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The Game of Kings OOC

Deuce Traveler

Dark_Jackalope said:
After much reading, here's a summary of my thoughts on your applications thus far:

Deuce: After sorting out the overlap situation a bit, I think Doral is our best candidate so far for the "rogue-esque" position, though in close competetion with stonegod's Vhir. I'd recommend making him both skilled at trap-springing and stealth. While I'm not familiar with beguilers, I'll have Ringmereth explain them to me when he gets his hands on the PHBII. However, I would recommend you write up a bit more background well before the decisions are made; yours is a bit short.

Sure, and since most are mixing a storied-approach, I'll work mine over as such:

Doral Kinsman the Half-Elf Beguiler 4

Doral has dark brown hair and dull gray eyes with a boyish, charming face. He is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and thin, but does not stand out in a crowd, despite his pleasing looks. In fact, he lacks distinguishing facial features and his fay-like face is hard to remember when people describe him. Doral is an extremely good listener, and people genuinely seem to enjoy telling the half-elf about their problems, though he rarely offers advice or opinion. He is quick with a joke, glows with an appreciation of life, and is always ready to offer an ear to the agitated.

Brief Background
Of course, being a listener was part of Doral's job: a spy for Aundair. Doral was an up and coming member of the Royal Eyes, and helped infiltrate the organizations of many of Aundair's potential enemies. He was working a deep cover operation with several other Royal Eyes at Tanar Rath in Karrnath when his identity was blown. Doral Kinsman was severely injured in his escape, but he ended up being the only member of the Royal Eye team to return. Despite his prior service, jealous members of the organization suggested that Doral may have been the source of the intelligence leak. Although a trial acquitted him of guilt, his reputation was tarnished and he resigned from the Royal Eyes.

Now he wishes to conduct his own investigation into the intelligence leak on his own, but first there is the problem of revenue. Ever since he returned to Aundair Doral was removed from the government payroll. Low on the funds he knows he will need to work the case on his own, he now seeks to raise money as a freelancer. Always the realist, Doral accepts that he will have to create a new life for himself before he can pursue revenge.

The Long Story
"Move fast, Doral," Sylla whispered to me as she squeezed my hand. She threw one last wink my way, then went into the hallway to join Zax.

I watched her go out the door, enjoying the swaying of her hips. Sylla, like myself and Zax, was a member of the Royal Eyes, the greatest espionage organization in the Five Nations. Her specialities lied in seduction and potions, as the sleeping body of Captain Manash attested.

The Royal Eyes had sent us to intercept messages coming from the Karrnath court to the captain of Tanar Rath. The three of us had taken jobs as servants at the garrison. Zax worked as a smith, I as a cook for the keep, and Sylla as a maid. Zax and I were the first to find signs of a troop build-up in the area, as extra food and materials were ordered for the garrison. I became friends with many of the soldiers, playing the occasional dice with them and making conversation with those that would come to the kitchen. Zax was busier creating weapons to be used by the undead and the living soldiers of Karrnath, although this was a clear indication that the forces of the garrison were about to be increased. Coded messages from the Royal Eyes began to stress the importance of discovering what was going on.

It was Sylla who was the most successful. After a few 'accidental' encounters in the hallway with Captain Manash, she succeeded in earning a visit to his room and seducing him. After a few days he confided to her that he received daily messages from the court, trying to impress her with boasts of his own importance. Sylla was unable to open his locked drawer in order to read the notes, which was more of my specialty. It was this that led us to a daring plan. Sylla drank and ate with Captain Manash every night before other activities. He tended to drink heavily, and supposedly had a low stanima, causing him to sleep deeply. Sylla would send a servant down with an order of food for the pair each night, giving me an excuse to enter their room. As this pattern became familiar, we decided to strike after Sylla sent a magical message to our contact in the Royal Eyes.

Sylla added a potion to Captain Manash's drink one night, causing him to doze. Soon after she sent a servant boy she found in the hallway to fetch me with an order for dinner and to give Zax a copper coin she owed him. On this signal, I came up with my tray of food, Zax accompanying me. Sylla and Zax were to talk outside Captain Manash's door while I was to unlock the drawer with the notes, read them, and copy down any vital pieces of information.

I put the tray down, and took out some of my 'special' tools. As I worked, I unsuccessfully tried to remove thoughts of Sylla and concentrate on the task at hand. I only found a simple poison needle trap, which was a good sign. Disabling it, I continued working as my thoughts drifted.

Why have I been having stronger fits of jealousy? She was a pretty woman, but there were more beautiful ladies in the world. Yet something about the way she touched my shoulder when she needed to talk... the way she smiled at me as if everything I said was important... the way she stood close... "Concentrate, fool," I told myself as I thought about the way she smelled. I could feel the latch give way.

As I opened the chest I could hear an argument begin outside the door as Zax and Sylla told someone that Captain Manash was sleeping and needed his rest. I suppose the answer didn't satisfy whoever they were talking to, as I heard the sounds of scuffling outside. I scrambled to reset the trap and to hide my tools, but the door was kicked in by a large man in black armor just as I picked my tray back up. He was followed by a smaller man with a nasal voice that I recognized as Manash's orderly.

"The other spy," the orderly yelled, pointing at me.

My blood ran cold as I could see several soldiers standing with weapons outside. Zax lay on the floor unmoving in a pool of blood. Sylla had her hands held and was flanked by soldiers on each side. Thinking quickly, I cast a charm on the orderly and said, "Spy, sir? Please, I'm not sure what these two did, but I just came up to deliver the lord's food." Escape now, get Sylla and Zax (if still alive) out later.

Confusion appeared on the orderly's face. "I'm sorry Doral, but someone has recently informed me of the most vicious rumors about you." The man in black armor gave the orderly a frown of surprise.

"Who said these things about me, sir," I asked indignantly. Was my cover blown?

The black armored man was smarter than I gave him credit. "Enough," he bellowed, interrupting the conversation. He moved forward and gripped me by the collar, tossing me out of the room, where I skidded across the floor and slid against the hallway wall. He was a strong one. Through my ringing head I could hear the orderly try to stop him, telling him I may be innocent.

My head cleared as the man came at me again, sword drawn. I tumbled out of the way, pulling a knife and slicing the arm of a soldier holding Sylla. He grunted in pain, but did not release his grip on her. I couldn't get her out. Nor could I allow her to be captured. I was sure Zax was dead, so he could not tell any secrets. I still might be able to escape. There was only one thing left to do, I realized, as I held a tighter grip on the knife.

Sylla must have realized what was on my mind. "No," she begged sadly, looking into my eyes. If she had stood bravely, I could have finished her rather than allowed her to be put to the question. But as I looked into those pleading eyes, my resolve broke. All this in the space of the six longest seconds of my life.

I cast one more spell, making myself disappear to the group of enclosing soldiers. Even Sylla gasped in surprise and began to look around wildly. I always kept my magical abilities secret, even to friends.

Next, I did the only thing I could. I ran.

After I returned to Aundair, I knew my career was over. Not only had the mission failed, but I had allowed an agent to be captured. The information about a troop build-up could not be confirmed, and an attack never materialized anyway, causing others to question my skills. Supposedly, Karrnath was also using the incident to privately blackmail small concessions from the Aundair court. Perhaps Sylla talked after all. As I sat, waiting for my trial to condemn or exhonerate me, I used the time I have to gather my thoughts and have come to this realization: we were betrayed.

It's only a feeling, but I can't figure out how we were captured so easily and during the act. I could make the accusation and ask for an investigation, but who would I trust? Perhaps it would be better to walk away if I'm not hung. To disappear for awhile in a different land, like a man broken and wandering. Let them forget me while I gather my own resources. Then I can return when they have grown lazy and content, unsuspecting of the man bearing down on them.

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First Post
Well, in that case, I'll pass my turn. I am aware that my written English is not as great I would want, that's the problem when you do not have English as your primary language. I do not have problem to take time to watch over my spelling and grammar and I do not have problem to post everyday. The problem is combining both of them. I will not always be able to revise my text, and as I am moving next week, I don't expect to have time to think about another character.

Good game to all.


Dark_Jackalope said:
Bobitron: Though there is an excess of spellcasters, I really like Glasia's character. Quick work indeed. The only thing I'd request from you at this point is some clarification of her intended goals. You mention Glasia's need to raise money to exorcize her sister, but I'm wonder what also became of her desire to find out who is responsible, and whatever justice Glasia plans to/would like to enact. A little clarification, plus perhaps finishing off her stats, and you have a soild entry.

Thanks very much! I'm glad you like her. I wanted to make up for the lack of crunchy uniqueness with what I felt would be a fun character to interact with. I know it's not a very inventive use of the rules, but then I never was great at that. :)

Goals, goals, hmmm...

Glasia's not a very confrontational person as written. I think any desire for justice or digging deeper into the involvement of Suthat and some high-ranking member (members?) of the Council of Cardinals is very secondary to getting her sister free of the influence of the demon that haunts her. In my mind I chose a number far higher than what she could likely gain within a year or two of adventuring to keep her out in the feild rather than persuing a goal that takes her away from the party. I see Glasia as wanting to be done with the Church as it exists in Thrane and her father. She wants to gather the cash, return to Thrane to pay the exorcist (who may or may not be a legitimate cure for her sister's possession), take the girl, and run off to a quiet life elsewhere. She was hurt by what she sees as a betrayal by her father and the Church and wants to get as far away from them as possible.

If you want a more vindictive character, it wouldn't be too hard to rework her a bit to include a more angry and vengeful outlook on the situation. I'd probably lean more towards offensive spells and rephrase my history to reflect her attitude better.

Thanks for considering my entry among such august company. I know we are way overloaded on spellcasters right now, but I've been wanting to play one for some time and would love the chance. Maybe if we need a more utilitarian caster I can stick with my current outlook, and if a more offensive caster is needed I could take the vengeful Seeker of Justice (tm) route?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Dark_Jackalope said:
stonegod: Both your submissions are excellent. Personally, I'm already quite fond of Vhir, but as with Shayuri, I have to warn you that we have far more spellcatsers than is healthy at the moment. This gives Jhen a better chance for admittance, though he too would be competing both with the other melee and rogue-esque submissions. At any rate, Ringmereth will consider both your characters, so you hardly need choose one. The only advice I can think to give is to maybe give a little more depth, especially in regards to motivation, to Jhen's background, beyond just the fight-club rising-star backstory.

Re: Vhir---I designed him in mind to be a backup caster, not a primary one, and not to interfere with the UMDness of the artificer. He's primarily a face/charisma skill kobold with some finder-of-stuff skills and odd arcane power. I was seeing Carver as artifice, Doral as rogue, Trey or similar as arcane damage, and Vhir as a complementary role (a fifth character, as I stated). So while he is technically a casting type, that is not necissarily his main role.

I am also seriously thinking about bumping down Vhir's Con so he can have a bump in Int for Search (to add to the inquisitive side). Adds more to the "frail in body but strong in mind" vibe he gives off.

Re: Jhen---I'll try to think of something creative, but I don't want to fall into any common tropes with Jhen: I want him to be sort of the light hearted in for the fun type, so cruel fatey reason for adventuring wouldn't quite work here.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
stonegod said:
Re: Jhen---I'll try to think of something creative, but I don't want to fall into any common tropes with Jhen: I want him to be sort of the light hearted in for the fun type, so cruel fatey reason for adventuring wouldn't quite work here.
I've added a bit more motivation (see background); mostly, Jhen thinks he is fighting for the love of the "little people", who in turn hate him because the rich love him. He hopes adventuring will endear him to them via stories in the Chronicles, but doesn't realize that this will most likely backfire.
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Hey DM's! Can I take the Cloistered Cleric variant from UA at first level?

Edit: Urk! I just noticed I read your rules wrong. I thought it said Spellcasters get 4 skill points per level, not Sorcerors. I'll adjust mine.
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First Post
Some quick thoughts:

James: very nice job on the background. Your character also fills some useful roles, so well done on that account as well.

Deuce: I like your ideas a lot, and the first-person writing is great as well.

Velmont: sorry this didn't work out, and good luck with your move.

Bobitron: personally, I like the nonconfrontational personality of Glasia--it's a good contrast to other submissions like Morika and Dragen. Unless we find ourselves in dire need of a vengeanceful Seeker of Justice, Glasia as written should perform admirably. Cloistered Cleric, by the way, is acceptable (and certainly a better fit).

stonegod: I have to run at the moment, but I'll take a look at your revised background later today. The changes sound good.


Ringmereth said:
Bobitron: personally, I like the nonconfrontational personality of Glasia--it's a good contrast to other submissions like Morika and Dragen. Unless we find ourselves in dire need of a vengeanceful Seeker of Justice, Glasia as written should perform admirably. Cloistered Cleric, by the way, is acceptable (and certainly a better fit).

Cool, thanks. I'll make some changes later this evening.

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