D&D Movie/TV The D&D versions of Theros, Ravnica, and Arcvios should be seperate from the MtG versions.


I've been ignoring metaplot and other changes to various campaign worlds and "brands" for years. Nix the Time of Troubles, Spellplague or whatever disaster-of-the-week hits FR. The whole Greyhawk Wars. Prism Pentad for Dark Sun. Grand Conjuction and Grim Harvest of Ravenloft. Faction Wars for Planescape. Everything that happened after the War of the Lance for Dragonlance. Scorpion Coup and beyond for L5R. Montaine Revolution for 7th Sea.

When I purchase a campaign world for an RPG, I don't care about where the authors take it from there. My own campaigns take a different route and that is the course I follow.

And most of all, Alien Resurrection.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Well, Legend of the Five Rings was, well, legendary for having their tournament games affect the world. I agree its not super common in most CCGs though.

Specifically, it isn't what WotC does with M:tG, at least to date, as I understand it.

You figure WotC's going to start doing that, and then publish that into the RPG setting that they haven't touched for nigh on three years?

I mean, I guess it could happen. I could also win the lottery, too. I don't expect either.


2e tried very hard to weave all the settings together. They did a good enough job as far as I'm concerned.
IDK, I didn't like, generally, how either planescape or spelljamer did it. But, if I am honest, I am only generally familiar with the broad strokes as I didn't like what I came across so I didn't invest much into that edition (or 3e for that matter).

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
IDK, I didn't like, generally, how either planescape or spelljamer did it. But, if I am honest, I am only generally familiar with the broad strokes as I didn't like what I came across so I didn't invest much into that edition (or 3e for that matter).
2e was my favorite edition, and I devoured both Spelljammer and Planescape. I was and am quite happy with the Great Wheel as expressed in late 2e.

Voidrunner's Codex

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