The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Reminds me that I still haven't picked up a PF2 book yet. Guessing that they sort of went to the Starfinder style character creation?
I didn't do Starfinder, so I'm not sure. Though, I would say PF2 is a big departure from PF1. It's closer to 4E. You pick an ancestry (race), background (skill/social), and class (combat/skill). Once you make level 1 decisions, your level up options are between 2-4 different feats at level up. Multiclassing is essentially hybrid 4E style. Stats boil down to essentially 2-3 different arrays. Pick a primary to pump, and a secondary to raise when possible.

It sounds complicated but its really not. The sheer amount of feats seem daunting, but they have been siloed into packages that boil down to easy decision trees. That is certainly the biggest departure.


I didn't do Starfinder, so I'm not sure. Though, I would say PF2 is a big departure from PF1. It's closer to 4E. You pick an ancestry (race), background (skill/social), and class (combat/skill). Once you make level 1 decisions, your level up options are between 2-4 different feats at level up. Multiclassing is essentially hybrid 4E style. Stats boil down to essentially 2-3 different arrays. Pick a primary to pump, and a secondary to raise when possible.

It sounds complicated but its really not. The sheer amount of feats seem daunting, but they have been siloed into packages that boil down to easy decision trees. That is certainly the biggest departure.
Yes, that sounds very similar to Starfinder.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Edition warring! The evergreen topic.

You know, I am sure that this time it will turn out differently!
I was wrong! Again; again.
Steve Brule What GIF

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