The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Look! It's no thread on enworld, ever!

Especially if it's someone else's pizza because everyone else likes crap pizza.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Especially if it's someone else's pizza because everyone else likes crap pizza.

I have engaged in the art of advanced Rules-lawyering to ensure that not only does my side of the pizza had the correct(tm) toppings, but your side of the pizza has the correct(tm) toppings as well.



Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I have engaged in the art of advanced Rules-lawyering to ensure that not only does my side of the pizza had the correct(tm) toppings, but your side of the pizza has the correct(tm) toppings as well.

So basically you order for the table.

Blessed be, indeed.


Moderator Emeritus
I have often argued that endings are overrated in determining the value of a story.

For example, I think LOST was an (overall) awesome show. Some people argue that the ending and lack of answers "ruined it." I argue that the whole point was they were lost all along and any ending involving "finding answers" would have been worse (and to the degree they tried to give answers in that ending is what made it awful). I simply have never re-watched that ending, but have enjoyed part of the previous seasons over and over.

This is out of date now (esp. given Adnan Syad's recent freeing from prison), but I explored the idea of endings using Lost and the Serial podcast back in 2014: “We have to go back!” Getting Lost in the Serial Podcast


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
I have often argued that endings are overrated in determining the value of a story.

For example, I think LOST was an (overall) awesome show. Some people argue that the ending and lack of answers "ruined it." I argue that the whole point was they were lost all along and any ending involving "finding answers" would have been worse (and to the degree they tried to give answers in that ending is what made it awful). I simply have never re-watched that ending, but have enjoyed part of the previous seasons over and over.

This is out of date now (esp. given Adnan Syad's recent freeing from prison), but I explored the idea of endings using Lost and the Serial podcast back in 2014: “We have to go back!” Getting Lost in the Serial Podcast
Some of the overvaluing is probably because it's what you're most likely to remember--I mean, if you read a 150,000-word novel, you're more likely to remember the end than some random 4,000-word passage about halfway through.

Also, see my previous comment about how endings can be difficult (from the author's POV) and are often kinda arbitrary, because there's almost always more that'll happen. Beginnings, you have an instigating event.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Order for the table?

I order for the restaurant. Then I go all James Corden until the pizzeria starts "making the Pizza right."

I'm a big fan of standing a round, now and again.

As a side note, I mostly don't go to bars for budgetary reasons. 😆


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have often argued that endings are overrated in determining the value of a story.

For example, I think LOST was an (overall) awesome show. Some people argue that the ending and lack of answers "ruined it." I argue that the whole point was they were lost all along and any ending involving "finding answers" would have been worse (and to the degree they tried to give answers in that ending is what made it awful). I simply have never re-watched that ending, but have enjoyed part of the previous seasons over and over.

This is out of date now (esp. given Adnan Syad's recent freeing from prison), but I explored the idea of endings using Lost and the Serial podcast back in 2014: “We have to go back!” Getting Lost in the Serial Podcast
I remember this Agatha Christie novel (with a terrible title changed to an equally terrible title...) that had this mysterious island meetup with a group of strangers. Actually, its a pretty great story because all of them have done something terrible, and have no reason why they were brought together. All they know is they are being bumped off one by one. Christie added a prologue to the book that gives answers to all the mystery that essentially ruins the story.

I think all these strange phenomena series suffer the same fate. The show is interesting because of the mystery. Once you start explaining it, however, things get less interesting and the experience suffers. I actually prefer open endings with answers still in the wind to something logical to explain it away. Folks tend to hate open endings though. I remember a bunch of folks pissed that Fellowship of the Ring didn't have a definite conclusion at the end of the film. There was also no way they didn't know it was part of a trilogy, but that didn't matter they still wanted a definite ending.

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