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The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Moderator Emeritus
Do you ever read through some of these threads and wonder: has this person ever played D&D with their friends? or at least with people they like?

"D&D rules are best judged by the absolute worst examples of people who play with them" seems to be an unspoken assumption of people I can't help but think would be the absolute worst examples of people who play D&D. .. uh, i mean pizza. 🍕
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Scenes from Tasha's Pizzeria of Everything
Act II, Scene III

Welcome to Tasha's Pizzeria of Everything! What would you like today?
Customer: Hello, I'd like to order a pizza for my friends, please.
Tasha's: That's very generous of you! Let's get that order set up. What kind of crust?
Customer: I'd like you to use a stack of wet napkins instead of a crust. Can you do that?
Tasha's: Um...yes? I mean we could, but wouldn't your friends enjoy a hand-tossed crust?
Customer: No thanks, let's stick to the wet napkins. And let's make this an extra-large.
Tasha's: Sure. I guess it'll be high in fiber! What sauce?
Customer: Regular red sauce, and extra cheese. Only the best for my friends!
Tasha's: Any other toppings?
Customer: I'd like pepperoni, mushroom, and six pounds of potting soil.
Tasha's: Pepperoni, mush--wait, did you say 'potting soil'?
Customer: Yes please. Six pounds. Make sure it's the finest organic soil too, my friends deserve it!
Tasha's: This doesn't sound like a very good pizza. Are you absolutely sure...
Customer: The internet says pizza is low in fiber, phosphorus, and nitrogen. I'm fixing it.
Tasha's: Nobody has ever asked for a high-phosphorous pizza.
Customer: You're welcome. Now for the weird part...
Tasha's: Oh now it's going to get weird?
Customer: I need you to make it so that my friends have to eat it.
Tasha's: Um. Sorry, I'm not sure I follow. Could you explain that last part?
Customer: Make my friends eat every last bite. No picking stuff off, no eating something else.
Tasha's: You want to force your friends to eat wet napkins and potting soil?
Customer: Maybe some kind of harness and feeding-tube situation? My friends love pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms.
Tasha's: But the dirt...the napkins...
Customer: Because, God as my witness, my friends will eat this pizza. And they will like it.
Tasha's: Are you sure these people are your friends?
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I don't think WoTC wants to touch Matzica, Mystara and Kara-Tur with a 100' pole. That is why there is a disclaimer. To let the fans have what they want without having to touch it.
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#1 Enworld Jerk™
I don't think WoTC wants to touch Matzica, Mystara and Kara-Tor with a 100' pole. That is why there is a disclaimer. To let the fans have what they want without having to touch it.
I don't know that I would lump in Mystara with Maztica and Kara-Tor, the problematic parts of that setting aren't like, inherent to the premise of the thing. Plus of the three it's easily the most popular. I'd say still unlikely but not impossible.


Certainly a lot of threads are like the two people passing each other in cars, and one would say plays D&D, and the other would be talks about it online. It's a trap I fell into at one point, I swore off it irl, not need to go to a-holes anonymous.


Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
Do you ever read through some of these threads and wonder: has this person ever played D&D with their friends? or at least with people they like?
I'd be willing to bet they don't like each other--and absolutely aren't friends--by the time they're done playing.


Moderator Emeritus
I don't think WoTC wants to touch Matzica, Mystara and Kara-Tor with a 100' pole. That is why there is a disclaimer. To let the fans have what they want without having to touch it.

Funny, until the Ardling announcement, I was half-convinced the classic setting they announced was coming back would be Mystara because various kinds of anthropomorphic animal people are kind of its thing.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
A rule on another gaming company's website doesn't allow for the bashing of other games or editions maybe enworld needs that?
From what I can tell--and moderators, please correct me if I'm wrong--the forum rules on ENWorld aren't written to prevent the "bashing of other games or editions." The forum rules are more concerned about preventing the bashing of other people.

I dump on 3E and 4E all the time, but never in the spirit of malice or contempt. I have much respect for the gamers and publishers who are still out there rocking it old-school.

That said: some of us really need to let the older editions be older editions. BECM/Rules Cyclopedia is my absolute favorite version of the game, but you won't see me barking endlessly about how "Basic did it better" and petitioning OneD&D to be some weird retro-clone of it. My 5E: Survivor threads are odious enough! The past is in the past for a reason, and while I might stumble now and again, I really am trying to follow Elsa's fine example and just...
let it go GIF
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From what I can tell--and moderators, please correct me if I'm wrong--the forum rules on ENWorld aren't written to prevent the "bashing of other games or editions." The forum rules are more concerned about preventing the bashing of other people.
here's the full rule, It's from their general RPG section

"Some recent threads about games people do or don't like have turned nasty. Rude. Uncouth, even.

That has to stop.

If you dislike a game, it's fine to say so. It's equally fine to give reasons why you dislike it. It is not fine, under ANY circumstances, to belittle those who do like the game, even by implication ("That's a great game for players who chased parked cars as children"). That is flaming, and it is inappropriate.

No one's saying you have to like every game that's published. I certainly don't. But you DO have to respect that other people may like the games you don't, for perfectly valid reasons starting with "we have fun playing it," and if you feel compelled to criticize a game, make sure you criticize the game, not the players.

If you think this message is directed at you, it probably is. There's been way too much of this going around of late. Chill out, remember that in the end we're all gamers, and show people a little more respect even when they're playing a game you wouldn't touch with a hazmat suit and a bomb-sniffing waldo."

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