The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune
I just realized, if there was kryptonite that turned you into a simian and the timing with the flawed duplicator rays had been just right, we could have had a Bizarro Super-Ape running around all these years. The missed opportunities of for Titano and Grodd team-ups is enough to make me weep.

But that would have really derailed things, like speculating on whether there's actually some kryptonite in the serum Langstrom used to turn into Man-Bat and we could have had Super-Man-Bat fluttering around making Bruce's life difficult. Perhaps he'd manage to shoot up Lois as well and they became the ancestor of the bats that swarm around Tracking Site in Kamandi...
I may just stop reading forums for the rest of the day. Nothing will top the excellence of this post.

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Ah. I probably haven’t been there since 2003 at the latest and even then I never found my niche there or spent much time.
I'm slightly more recent but mostly a lurk over there at this point. Poke my nose in once in a while to see if there's anything worth logging in for, but that's about it these days.



<sigh> This is why I no longer participate in society any more than absolutely necessary*... :rant:

(<tl/dr> Some days it's really exhausting being The Root of All Evil...)

Dear shrieky complete (and completely psychotic) stranger who rather vehemently took me to task in the middle of the supermarket after I accidentally misgendered another complete stranger whose pronouns/identity didn't match their physical presentation even though said person appeared to be entirely nonchalant and casually unconcerned by it...

Your performative outrage has been duly noted. I'm glad I could help inflate your self-esteem and reinforce your sense of self-importance today. Ideologists suck.

I'm going to go play SW:TOR for a while, where I can self-identify as a cat in peace - my Cathar Sith warrior Darth M'ew is an evil Hello Kitty knockoff... 😼
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Morkus from Orkus
Forget parrots. Keep your eye on the sparrow.

View attachment 357583

johnny depp GIF


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)

<sigh> This is why I no longer participate in society any more than absolutely necessary*... :rant:

(<tl/dr> Some days it's really exhausting being The Root of All Evil...)

Dear shrieky complete (and completely psychotic) stranger who rather vehemently took me to task in the middle of the supermarket after I accidentally misgendered another complete stranger whose pronouns/identity didn't match their physical presentation even though said person appeared to be entirely nonchalant and casually unconcerned by it...

Your performative outrage has been duly noted. I'm glad I could help inflate your self-esteem and reinforce your sense of self-importance today. Ideologists suck.

I'm going to go play SW:TOR for a while, where I can self-identify as a cat in peace - my Cathar Sith warrior Darth M'ew is an evil Hello Kitty knockoff... 😼
Dear cis "allies"... this? Don't do this.

Most days I barely even bother to correct strangers anymore, and when I do the exchange is almost universally:

Them: "Oh, sorry."
Me: "No worries."

Like it's one thing to get very pointedly "sir"ed when I'm wearing a dress, they can piss off and I'm fine telling them so. But getting confrontational in a one-off situation like this is worse than worthless.

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