second, I suggest you make yourself scarce!"

The Half-Elf hurries the young wizard out pressing his weaponry back into his hands and then virtually propelling him out of the library.

"I hope that helped, give my regards to your master!" He calls as he hurries away ducking into the stacks as Vim'gra't appears looking coldly furious and scans the room.

OOC: Palindrome takes 6 points of fire damage. :angel:[/sblock]

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