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The Gods Hate Us

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Igor provides more use than you at any given moment. Did I tell you I rather fancy frog legs?" Ruslan says, eyeing Pabsit angrily. Igor ignores everything, as usual.

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The Grippli chuckles at Ruslan's comments and winks at him with a large glassy eye..

Then arrrre we enterrrring this ugly place, or arrrre we moving on? Sitting herrre makes us easy tarrrgets.
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Baril just smirks as Toryn speaks about fighting Solars. Quite contrary, it'll be YOU wearing them down and ME coming from the bushes to get the kill. Like always!

"My confidence has never failed me. Why change anything, if it works?" the gypsy quipped. Then he was silent and listened as the others spoke.

"Hmph. We are hunted by the gods and you say, we should trust one of them? What makes you think your god would do anything to help us? Does he like you enough to oppose a legion of other gods? Or me? Or Mr. Bones over there?" Baril said pointing at Ruslan. "Yeah, that's what I call realistic," he added voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I say licking the boot of any god is the last thing we should do. The gods have never done anything for me. Look, what they're doing to all of us right now!"

Baril ignored the change of words between Ruslan and Pabsit. "Ruslan has a point. Let's strike back so hard, they leave us alone. Isn't Cuthbert the one most eagerly hounding us? That is his city. Why don't we make it an example, send a little message to those uptight fools?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

"That I would like to do, but it must be done carefully. These fools expect people to make frontal assaults. We must be more cunning than that," Ruslan points out.


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The dwarf steps toward the gypsy pointing his finger and sticking out his chest, "Look here sonny-boy, talking bad about my god is the equivalent of me telling you how unskilled you are as a fighter. If you knew anything beyond how twirl those butter knives you carry around then you would realize that the Guardians of the Watchtowers are far different from the other gods. But I do realize that, like most things, is beyond your realm of knowledge. And as for the gods never doing anything for you... I'll remember that the next time you need or want healing or anything thing else from me. As I am just a conduit of the Protector's power."

Toryn then turns his back to the dagger specialist and steps toward Ruslan, "Ruslan, How might you suggest we strike back at them? We are fleeing from Balors and Solars, we alone do not have the firepower to take on top minions of the gods, let alone the gods themselves. What kind of plan do you have up your sleeve?

The dwarven priest then looks back over his shoulder at Baril and huffs, before turning to Oskar and saying in Dwarven, "What an arrogant ingrate he is."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"A clever one, what else? I shall need to study some of their leaders, of course, or if that is not possible, than some of their lieutenants. Once I know the strength of their power and will, I can capture their soul in a gem and take over their body, laying a path of dissention and doubt, and perhaps even doing a few selective murders as well. It will seem as if the gods have turned against them," Ruslan says with a cruel twist of his mouth.


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To Toryn, in dwarven:"He has his uses."

To everyone, in common: "So are we in agreement then? Strike at the town and capture one of the high priests for Ruslan?


Standing next to the Necromancer, Lousin speaks up.

"Such a plan, though well thought out as always Ruslan, may be overly elaborate. We could always wait for night and sneak in. The real question is why every god seems to be aligned against us. It would seem a bit far fetched to believe at together we have offended all of the gods," turning toward the gypsy and cleric, he watches them go at it.

"Will killing the high priest really solve our problem? I may not be an expert on the gods but I'm sure they don't need the priest to extract their will."
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As always, the death-caster "has a plan". As always, it will take us a centurrrry to carry it out! Humans arrrre so frrrustrrating!

Pabsit turned to Ruslan. Wizarrrrd, a fine plan as always, but we do not have time to rrrre-wrrrrrite historrry orrrr seduce the enemy with yourrrr love of undeath. He pointed to the gates. Why don't we stand herrrre some morrrre? That way, we won't have to place ourrrselves in the hands of the verrry Gods who hunt us? I say we just enter the town thrrrough the frrrront gate. I do not like sneaking orrrrr plotting. The last part was a lie, he loved sneaking. Catching opponents unawares was his favourtie tactic.

Pabsit was fast becoming bored with all this waiting about.


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Baril takes a step back as the dwarf comes pointing at him, but he's still just smiling as Toryn's anger grows. He enjoyed getting under someone's skin. Enough not to care about any insults the dwarf threw at him.

"Ha! Ha! Why do you think I wanted to 'disrespect' your god in particular? I despise all of them, that shouldn't come as surprise to you, dwarf, with all the time we regrettably have had to spend together. It is my right to choose my opinions, isn't it, so save your big speeches to someone, who actually cares. Your god doesn't get any special treatment from me."

The smile disappeared from Baril's face. "If you stayed calm for once and listened, what people are saying, you'd realized, what I meant. True, I know next to nothing about your god - or any other - but with all the power and glory, that is still just one god. We are facing many deities. In your foolish burst of anger you never answered my question: why would your god aid a group of mere mortals and risk angering a host of other gods? Answer that, and I might just change my mind about the usefulness of your god in fixing our little problem."

He loses interest in Toryn for now and looks at the rest of the party. "Well, like I said, I don't know much about the gods or their servants. Just tell me, who I have to kill. As far as going inside the city - I don't care how *we* are going to do it - *I* can stay out of sight in any case."

Voidrunner's Codex

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