• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Dream Team


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Genesis edges past Fusion and flicks her light amp back on.

"Tendril looks bad," she says to the other super. "I'm going to make sure we're not going to get swarmed here, then we should pull out. I can fly her to a hospital."

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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
OOC: Sorry for the silence, y'all. My job search combined with helping other out-of-work teachers and out-of-school families find new placements has eaten up a lot of my time and energy lately. The good news is that I'm in final negotiation for a position as a youth minister that has good pay and rather flexible hours. I'm going to get this game back up and running this weekend.



First Post

“No idea about the sound, some kind of flying machine maybe? We should get you back up standing on your feet without aid soon, we will need your help! To the hospital, then?”

OOC: Hope things work out for you! :D

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
OOC: Another update, albeit not a game one. I'm officially employed again. Several trustworthy, diligent parents from the now-defunct school that their children attended and that employed me have put together a viable budget, facilties, et cetera, to operate a small private school with about half the former students and faculty. I'm tapped as administrative headmaster and teacher for this venture. So, while I will unemployed again as of May 30, at least the next five months are taken care of.

On the down side, I terribly busy the next few days making sure records are up-to-date, coordinating curricula, et cetera. I shall endeavor to kick this ball rolling again by Sunday evening. If there's anything you want your hero to do, say, or try, go ahead and post.


Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!

OOC: Let's kick this ball off again! I've made some assumptions to try to make up for time I lost us. It's been a few minutes after the wasp fight and several seconds after Rumble's arrival on site.

As Rumble exits the Stormjumper, the pilot Noonan says, "I'll circle the perimeter, then land and follow you in if nothing's up."

With a rumbling noise, Rumble flies from the spherical craft toward the lighthouse's front door. Entering the hallway, he sees obvious signs of something amiss. A good portion of the walls and ceiling are scorched black. Charred lumps of material dot the floor, and several large, singed insects lay in contorted positions. There is an open door at the end of the hall. Approaching the door, Rumble looks in to see a strange sight.

Three women, all in costume, stand in the heavily damaged control center of the weather station. One of the women is emitting ultraviolet light while another sits in a chair, entwined by a highly mobile vine. As Rumble watches, he can see the plant-woman's obvious injuries healing at a fantastic rate.

Three normal-seeming men, one in security guard uniform, lay on the floor, covered by Army surplus blankets. The men are obviously unconscious. Rumble notices strange lacerations on their faces and necks.

The third woman -- the one not emitting UV light or wrapped in foliage -- notices Rumble about the same time Rumble notices everything in the room.

[sblock=Combat Block]
Fusion: uninjured; 4 Hero Points
Genesis: initiative 20; 1 bruise/injury, -4 Dex; 3 Hero Points
Rumble: uninjured; 3 Hero Points
Tendril: staggered; 2 Hero Points


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Kelly sits wrapped in Tendril's vines soaking up the artificial sunlight.

"Thank you guys, Wow you have no idea what this feels like, it's like drinking straight caffeine. Tendril's so excited he's running reckless in my mind. Woah, get out of there."


First Post

“We are having company...” Fiona remarks, as she notices someone's at the door. She tries to remain calm for now, but prepared to jump whoever is there if necessary, unsure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

“Who's there?”

Voidrunner's Codex

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